Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1615 Shenhuang Picture Book! (3 updates)

The next moment, the sound of the flute sounded leisurely, and Zuo Feiqing integrated into the sound of the flute with the artistic conception of wind. For a moment, the strong wind swept towards Yuanyangzi like a knife.

In just a moment, Yuan Yangzi's skin was torn all over, and his flesh and blood became blurred. The wind blade was invisible and penetrated his body. It seemed that there were blades as thin as cicada wings, scraping his flesh in his body. Compared with being cut into pieces with a thousand knives, Ling Chi's punishment , ten times more painful.

However, Biluo Shengji used the power of the wood element to protect Yuanyangzi's heart, so that he could not even break his heart or commit suicide on the spot, so he could only endure such painful torture.

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, but he didn't have any sympathy for evil heretics like Yuan Yangzi. As for that bitch, he looked like he suddenly realized it, and secretly muttered: "It turns out that you can still torture people like this, learn from it." Got it!"


With a scream, Yuan Yangzi finally couldn't bear it any longer and said in a trembling voice: "Stop...stop! I said...I said it!"

"Hmph, if I had known this, why would I wait for me to take action?"

The sound of the flute stopped suddenly. Zuo Feiqing took the jade flute back into his sleeve and said calmly: "Elder Demon, if you reveal the conspiracy of your Blood Shadow Alliance, Zuo will give you a good time."

Yuan Yangzi was trembling all over, panting, staring coldly at Zuo Feiqing, and said bitterly: "Zuo, you'd better pray that you don't fall into my hands!"

"You talk a lot of nonsense. It seems that you still want to have a taste of my Wind Blade Demonic Sound."

"No need! I said!"

Yuan Yangzi took a deep breath, struggled to get up from the ground, stared at the entrance of the secret room, and said solemnly: "There is indeed a major secret buried in this secret room, and there is a volume hidden in it. Shenhuang Picture Book!”

"Pictures of the Desolate Gods!"

In an instant, the expressions of the four palace masters changed. Ling Feng also narrowed his eyes slightly, vaguely seeming to feel that this term was a bit familiar.

"Bullshit!" Lei Wensheng immediately yelled: "Old guy, don't deliberately make up lies to deceive us just to avoid suffering some physical pain! I have been in and out of this secret room countless times, except There isn’t even a single hair on an ancient Yuan Gathering Array!”

"Humph, it's just that you are ignorant."

Yuan Yangzi snorted, looked at the secret room, and said solemnly: "If you don't believe it, I can take it out and show it to you!"

"Hmph, if you can't find it, I will make you die miserably!"

Lei Wensheng kicked Yuan Yangzi on the back and said coldly: "Hurry up and go find him!"

Yuan Yangzi turned around and glared at Lei Wensheng, and staggered into the alley step by step. Huiyue Shengji and the four others immediately followed, for fear of what Yuan Yangzi might do.

Ling Feng thought for a while and immediately followed. This "Pictures of the Wilderness of the Gods" might be some kind of peerless treasure.

"Wait a moment."

Zuo Feiqing, who was walking in front, suddenly turned around, glanced at Ling Feng, and said slowly: "Ling Feng, just stay outside. This matter is a top-level secret of the sect. You are just an ordinary disciple. You know that Tai Too much, no good.”


Ling Feng frowned slightly. Zuo Feiqing's consideration was not unreasonable, but after struggling for so long, he was not allowed to participate when the secret was finally revealed?

"Humph, Zuo Feiqing, don't use the sect as a shield. Things like opportunities are only for those who are destined to get them. Boy, I like you very much, so you can follow me! I will protect you!"

Lei Wensheng snorted coldly. He didn't necessarily see how pleasing Ling Feng was, but he just wanted to go against Zuo Feiqing.

"This is simply unreasonable!"

Zuo Feiqing flicked his sleeves, glanced at Huiyue Shengji and Biluo Shengji, and said in a deep voice: "What do you two junior sisters think?"

"I don't care." Huiyue Shengji's face was expressionless and indifferent.

Biluo Shengji looked at Ling Feng gently and said slowly: "I heard from Xiao Mu that Ling Feng rescued many disciples this time and made great contributions to the sect. Since he is involved, he is destined to let him. It doesn’t matter if he goes in.”

"Did you hear that? Even Bi Luo said that!"

Lei Wensheng laughed loudly, walked to Ling Feng, stretched out his hand and directly hooked Ling Feng's neck, "Brother Ling, I heard that you are very familiar with that boy Lin Mu. You are his brother, and I am his." Big brother, then we will be brothers from now on!”

"Uh... you are the master of a palace, how can you..."

Ling Feng's mind didn't turn around for a while. This guy's thinking was a little jumpy.

"Tch, why is the master of the palace not the master of the palace? When I make friends, I just don't like what I see. He is a man, so he doesn't behave coquettishly. I despise that kind of person the most!" Lei Wensheng snorted, although He didn't mention anyone by name, but it was clear in every sentence that he was talking about Zuo Feiqing.

"Okay..." Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, but nodded, "Then please ask Brother Lei to take care of my little brother in the future."

"Hahaha, easy to say, easy to say!"

Lei Wensheng laughed loudly and patted Ling Feng's shoulder heavily.

Ling Feng couldn't laugh or cry in his heart. He had so confusedly called himself brother-in-law with Lei Wensheng, one of the Eight Hall Masters?

However, this Lei Wensheng is also a forthright person, he has no airs, he is outspoken, and he is a trustworthy person.

"It's just nonsense!"

Zuo Feiqing shook his head. It wasn't that he had any prejudice against Ling Feng, it was just that he had always been modest and polite in his behavior, and he deeply despised rough people like Lei Wensheng.

"I am happy that happiness is the key to a person's life!"

Lei Wensheng rolled his eyes sideways and kicked Yuan Yangzi on the back again, "Old Demon, why are you still lingering? Go and find the Shenhuang Picture Book!"

Yuan Yangzi was kicked for no reason, and his heart was filled with hatred, but he had to lower his head under the eaves, quickly ran to the center of the secret room, squatted down, and started playing with it.

Ling Feng couldn't help but look around. Although the energy in his body was sealed and unable to absorb the rich spiritual power here, just being here, the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth had almost turned into a liquid state, as if he was wandering in the spiritual energy. It's like being in the sea, making people feel relaxed and happy.

Even the feeling of weakness caused by the excessive use of swallowing flames was completely gone.

The Holy Princess Huiyue on the side is obviously the same, and her face is a little rosy.

Yuan Yangzi squatted in front of the ancient magic circle and played with it for a while, then took out a piece of jade from his arms and gently embedded it in a certain formation.


The ground shook for a while, and the ancient magic circle that had existed for countless thousands of years actually broke from the center. The next moment, a huge stone slab slowly rose from under the Juyuan Magic Circle.

Everyone was staring at the stone slab, which was engraved with some strange and weird patterns, which made people completely confused, but it seemed to contain some unfathomable mysteries, which made people fall deeply into it and find it difficult to understand. Extricate yourself...

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