Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1625 Huang Zun! (2 updates)

In the center of the heaven of Dongling Xianchi, in a fairy palace surrounded by clouds and mist.

This place is the place where Tianyuan Saint Emperor, the head of Dongling Xianchi, is in seclusion. On weekdays, Tianyuan Saint Emperor rarely appears. Many affairs of Dongling Xianchi are handled by the eight hall masters. Unless there are some major events that shake the sect, the head master will come out in person.

For example, the invasion of the northern barbarians and the attack on Dongxianchuan. In the past six months, this head master has been quite uneasy.

Not long after, under the leadership of the three hall masters, Ling Feng entered an extremely magnificent hall.

At this moment, in front of the hall, there was a gray-robed man standing in front of the head master's throne. He was full of aura and returned to nature. At first glance, he seemed to be just an ordinary weak scholar. If he hadn't met him in this head master's hall, Ling Feng would never have regarded him as a martial arts master.

However, the more such a person is difficult to see through, the stronger his strength is.

The Holy Emperor Tianyuan was holding some grains in his hands, and was feeding a bird with three colorful feathers on its head with great concentration.

"Ahem, meet the master, meet the Phoenix Lord!"

Lei Wensheng and the other two seemed to be used to this scene, and they stepped forward and bowed to the Holy Emperor Tianyuan.

"Phoenix Lord?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. Could that harmless bird be the "Phoenix Lord" that Lei Wensheng and the others were talking about?

"Meet the Master."

Ling Feng also bowed deeply to the Holy Emperor Tianyuan. Naturally, he had to give due respect to the Lord of the Holy Land.

"Finally here."

The Holy Emperor Tianyuan put the grains in his hand into the food box of the bird rack, then slowly turned around, his eyes fell on Ling Feng, and said lightly: "You are the kid who won the first merit in the Battle Hall, right?"

"Yes." Ling Feng nodded and responded lightly.

The feeling given by the Holy Emperor Tianyuan is that he is a very gentle middle-aged man, without any sense of superiority and oppression, which makes people feel close to him.

"It is true that heroes emerge from youth. This master also heard that you also made a lot of efforts to retrieve the "Shenhuang Atlas" this time."

"It was just an accident. My original intention was just to rescue a few fellow disciples." Ling Feng looked at the Holy Emperor Tianyuan with a calm face.

"Haha, you are quite honest."

The Holy Emperor Tianyuan smiled faintly, "After all, this master still owes you a promise. Have you thought about what request you want to make to this master?"

Ling Feng nodded, "I have thought about it."

"Tell me, no matter what the request is, this master will agree." The Holy Emperor Tianyuan sat down slowly, and a king's power suddenly swept over.

As the master of Dongling Xianchi, he naturally keeps his promise.

"I don't have any other requests, I just want to participate in the Sunset Heaven Selection, to compete with the geniuses from all sides of the Eastern Spiritual Region!" Ling Feng bowed deeply to the Tianyuan Saint Emperor and said loudly. "Oh?" Tianyuan Saint Emperor was slightly stunned. In fact, this was not a request. As long as Ling Feng was promoted to the inner gate, with his current strength, he would replace the Wushuang Young Emperor and become the eighth young emperor of the new generation. There would be no suspense at all to participate in the Sunset Heaven Selection. Even Lei Wensheng, Zuo Feiqing and several other hall masters changed their expressions slightly. A promise from the Supreme Master, such a precious promise, Ling Feng wasted it like this? "Ling Feng, is this all you want?" Tianyuan Saint Emperor glanced at Ling Feng and asked again. "Yes, this is the only request from the disciple." Ling Feng nodded and said slowly, "As a disciple of Xianchi, working for the sect, how dare I have too many requests. Besides, the contribution points awarded by the sect are enough." "Hahaha!" After hearing Ling Feng's words, Tianyuan Saint Emperor couldn't help but laugh out loud, "Good, very good! If Dongling Xianchi was full of disciples like you, why worry that the sect couldn't grow and prosper." "Master, you are too kind. I am ashamed." Ling Feng smiled faintly and lowered his head. In fact, he had originally thought of asking Tianyuan Saint Emperor to teach him a magical skill or something, but when he was about to make a decision, a familiar voice came from his mind, which was the voice of Turtle Master. "Earth Spirit Hall!" This voice was clearly only heard by himself, and being able to conceal these powerful people in the hall and communicate with his spiritual consciousness, I am afraid that only the three semi-saints in the entire Dongling Xianchi can do it. Ling Feng understood in his heart that Turtle Master probably meant that he wanted to worship in the Earth Spirit Hall. Ling Feng naturally had no doubts about this great man who could give him the Five Emperors Seal and help him break through his cultivation.

