Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1605 Waste of natural resources! (4 more updates)


The Demon Emperor Dapeng was stunned for a moment. When he saw the wretched donkey face in front of him, he fell into a daze at the next moment. The wings behind him stopped flapping, and with a "boom", He fell heavily to the ground.

The huge body of the Dapeng Demon Emperor fell to the ground, causing a cloud of smoke and dust to billow immediately.

"Bah, bah, bah!"

The bitch fell to the ground with the Demon Emperor Dapeng. He was disgraced and coughed up a few mouthfuls of dust. Then he jumped up and laughed loudly: "Boy Lingfeng, your Shura magic ring is really useful." ah!"

Under his arm, there was a dying old woman, who was naturally Elder Haoyue.

"Haha, bitch, you did a great job this time!"

Ling Feng nodded and smiled at him, feeling relieved in his heart.

It turns out that the ring that Jianlu used to knock the Demon Emperor Dapeng on the forehead was the Shura Demonic Ring that he got from a barbarian elder when he was in the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss. (PS: For details, see "Chapter 1433 Shura Demonic Ring!")

This treasure was originally a sacred object of the barbarians and could be used to refine and control corpse puppets. However, Ling Feng had always felt that this object was too vicious, so he never used it.

Before entering the Forbidden God Realm, Ling Feng took out some useful and not too big things at once, and this Shura Demonic Ring was one of them.

The Forbidden God Realm is indeed powerful, but this barbarian holy object is indeed extraordinary. Although most of the power in the Forbidden God Realm is also imprisoned, the characteristics of this treasure are still there, that is, it can imprison any living being. The origin of the soul.

Ling Feng deliberately delayed time with the Dapeng Demon Emperor in order to focus all the Dapeng Demon Emperor's attention on himself.

But at this time, the bitch god lurked up high without anyone noticing, jumped directly on Demon Emperor Dapeng, used spicy temptation, and hit Demon Emperor Dapeng on the head hard, and the result can be imagined.

The Dapeng Demon Emperor is indeed powerful, but within the realm of the Forbidden God, its consciousness is also sealed, so naturally there is no room for resistance against the power of the Shura Demonic Ring.

As soon as the ring was smashed down, the Dapeng Demon Emperor's soul was imprisoned by the Shura Demonic Ring, and naturally he could no longer control his body.

If in the outside world, Ling Feng could use this Shura Demonic Ring to directly control the Demon Emperor Dapeng and make him into a puppet. However, now that the soul power is sealed, he can only use the Demonic Shura Ring to imprison Demon Emperor Dapeng. Just a soul.

At this moment, the Dapeng Demon Emperor was like a walking corpse, lying quietly on the ground. Although it still had life characteristics, it no longer posed any threat.

"Great, it worked!"

Fairy Qingping looked at Ling Feng excitedly, her beautiful eyes flashing with brilliance. Sure enough, Ling Feng had been prepared for it.

As he lowered his head, looking at Ling Feng's profile, his heart beat slightly.

A wisp of red flashed across her face. Fairy Qingping quickly calmed down her discoloration and secretly reminded her: she is not the kind of frivolous and dissolute woman. She and Senior Brother Qin are a couple, and we must not be half-hearted!

"You...what did you do to Lord Demon Emperor!"

Seeing Demon Emperor Dapeng lying motionless on the ground, Yuan Yangzi's direct disciple suddenly panicked. He coughed up blood and shouted, "Master Demon Emperor, what's wrong with you?"

"Hmph, you should worry about yourself first!"

Ling Feng glared at the Blood Shadow Alliance disciple, threw it into the hands of the cheap donkey, and immediately jumped to the ground with Fairy Qingping on his back.

After kicking the monster hard several times and finding that he couldn't move, Ling Feng felt relieved.

It's a pity that I can't activate the Shura Demonic Ring now, otherwise I can consider taking this monster into a puppet.

But now, firstly, this monster is very likely to break through the confinement of the Shura Demonic Ring. Secondly, it is huge in size, and I cannot open the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. Since I can’t take it away, I have to kill him first to avoid it happening again. What an accident.

Drawing out the double blades of nothingness, Ling Feng directly opened two blood holes in the neck and heart of the Dapeng Demon Emperor, and the blood flowed everywhere.

"Damn it, you kid is so wasteful!"

The bitch threw Elder Longyue and the hostages of the Blood Shadow Alliance into the cave. Without thinking, he immediately jumped down, glared at Ling Feng and cursed: "This is all demon blood containing the blood of divine beasts!"

"What should I do? I can't take it away!"

Ling Feng glanced at the donkey. This Dapeng Demon Emperor was full of treasures. Unfortunately, none of the space magic weapons could be opened, so he could only choose to take away some of them.

"Why can't I drink it?"

As the bitch said, he lay down directly, pointed at the blood hole on the neck of the Dapeng Demon Emperor, "suck, suck, suck" and began to drink the blood.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, and filled some demon blood in a small bottle. He didn't bother to talk to the bitch anymore, and led Fairy Qingping into the grotto by jumping several times.

At this moment, some of the disciples in the grotto were punching and kicking the Blood Shadow Alliance hostage, while some of the disciples who had no strength were surrounding the dying Elder Wu Yue, with tears in their eyes.

There were also some disciples who didn't even have the strength to stand up and just lay there, weeping sadly.

Elder Haoyue sacrificed too much for them!

"You damn beasts! You have killed so many of our senior brothers and insulted so many of our senior sisters! You deserve to die!"

"Kill him, peel off his skin, and cramp his tendons!"

The angry Donglingxianchi disciples kept punching and kicking the Blood Shadow Alliance hostage. The Blood Shadow Alliance disciple's limbs had been crushed by Ling Feng, and he could only lie there and let the Donglingxianchi disciples beat him. , and kept making screams like killing pigs.

At this time, when they saw Ling Feng and Fairy Qingping entering the grotto, the disciples looked up at Ling Feng and shed tears one by one.

"Junior Brother Ling, you...we, thank you!"

Everyone was choked up and even speechless. It was Ling Feng who gave them a chance to be reborn.

"I see."

Ling Feng sighed, these people have suffered enough these days.

"How is Elder Haoyue?"

Fairy Qingping asked softly, and immediately some disciples burst into tears, "Elder... Elder, I'm afraid he may not be able to survive!"

"Let me see and then talk!"

Ling Feng quickly walked to Elder Longyue, sat down cross-legged, and immediately checked her injuries.

However, Ling Feng's expression became more serious.

The surrounding disciples all felt a thump in their hearts. It was obvious that Elder Wuyue's situation was not optimistic.

"Junior Brother Ling, tell me quickly, Elder, she...she..."

"Quiet! Don't disturb Ling Feng!"

Fairy Qingping scolded her coldly.

Everyone clenched their fists and did not dare to say anything more. They just looked at Ling Feng and Fairy Qingping together and couldn't help but feel curious.

Ling Feng and Fairy Qingping were undoubtedly influential figures in Dongling Fairy Pond, but before that, they seemed to have some conflicts.

But at this moment, Fairy Qingping seems to be dominated by Ling Feng everywhere.

In everyone's impression, Fairy Qingping has never been polite to any man. Why is it that she is talking about Ling Feng now? The relationship between this is not simple!


At this moment, a refreshing fragrance slowly came.

Everyone followed the aroma and saw that it was Ling Feng who took out a small bottle of fiery red liquid and poured it gently into Elder Wuyue's mouth.

Surprisingly, after Elder Hazy Moon swallowed the spiritual liquid, his face began to regain its rosy color.

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