Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1622 Void Sky Karma Flame! (2 updates)

"Do you dare to bet?" Wushuang Young Emperor stared at Ling Feng coldly, his voice seemed to come out of the Nine Nether Hell, it was terrifyingly cold.

He has made up his mind that Ling Feng will be killed in today's battle!

This battle was already doomed from the moment Ling Feng snatched away his spiritual core. Even if there was no incident with Fairy Qingping, there would still be no sand in his eyes.

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows slightly, secretly feeling unworthy for Fairy Qingping.

Thousands of miles away, knowing that they will die, but also dying together, they are so determined to find the Wushuang Young Emperor.

In the end, it ended up like this, so why bother?

Today, Wushuang Young Emperor can give her up to Ling Feng.

Tomorrow, you can also give it to Li Feng, Wang Feng, Zhang Feng...

Even if Fairy Qingping had any place in Wushuang Young Emperor's heart, she would not be used as a bet.

Among the crowd, Fairy Qingping stood in the shadows. No one could see her beautiful face, and no one could hear her sudden sadness. Her heart was broken and bleeding.

The unparalleled young emperor has a ruthless heart.

Fairy Qingping understands this very well. It is precisely because of his ruthlessness that he is so powerful.

She didn't ask for more, she just wanted to stay with Wushuang Young Emperor, and that was enough.

All she wanted was to follow him. Such a humble wish had now become fragmented.

Around the arena, countless disciples and elders gasped!

They had all heard the rumors about Ling Feng fighting for the beauty, but after all, they were just rumors and should not be taken seriously.

But the scene before him seemed to confirm this statement. Could it be that Ling Feng really came here for Fairy Qingping?

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back, a look of contempt flashing in his eyes.

Those who abandon others will eventually be abandoned! The Wushuang Young Emperor will regret it sooner or later. When his glory is gone, he will eventually understand the value of sincerity in life.

And now, he has personally destroyed a heart that was sincere to him.

In this case, he finally got to know Fairy Qingping, and by accepting this battle, he not only cleared a trouble for himself, but also gave her her freedom.

From now on, it is up to her to decide where to go.

"You can bet if you want!"

Ling Feng's face remained as calm as ever, "Since you want to bet, then bet bigger! How about betting on the name of your young emperor?"

Betting on the name of the Young Emperor?

The eyelids of countless disciples were twitching wildly again.

"This Ling Feng is really arrogant. Couldn't he see the unparalleled imperial shadow that Senior Brother Qin displayed just now? Even so, does he still think he can defeat Senior Brother Qin?"

"Oh my God, it's getting more and more exciting! My heart is about to jump out!"

"Bet on women! Bet on status! Bet on life! This is really a big gamble!"


The whole audience was excited. This was a competition that no one could afford to lose!

On the stage.

The Wushuang Young Emperor laughed wildly: "Ling Feng, do you think you can beat me? Just you?"

"Bet or not, just one sentence!"

Ling Feng didn't say much. There was nothing to say to this kind of person.

The sword in your hand will tell everything.

"You gave me another reason to kill you!"

The Wushuang Young Emperor's eyes were filled with murderous intent, "Okay, then I'll bet on the Young Emperor's name! However, you may return to the underworld to be your Young Emperor!"

"Then let's fight."

Ling Feng slowly drew out the ten directions and destroyed them all. At the same moment, the forging Qi Hunyuan Locks in his body opened one after another.




Every time a Hunyuan Lock is opened, the void trembles, and the cracks under the feet that were originally cracked by the Wushuang Young Emperor spread even more.

"Sure enough, you are quite capable. No wonder you dare to touch this young emperor's woman!"

The muscles on Wushuang Young Emperor's face twisted for a while, and the originally handsome face became like an evil ghost, "Ling Feng! I will make you suffer to death!"

"Void Sky Karma Flame!"

Following the Wushuang Young Emperor's low roar, at the same time, a round of fierce black flames erupted from his belly, condensed within three inches of his body, and enveloped his entire body.

From a distance, it looks like a black sun, standing calmly on the ring.


The extremely hard material of the arena beneath his feet melted rapidly under the Xu Tianye Flame, emitting acrid black smoke.

Several elders were secretly surprised.

"It turned out to be Xutian Yeyan. It seems that old boy Shen Guang (PS: Shen Guang, the master of Xutian Palace, as mentioned earlier, Wushuang Young Emperor is a disciple of Xutian Palace), actually passed on this forbidden flame. He wants to shine above the Sunset Chosen!"

High in the sky, Lei Wensheng clasped his hands on his chest and looked at the battle below carelessly.

They had all seen Ling Feng's monsters to some extent, but when they saw Wushuang Young Emperor displaying Xu Tian Ye Yan, the outcome of this game seemed to be confusing again.

"Void Sky Karma Flame is indeed a very terrifying flame. It is different from ordinary fire. It also carries the power of void. If it is not controlled well, it will even bite the owner."

Biluo Shengji showed a solemn look on her face and said slowly: "This Qin Zusheng actually dares to sacrifice and refine Xu Tianye Yan. It is really not easy to control it to such an extent."

"No wonder Qin Zusheng is so confident. Ling Feng is afraid that he will be in a tough fight this time. After all, no matter how strong his brute strength is, it will be useless if he cannot close the distance with his opponent."

Zuo Feiqing shook his head and sighed, "It's a pity. In this competition, Ling Feng loses more than he wins. I'm afraid he will lose his life."

"His grandma's, my new little brother, the boy named Qin will kill him at will? I will kill him!"

Lei Wensheng snorted coldly, "Even if that old boy Shen Guang comes, I won't be afraid!"

Biluo Shengji was reassured that Ling Feng was the person Gui Lao asked her to watch, so she couldn't let anything go wrong with him. If Lei Wensheng took action, Ling Feng's life would be safe.

On stage.

Ling Feng faced Xu Tianye Yan directly and felt it more clearly.

If I had to describe it, it would be the burning feeling of a mortal standing on the side of magma.

With his strong body, his skin also felt slightly hot.

However, the corners of Ling Feng's mouth curved slightly.

This is simply giving him a pillow when he feels sleepy. It's time for him to take supplements again.

Ordinary flames and swallowing flames are no longer looked down upon. Since swallowing the Burning Sky Dragon Fire, there has been no new strange fire to devour, so he accepted the Void Sky Karma Flame without any courtesy.


The Wushuang Young Emperor comes with anger and murderous intent!

The Xutian Karma Flame surged and turned into black dragons, sweeping towards Lingfeng.

"Phantom Wave Hunyuan Palm!"

Ling Feng twisted his sword eyebrows, activated the dragon-elephant divine power, and struck hard at the black dragons transformed by Xu Tianye Flame with his palm.

Tsk! ——

With just a slight touch, the light from Ling Feng's fist was instantly annihilated and turned into nothingness!

"It's useless! The karmic flames of the Void Sky can corrode even immortal weapons. Boy, just accept your death!"

The Wushuang Young Emperor's eyes were cold and he slapped a palm boldly!

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