Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1616 The cunning Yuanyangzi! (4 more updates)

"This is the Shenhuang Picture Book!"

Yuan Yangzi glanced at the Atlas of Divine Desolation and said slowly: "The leader of the alliance worked hard to decipher the information recorded in a piece of jade, and there is a volume of "Illustration of Divine Desolation" sealed under the Dongxianchuan mineral vein! "

Huiyue Shengji, Biluo Shengji, Lei Wensheng, Zuo Feiqing, and even Ling Feng and Jianlu were all staring at the Shenhuang catalogue. Based on their vision, for a moment, they were completely unable to From the catalog of the gods and wilderness, you can get a glimpse of any mystery.

At this moment, suddenly, a slight breaking sound sounded. However, everyone's attention was focused on the Shenhuang Picture Book, and no one noticed the slight breaking sound.


Something seemed to break apart. The next moment, Yuan Yangzi flicked his sleeve and threw out a crystal. Then, before he had time to do anything, he took out a talisman with his right hand.


With a flash of dim light, Yuan Yangzi's figure immediately escaped into the void and disappeared without a trace. Only a voice came, "Dongling Immortal Pond, Masters of the Four Halls, I remember you!"

"Dammit, let him get away!"

By the time everyone reacted, it was already too late to take action.

The next moment, everyone realized that the Yuan Power that had been sealed in the body was flowing again. It seemed that Yuan Yangzi had taken the initiative to break the Forbidden God Realm here in order to escape.

"What a cunning Yuanyangzi!"

A cold light flashed in the eyes of Holy Princess Huiyue, and she said coldly: "It seems that after the elder demon was captured, he had already expected this step and had made plans to escape."

"This old guy!"

Lei Wensheng cursed loudly and gritted his teeth.

"At the last moment, the elder demon seemed to have used a rubbing crystal to imprint all the contents of the Divine Desolate Catalog, and brought it back to the Blood Shadow Alliance. This may be a threat!"

Biluo Shengji said slowly with a worried look on her face.

"Actually, in my opinion, although the elder demon escaped with the rubbing content of the Shenhuang Tulu, the original body of the Shenhuang Tulu was obtained by our Dongling Fairy Pond. In any case, studying the main body of the Shenhuang Tulu , the chance of getting a glimpse of the mystery is undoubtedly much greater."

Zuo Feiqing looked at the huge bluestone and said in a deep voice.

Biluo Shengji nodded, and then continued: "What Senior Brother Zuo said is reasonable, but this matter needs to be informed to the head and the three Half-Saint Ancestors as soon as possible."

"Then what to do with this bluestone slab? Transport it back directly?"

Lei Wensheng glanced at the catalog of Shenhuang. After reading it for a long time, he couldn't figure out the reason, so he simply didn't bother to think about it.

"Let's see if we can take it back."

Huiyue Shengji took a deep breath, the energy in her body began to flow, and she turned her jade hands to move the stone slab.


The huge bluestone trembled slightly, but the next moment, Saint Huiyue groaned and spurted out a mouthful of blood. Everyone looked at her with concern.

"Senior Sister Huiyue, how are you?" Biluo Shengji hurriedly stepped forward and slowly absorbed a trace of pure wood spiritual energy.

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes slightly. In terms of medical skills, Biluo Shengji may not be as good as him, but her original power of the wood element, the recovery effect is unparalleled. Sure enough, after a while, Senior Sister Huiyue regained her breath and looked solemn. He said: "It doesn't matter, it's just that this stone slab is too heavy. I was careless just now, which affected the injuries in my body. In my opinion, it may be possible to move it with the combined strength of the four of us."

It's no wonder that Yuanyangzi had planned it long ago, but he only used rubbing crystals to rub the contents of the Shenhuang Catalog, but did not directly take away the Shenhuang Catalog.

First of all, if he really takes away this stone slab, I am afraid that the four palace masters will chase him to the end of the world and they will definitely catch up with him.

Secondly, the bluestone slab was too heavy, and it was impossible for him to take it away with his own strength.

"Hmph, Junior Sister Huiyue, don't be too pushy when you're injured. Just look at me, Mr. Lei!"

Lei Wensheng laughed loudly. He was proficient in the magical power of thunder, and also practiced body training. Although his body training skills were not very high, in terms of brute force, he was definitely the strongest among the eight hall masters of Donglingxianchi.

"Wake it up for me!"

I saw Lei Wensheng striding up to the bluestone slab with the illustrations of Shenhuang engraved on it. He stood forward with his big horse and golden sword, his legs were slightly bent, and with all his strength, he hugged the bluestone slab, and his waist and horse became one. , exert force instantly!


The next moment, there was a clear sound of dislocation. Lei Wensheng's old face turned black from holding back, and he jumped back a few steps, "Ouch! My old waist!"

Ling Feng immediately stepped forward and patted Lei Wensheng's back a few times. Then Lei Wensheng regained his composure and glanced at Ling Feng curiously, "Brother Ling, I never thought you had such a hand. ah!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "I'm just proficient in some medical skills, not worth mentioning."

Zuo Feiqing, who was on the side, sneered, "Junior sister Huiyue has already said that this stone slab requires the strength of four of us to move it. Some people like to show off their abilities and are simply asking for trouble."

"Huh, Zuo, if you're capable, try moving one. If it doesn't work, shut up!" Lei Wensheng turned around and glared at Zuo Feiqing. The two of them seemed to be incompatible. No one could look at each other. Who doesn't like it.

Ling Feng wisely stepped aside and neither of them helped.

However, as he looked at the Shenhuang Picture Book, he vaguely felt that these patterns seemed to have a sense of déjà vu.

What exactly it is is somewhat unclear.

But soon, with his powerful memory, the contents of the entire Shenhuang Atlas were memorized in his mind, deeply imprinted in his spiritual sea, and he would never forget it again.

At this time, Zuo and Lei finally stopped arguing, and the four hall masters, one in each corner, began to work together to take away the huge bluestone slab.

Sure enough, with the combined efforts of the four, the bluestone slab, although heavy, gradually began to leave the ground.



In the secret room, the four hall masters kept groaning, especially Lei Wensheng and Zuo Feiqing. As men, they naturally bore most of the weight. Both of them gritted their teeth, their veins bulged, their legs trembled, and they seemed to have exhausted all their strength.

As for Huiyue Shengji and Biluo Shengji, they had also used all their strength, and a thin layer of sweat appeared on their foreheads.

However, even though the four of them almost used all their strength, they could only barely lift the bluestone slab. The four of them were frozen in place at this moment, unable to put it down or move it, and were very embarrassed for a while.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, took a deep breath, strode to the middle of the bluestone slab, and said slowly: "Palace masters, why don't you let me lend a hand."

"Nonsense, stop joking, stay away from the stone slab, if any of the four of us lose strength, you will be smashed into a meat pie!"

Lei Wensheng cursed in a low voice, but Ling Feng was unmoved, just step by step, walked to the middle of the bluestone slab, and the next moment, the blood and energy in his body burst out instantly!

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