If he asked the headmaster for the secret manual of the technique, he would be a registered disciple of the headmaster in name, and it would be inappropriate to join any other hall.

Instead of doing this, it would be better to say something nice to avoid embarrassing the headmaster.

After all, he had the opportunity to join the headmaster, but he chose the Earth Spirit Hall. At least he had to have a reasonable explanation.

"Okay, in this case, the headmaster will agree. You can represent the East Spirit Fairy Pond and participate in the Sunset Heaven Selection." Tianyuan Saint Emperor nodded slightly, his expression was as calm as an ancient well, and he could not see any joy or anger at all.

Ling Feng bowed to Tianyuan Saint Emperor again, "Thank you, headmaster."

Tianyuan Saint Emperor looked calm and asked slowly: "Ling Feng, now that you have been promoted to the inner sect, I wonder which of the eight halls you are interested in joining?"


Ling Feng pretended to be hesitant and said slowly: "Among the eight halls, the only ones that the disciples know more about are the Earth Spirit Hall, the Xuanlei Hall and the Jingfeng Hall. However, when the disciples worshiped Before entering the Dongling Immortal Pond, I had an appointment with Lin Mu, the younger brother of Huiyue Shengji. After joining the Dongling Immortal Pond, I worshiped in the Earthly Spirit Hall. As a man, I thought, since I have been promoted to the inner sect, It’s also time to fulfill your promise and worship in the Earth Spirit Palace.”

After saying that, Ling Feng turned to look at Biluo Shengji and bowed deeply to her, "I hope the palace master will take her in!"

Biluo Shengji was slightly stunned, not expecting Ling Feng to suddenly make such a decision.

On the throne of the sect leader, Holy Emperor Tianyuan was speechless for a while. He had prepared the words to hint that Ling Feng could join his sect, but he suddenly choked back.

The sentence "A man keeps his word" left him speechless!

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter!"

Holy Emperor Tianyuan shook his head and smiled, "In that case, Junior Sister Biluo, please bring Ling Feng into the Earth Spirit Palace."

Biluo Shengji didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a while. After hearing the words of Holy Emperor Tianyuan, she had no choice but to nod her head, "In that case, Ling Feng, from today on, you are a member of the Earth Spirit Palace."

"Thank you, Palace Master, thank you, Master!"

Ling Feng bowed to the two of them. In this way, Ling Feng successfully entered the Earth Spirit Hall and was finally officially promoted to an inner disciple.

Afterwards, Holy Emperor Tianyuan praised Ling Feng a few more words and asked them to retreat.

Watching Ling Feng and others leave, the "Huang Zun" who had been standing quietly on the bird stand slowly said: "It seems that this kid should have been related to those three old guys for a long time. . Earth Spirit Hall, haha, I’m afraid it’s that old turtle.”

"It turns out he's the youngest..."

"Forget it, it's rare that Mr. Turtle is interested in accepting a disciple." Tianyuan Holy Emperor shook his head and smiled, and said: "On the other hand, the Blood Shadow Alliance has been making frequent moves recently. Lord Huang, I think it's time to help you. The power of the Phoenix Clan.”

"The lips are cold and the teeth are dead. Our Phoenix clan has been sheltered by the Dongling Fairy Pond and has been stable for thousands of years. It's time to do something."

Phoenix Lord nodded slightly. The next moment, his figure turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the hall. The next moment, a huge three-color phoenix appeared in the sky. It flapped its wings and disappeared in a short time. Western horizon.

Above the main hall, there was only one free person, Tianyuan Holy Emperor, standing with his hands behind his back, muttering to himself: "Senior brother, even if it has been a thousand years, do you still want to overthrow the Dongling Immortal Pond?"

But it turned out that the mysterious leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance was actually the former senior brother of the Tianyuan Saint Emperor!

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