Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1621 Unparalleled Emperor Shadow! (1 update)

At the same time, in the holy realm at the highest point of Donglingxian Pond, an old man sitting cross-legged behind an old turtle opened his eyes leisurely.

"Oh, it looks like that little guy is about to be promoted to the inner sect. I'm afraid I will be busy for a while!"

The old man gently stroked his white beard, looked at the clouds below, suddenly narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Hey, Biluo girl is taking a bath! Hehe..."

However, when he took a closer look, two green lights suddenly shot out from the clouds, shining directly into his eyes. The old man quickly turned over and jumped off the turtle's back.

At the same time, there was also an angry scolding, "Sexy old man, if you dare to peek again, I will blind your eyes!"

"This girl's temper is getting louder and louder!"

The old man shook his head and sighed, not daring to peek any further. The old turtle at his feet raised his head and glanced at the old man disdainfully, "You perverted old man, you have simply disgraced the name of the Three Great Half-Saints!"

"It's just a false name. Whoever wants it can take it."

The old man jumped on the turtle's back again, took a deep breath, and recalled the scene he had seen in the turtle mirror. He couldn't help but sigh softly and murmured to himself: "With less than a year left, that kid really has grown up enough." Get up..."

Three days passed by in a flash.

On the morning of the third day, Ling Feng left the customs early, and Fang Wen had prepared a sumptuous breakfast for him.

Ling Feng didn't hurry, and after having breakfast, he walked out of his Heaven-level No. 1 Mingjian Tower.

After today, this Mingjian Tower will probably change owners.

Because no matter whether he wins or loses this battle, Ling Feng will become an inner disciple.

Fang Wen sent him to the door.

The outer disciples, with reverence, sent him to the junction of the two realms of heaven and earth.

The inner disciples, with expectations and curiosity, sent him all the way to the center of the heaven, the biggest challenge platform!

Countless inner disciples appeared, strange ones, familiar ones, known ones, and unknown ones. They all rushed to the ring and looked at it from a distance.

Several sect elders showed up, all wanting to see the rumored Ling Feng!

Even above the clouds, someone glimpsed a few mysterious figures, who turned out to be the three palace masters!

The master of Xuanlei Palace, Zuo Feiqing!

Jingfeng Palace Master Lei Wensheng!

The Lord of Earth Spirit Hall, Biluo Shengji!

Three palace masters suddenly came to the Eight Palaces of Heaven. It must be said that even if it was a battle between the No. 1 Young Emperor of the Inner Sect, there might not be so many palace masters to support it.

In fact, some palace masters who did not attend the scene in person also used some magic weapons to secretly observe the battle.

Everyone knows that Ling Feng is a monster, but no one knows how evil Ling Feng is.

And Wushuang Young Emperor is undoubtedly a good touchstone.

Of course, the Wushuang Young Emperor abandoned his cultivation, re-established his supernatural powers, and finally broke through to the realm of the Great Emperor. Today may also be a battle to rectify his reputation.

Between the two of them, each is the stepping stone of the other. The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit!

Under the gaze of countless eyes, Ling Feng stepped onto the ring with a calm expression, as calm as the water of a cold lake, without any ripples.


On the horizon, a round of golden light rose into the sky. It was the shadow of an unparalleled emperor. It was accompanied by the shadows of thousands of gods and demons, and the sound of shaking the sky and the sky was overwhelming.

Boundless domineering, terrifying power, majestic and astonishing.

The sky gradually darkens, and the earth slowly sinks.

The palpitating aura radiates in all directions from the emperor's shadow!

For a moment, it seemed that there was only this unparalleled God of War in the sky and on the ground!


The unparalleled emperor's shadow came quickly, carrying the boundless wind.

Like thunder, it suppresses all directions.


The imperial shadow landed quickly, shocking the arena!


The arena shook, and cracks spread everywhere!

This arena is the largest arena in the heaven, and it is also the strongest arena.

For hundreds of years, countless inner sect masters have fought against each other in the arena without leaving a single crack.

Hundreds of years have left only a few vicissitudes of life.

Emperor Ying's kick shook this indestructible century-old arena!

The black light faded away, and a majestic and domineering figure suddenly appeared!

The square face outline and dark eyes exuded overwhelming domineering power!

The tall figure and the restrained momentum of the whole body also give people a feeling of fear.

It seemed that the young man in front of me was not just a human being, but a terrifying monster hidden under the human body!

Standing with his hands behind his back, Wushuang Young Emperor stared at Ling Feng indifferently with a pair of dark eyes.

Boom! ——

The people he caught in the aftermath of his gaze had their hearts beating hard.

It seems that his gaze can also kill people!


Ling Feng opened his eyes slightly, looked at the young man in front of him, his expression was calm and calm, and he simply said two words.

It seems that he is facing an ordinary opponent, not an unparalleled young emperor.

The words "Let's fight" made countless people's hearts beat faster and their eyes filled with excitement.

The Wushuang Young Emperor looked at Ling Feng indifferently and finally spoke slowly.

The voice is as thick as a mountain, oppressing people's hearts!

"A battle without stakes would be boring."

The unparalleled young emperor stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes squinting across the world, as if he was born to be the superior. Anyone in front of him would invisibly lower his head.

This is the meaning of Wushuang, the unparalleled tyrant!

From the beginning to the end, Ling Feng was like an invisible breeze, without any pressure at all. Different from the aggressive momentum of Wushuang Young Emperor, he just said calmly: "The spiritual core you want is gone, and I no longer have it in my hand." Something to bet on.”

The Wushuang Young Emperor, his black eyes flashed with murderous intent, grinned, and his smile was strange, terrifying, and cold: "Now, I don't want any spiritual core, but something else!"

"Say!" Ling Feng calmly spoke out one word!

"Your! Life!"

The unparalleled young emperor, his words are concise and concise, every word can cut the heart, and every sentence can kill people.


In an instant, the whole place was in an uproar, and the expressions of the disciples who came to watch the battle changed.

On the high platform, the elders looked at each other and looked up at the three palace masters in the sky. Seeing that they were all silent, they all chose to be silent.

In gambling battles, even elders cannot interfere without special reasons.

Even if they are gambling with their lives!

There was no wave in Ling Feng's eyes, as if he had expected this scene.

"Bet on my life? What are you betting on? I don't care about your life." Ling Feng said lightly.

The Wushuang Young Emperor sneered: "Who do you think you are? Are you worthy of gambling on my life? You can't afford to pay for this Young Emperor's life!"


The Wushuang Young Emperor took out a letter of divorce from his palm and said coldly: "This letter of divorce from Yu Qingping is my gambling capital!"

The Wushuang Young Emperor, with cold eyes: "If you can win, the divorce letter will be deemed valid! How about I, the Young Emperor, let you and that bitch get married?"

Hearing these words, everyone was shocked again.

It turns out that there have long been rumors that there is an engagement between Wushuang Young Emperor and Fairy Qingping, and it is indeed true. And the Wushuang Young Emperor actually used this piece of divorce paper to start a gambling battle. It was obvious that he had never regarded Yu Qingping as a beloved person, but just a plaything that could be thrown away casually.

From beginning to end, all he cared about was his own face.

His letter of divorce is an attempt to humiliate Ling Feng. You are just picking up the old shoes that I, Qin Zusheng, don't want. The viciousness of his heart is evident.

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