Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1626 Meet the Turtle Saint! (3 updates)

After leaving the Sect Master's Hall, Ling Feng returned to the Earth Spirit Hall with Biluo Shengji.

Although Ling Feng did not worship Xuan Lei Palace or Jing Feng Palace in the end, Lei Wensheng and Zuo Feiqing did not say much. After all, since Ling Feng initially promised Lin Mu to worship in Earth Spirit Palace, Now they just have to fulfill their promise and they have nothing to say.

The most important thing is that Ling Feng is the disciple of Biluo Shengji, so naturally they don't dare to have any objections.

"Brother Ling, if you are free, you might as well come and sit in my Xuanlei Palace."

Lei Wensheng glanced at Ling Feng, then couldn't help but shake his head and smile, "That's all, there are only more than a month left before the sunset. I guess you don't have much time, so go into seclusion, although you can't join me. Xuan Lei Palace, but it will always bring glory to our Dongling Immortal Pond.”

"Thank you, Brother Lei!" Ling Feng nodded, quite fond of this free and uninhibited big brother.

"Ling Feng, then you should prepare well in the Earth Spirit Hall." Zuo Feiqing also patted Ling Feng's shoulder lightly, then turned to look at Biluo Shengji, raised his hand slightly, and smiled softly: "Then Junior Sister Biluo, I’ll leave first.”

"Sister Biluo, I'm leaving too!"

Lei Wensheng laughed loudly, and the next moment, his figure turned into lightning and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

After the two palace masters left, Biluo Shengji personally took Ling Feng to a separate courtyard and said lightly: "This courtyard is very close to where Xiao Mu lives. You can stay here from now on. I I never thought that you would choose to worship in my Earth Spirit Palace, so I can only temporarily let you live here, and then I will order someone to build a Young Emperor's Mansion specially for you!"

"It's already good here."

Ling Feng was not flattering, even though it was just a small villa, it was not much comparable to the Tianzi No. 1 Mingjian Tower in the world.

"Since you are the Young Emperor, you naturally need a mansion of your own, so consider it a meeting gift from me."

Biluo Shengji smiled faintly and said warmly: "If you have any other requests, just ask."


Ling Feng thought for a while and suddenly said: "One more thing. When the disciple was in the outer sect, there was a junior sister who always followed me to take care of me. I have become accustomed to her taking care of me, so I don't know if it would be convenient for her to be admitted to the Earth Spirit Palace. "

It is said that when one person attains enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.

Fang Wen's talent is not bad. She has followed him for so long, and she has worked hard without any merit. If she can enter the inner sect, it will be her good fortune.

Biluo Shengji smiled faintly, "Since you are already the Young Emperor, you can naturally choose some outer sect disciples as servants. If your strength reaches the standard, it is not a bad idea to be promoted to the inner sect."

"Then I will thank the palace master first on behalf of that junior sister."

Ling Feng smiled slightly, believing that Fang Wen would be very happy if she knew the news.

"That's right." Biluo Shengji glanced at Ling Feng, and then said: "I am a disciple of the Earth Spirit Palace, majoring in wood and earth skills. I'm afraid it's not the best choice for you, but since you choose After entering the Earth Spirit Palace, I will try my best to help you create the best training conditions."


At this moment, a hearty laughter came, "Xiao Biluo, leave it to me to train this boy."

The next moment, an old man with a rickety figure suddenly appeared. Biluo Shengji's expression changed slightly, but she still bowed to the old man and said respectfully: "Greetings, Mr. Gui!"

Ling Feng also quickly bowed down and said, "Disciple has seen Senior Turtle Saint!"

"It turns out that Ling Feng's visit to the Earth Spirit Hall was arranged by Mr. Gui."

Realizing that Ling Feng seemed to have known Turtle Saint for a long time, Biluo Saint Ji suddenly realized that since Ling Feng paid homage to the Dongling Immortal Pond, Gu Lao had already begun to interfere in Ling Feng's affairs. It seemed that Gu Lao had indeed It's because he's thinking about taking on a disciple.

Calculating it this way, Ling Feng's seniority is really no lower than that of her, the master of the palace.

"Haha, Xiao Biluo, I want to borrow this little guy from you temporarily. After a month, I will let him out of seclusion and participate in the sunset selection."

Turtle Saint stroked his long beard and chuckled.

"Since this is what Mr. Gui wants, how can I, a young junior like me, refuse."

Biluo Shengji glanced at Turtle Sheng angrily, her eyes fell on Ling Feng, and said lightly: "Ling Feng, you can grow old, and before you come back, your Young Emperor's Mansion will be completed as scheduled, and I will also have the outer disciple you mentioned before brought to the Earth Spirit Hall."

"Thank you, Lord!"

Ling Feng once again bowed to Biluo Shengji, but Gui Sheng pressed his shoulder. The next moment, the two figures disappeared, like mirror flowers and water, and they disappeared in an instant.

When Ling Feng came back to his senses, he had already appeared in the Holy Land of the Spirit Turtle.

In front of him, there sat an old man with gray hair and chicken skin, and beside him was a huge old turtle. He was actually holding a tea cup and sipping tea slowly.

"Senior Turtle, it's you!"

Seeing this old turtle, Ling Feng couldn't help but remember that when he was in Tianlan Sea, Lin Mu rode this old turtle to the Wuhai Volcanic Island.

This old turtle seems to be very old, but he is probably also a powerful and powerful beast.

"I didn't expect that you still remember me!"

The old turtle nodded, "Know how to respect your elders. You are much better than that rotten piece of wood like Lin Mu."


The Turtle Saint coughed lightly, interrupting the old turtle's chatter. He looked at Ling Feng and said slowly: "Little guy, we finally meet officially."

"Yeah, it's not easy."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, and went to the inner gate from the outer gate. It took almost a year, but during this period, his strength also improved by leaps and bounds.

"Yes, the progress of your strength has exceeded my expectations. However, you should still remember what I said to you that day, right?"

Ling Feng nodded, "Of course I remember."

"So, no matter how fast your progress is, it's still far from enough." Turtle Saint narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "However, I am old and decrepit in the turtle mirror, and I see that you can save the fairy pond, so all I have to do is let nature take its course. , and don’t be too impatient, haste makes waste.”

"Junior, please follow your instructions."

Ling Feng nodded. If he wanted to save the Dongling Immortal Pond, wouldn't it mean that he had to be stronger than the Turtle Saint?

Even if he thinks highly of himself, for the time being, he cannot imagine what it would be like to surpass a semi-saint.

After all, in the realm of the Great Emperor, every level is a threshold, and every third level is a chasm.

Although he has a strength comparable to the third level of destiny, if he encounters the fourth level emperor of destiny and attacks with all his strength without underestimating the enemy, he will have no chance of winning unless he uses the Eye of Shura.

Not to mention, the sixth level of Destiny Realm and the ninth level of Destiny Realm behind!

Three levels and one threshold, no matter how powerful the emperor is, they can't break through it even after spending hundreds of years.

Not to mention, in the semi-saint realm, with the foundation of the East Lingxian Pond, after thousands of years, there are only three semi-saints. As for the Tianyuan Saint Emperor and Huiyue Sacred Lady below, although they are said to be comparable to the semi-saints , but it is only comparable.

Ling Feng was indeed gifted, but even so, it would probably take hundreds of years before he could stand a chance against such a powerful person as Turtle Saint.

However, since Turtle Saint keeps saying that he is the lucky one, there may be some changes in the future.

At least, in Ling Feng's view, the opportunity of Sunset Chosen and Sunset Ancient City in more than a month was an opportunity.

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