"Good boy, your mood is really good!"

Turtle Saint nodded and said calmly: "So, how do you plan to practice in the next month?"

"Huh?" Ling Feng was slightly stunned, "Didn't Senior Turtle Saint want to personally teach me some magical powers?"

"The old man asks himself that he is not qualified to teach the children of heaven. At most, it is just some guidance and assistance."

Turtle Saint smiled faintly and completely put away his wretched and unruly demeanor.

Ling Feng thought for a moment and said slowly: "Senior Turtle Saint has a sharp eye, so he can naturally see that this junior is a fellow cultivator of the three paths. With the body training, the junior has become an emperor in the flesh. With the god training, he can also rival the great emperor's spiritual consciousness. It's just that. , Qi refining is too rich, and every breakthrough is extremely difficult. Therefore, in comparison, what the juniors continue to improve is Qi refining."

"Okay, the idea is clear."

Turtle Saint nodded slightly, "What is your major technique now?"

Ling Feng pondered for a moment and said slowly: "This junior received the inheritance from Saint Void in the tomb of Saint Void, and obtained the "Nine Heavens Star Technique", which is now my main practice."

"Is the Holy Lord of Nothingness inherited?"

A strange color flashed in Gui Sheng's eyes, "Good boy, I originally prepared a "Hunyuan Yi Qigong" for you that is quite suitable for the cultivation of the Tiandao clan, but now it seems that you should continue to practice the "Nine Heavens Star Art" Bar."

Ling Feng nodded, "Nine Heavens Star Technique", which focuses on honing the state of mind of emptiness, annihilation, and peace of mind. It is extremely effective in suppressing the evil spirit of Shura in his body, and the grade is also quite high. Naturally, it has not been replaced in a short period of time. The necessity of exercises.

"In addition, since you are a fellow cultivator of the Three Paths, I also have a "Holy Spirit Technique" here. This secret technique can temporarily burst out the power of spiritual consciousness at critical moments, improve your Qi refining cultivation and body refining realm, and it may be useful to you. Helps.”

"Thank you, Senior Turtle Saint."

Ling Feng took the "Holy Spirit Secret" secret book, opened it, and found various mysteries. This secret technique was suitable for a martial artist like him who was a fellow practitioner of the three paths.

After a pause, the Great Elder continued: "If you want to retreat, go to the hot spring in the back mountain of the Holy Land to practice. That hot spring is directly connected to the spiritual spring of the Immortal Yao Pond. The spiritual power contained in it is comparable to that of the Star List of Creation." The first throne is probably a hundred times higher, it should be helpful to your cultivation. "


Ling Feng couldn't help but take a breath, good guy, it is indeed the exclusive training ground for the powerful semi-saints!

This is just right. Ling Feng has a special physique and is promoted to the Huayuan realm with the limit of a hundred meridians. This means that every time he is promoted, he needs to consume tens of millions of heaven and earth spiritual energy than ordinary people. Now he can practice in the turtle saint's spiritual spring.

In this month, Ling Feng is confident that he can upgrade several levels in a row!

"Thank you, Senior Turtle Saint!" Ling Feng became excited.

"From now on, you can just call me Lao Guilao, open your mouth and keep silent, Senior. In this regard, I prefer Lin Mu."

Gui Lao smiled and patted Ling Feng on the shoulder, and said calmly: "Okay, let's practice hard. We don't have much time left."

"Yes, Mr. Turtle!"

Ling Feng looked at Turtle Saint and clearly saw a hint of worry from the depths of his eyes.

Perhaps, the day when Donglingxian Pond will be catastrophic is not far away.

While Ling Feng was in seclusion, the news about the Wushuang Young Emperor Qin Zusheng's tragic defeat at the hands of Ling Feng quickly spread throughout the Dongling Immortal Pond.

Among the senior officials of Donglingxian Pond, the most angry one was Qin Zusheng's master, Elder Qingxuan Shen Guang.

After bringing Qin Zusheng back to Xutian Palace, if he hadn't seen his miserable appearance as he was dying, he might not have been able to help but want to slap this useless waste to death.

"Master, avenge me, you have to avenge me! Kill that Ling Feng, I want him dead!"

Qin Zusheng, who regained consciousness, had no intention of repenting, but still had hope that the Master of Xutian Palace would avenge him.

"Humph, I still don't know what's wrong!"

The Master of Xutian Hall took a deep breath and was completely disappointed with this apprentice.

"It seems that no matter how much I spend to restore your cultivation, you are just a piece of mud that you cannot afford."

The Master of Xutian Palace shook his head, flicked his sleeves, and turned to leave, "From now on, you are no longer my direct disciple, Shen Guang. Leave Xutian Palace after you recover from your injuries."

After saying that, the master of Xutian Palace strode away without looking back.

And those fellow apprentices who once flattered him all divided up everything they could get from the Young Emperor's house and left each other. There was not even a single person willing to stay and take care of him. .

A person like him is selfish and never takes anyone seriously. When he is prosperous, countless people will naturally follow him. Once he falls, it would be good if others don't add insult to injury. Who else can he expect to be loyal to him?

Maybe there used to be that silly woman, but now, it's impossible for her to come back.

"You rebellious and heartless bastards, the day this Young Emperor rises again, I will kill you all, kill them all!"

The Wushuang Young Emperor was like a mad dog, constantly roaring and roaring, but because of his serious injuries, he could not even stand up. During the fierce struggle, he rolled off the bed and fell heavily to the ground.

A cold feeling came over him, and Wushuang Young Emperor's heart was filled with resentment and anger.

All of this is thanks to Ling Feng!

"Ling Feng, I'm going to kill you!"

"I want you to die! You deserve to die!"


In this way, the Wushuang Young Emperor was alone in his mansion, cursing for three days and three nights, until one day, two "guests" finally came to visit.

The leader was an old man in gold robes, with a gloomy face and a sinister expression. Behind him was a young man, carrying a long sword behind him, and the blazing sun symbol on his chest, proving that the old man and the young man were together. , is a person from Blazing Sun Temple.

If Ling Feng were here, he would definitely be able to recognize that this old man was none other than the elder of the Blazing Sun Temple who secretly attacked him when he was in Tie Bing City, Qing Xuanzi! (PS: For details, see "Chapter 1292: The poor are not allowed to eat!")

As for the young man following him, it was none other than Qin Wuyang, who had an old grudge with Ling Feng.

That day, Elder Qingxuan stood up for Qin Wuyang, stabbed someone in the dark, and seriously injured Ling Feng. If it weren't for Ling Feng's physical strength, he might have died a long time ago.

Not to mention, after Elder Qingxuan knew that Ling Feng was not dead, he bribed the elders of the Mu family to assassinate Ling Feng.

Before this, Ling Feng was just a small outer sect disciple, and Elder Qingxuan didn't pay much attention to it. But now, Ling Feng not only promoted the inner sect, but also defeated the Wushuang Young Emperor and replaced him with an extremely high-profile gesture.

Good to die, the unparalleled young emperor Qin Zusheng is also a junior in the elder Qingxuan's family!

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