Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1628 The only chance! (2 updates)

Elder Qingxuan and Qin Wuyang entered the Young Emperor's Mansion, and saw that the originally grand and majestic Young Emperor's Mansion was now deserted. The entire mansion was in a mess, and everything of value had been removed.

The current Wushuang Young Emperor is a useless person. Even the title of Young Emperor has been taken away, and his cultivation has plummeted. From the realm of the Great Emperor, he has fallen to the cultivation level of the early Human Emperor.

If he hadn't been the personal disciple of Master Xutian Hall, he might not even be qualified to stay in the inner sect.

How can anyone respect and fear the current Wushuang Young Emperor? Perhaps after he leaves Xutian Palace, those disciples who have been suppressed and plundered by him will take the opportunity to come back and take revenge.

"Hey, I didn't expect that my cousin would end up in such a miserable situation."

Qin Wuyang sighed softly, turned his head and glanced at Elder Qingxuan, and couldn't help but shrink his neck. He saw Elder Qingxuan's face was as sinking as water, and his eyes were as frosty. When his gaze was swept away, it was as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, which made people shudder.

"It's that damn boy again!"

Elder Qingxuan snorted coldly. He failed to get rid of Ling Feng when he was still in his infancy. In less than a year, Ling Feng had grown into a top-level existence among the ten young emperors, and even gained The top leaders of the sect have paid a lot of attention, but now it is too late to get rid of Ling Feng.

Soon, Elder Qingxuan saw the dying Qin Zusheng in Wushuang Young Emperor's room. At this moment, he was lying on the ground like a dead dog. He seemed to be tired of scolding, and his eyes were bloodshot, but he was unwilling to close his eyes no matter what. Eyes, there was no sound, he was humming, and he was still cursing Ling Feng in a vague way.


Seeing Qin Zucheng fall to the ground, Qin Wuyang hurriedly stepped forward to help him up. Qin Zucheng saw clearly who was coming and immediately couldn't help but howl, "Uncle, help me! Only you can help me! You have to help me!" You must help me!"

"Cousin, don't get too excited!"

Qin Wuyang helped Qin Zusheng back to the bed, but Elder Qingxuan rushed up and slapped Qin Zusheng hard in the face.

A slap in the face directly stunned Qin Zusheng. He looked at Elder Qingxuan with a confused look on his face, "Uncle, what are you doing?"

"What are you doing? You still have the nerve to ask me what I am doing?"

Elder Qingxuan looked at Qin Zusheng coldly with an expression of resentment, "Let me ask you, why did you use Yu Qingping as a bet and lose her?"

"That bitch!"

When mentioning Fairy Qingping, Wushuang Young Emperor even gritted his teeth, "I am where I am today because of this bitch!"

"Stupid! Idiot!"

Elder Qingxuan slapped her in the face again, "Do you know how much the Qin family paid to get you and Yu Qingping engaged before the Yu family agreed? It would be better for you to just bet? And what's more? Lost her?"

Fairy Qingping is a holy body of ice and snow, and the Wushuang Young Emperor also has a very special physique. Originally, after the Wushuang Young Emperor reached the third level of the Destiny Realm, he only needed to seize Fairy Qingping's Yuan Yin to break through to the fourth level of the Destiny Realm!

You know, the threshold of breaking through from the third level to the fourth level of the Destiny Realm has trapped many talented emperors to death. The path of the Wushuang Young Emperor was originally paved, but because of his willfulness, he destroyed the Great Wall. Speaking of reaching the fourth level of Destiny Realm, it is still unknown whether he can cultivate back to the Great Emperor Realm again.

"You're digging your own grave!"

Elder Qingxuan scolded angrily, raising his palms high, wishing he could slap this incompetent nephew to death.

The Wushuang Young Emperor's eyes dimmed, and he felt lost for a while, "The matter has come to this, it's too late to say anything! I can no longer practice the "Tian Zun Saint King Kung Fu", so what's the point of me still living!"

As he said that, Wushuang Young Emperor wanted to smash his own head with a palm, but Qin Wuyang held him firmly, "Cousin, don't be discouraged! Since uncle is here, he will find a way for you! That Ling Feng, sooner or later He will die in our hands!"

" this true? Is there anything you can do?"

Upon hearing Qin Wuyang's words, Wushuang Young Emperor suddenly raised his head and looked at Elder Qingxuan expectantly.

"Hey!" Elder Qingxuan sighed softly and cursed in a low voice: "Ling Feng! You have done so much harm to others that God cannot tolerate it!!"

In fact, they were the ones who always took the initiative to provoke Ling Feng, but in the end they failed to get any good results and instead blamed the other party. This was really shameless to the extreme.

Taking a deep breath, Elder Qingxuan stared at Qin Zusheng and said slowly: "Your only chance now is to marry Yu Qingping. As long as you plunder her Yuan Yin, you will still have a chance to return to the top!"

"Yu Qingping..."

Qin Zusheng clenched his fists, and a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes: "But how could she come back! At this moment, this bitch might still be having a good time with that boy named Ling!"


Elder Qingxuan glared at Qin Zusheng, "The so-called authority fan, don't you know what Yu Qingping's temperament is like after she has been with you for so many years? You acted so recklessly and pushed her to the top. I'm going to leave! Okay, let me solve this matter. Yu Qingping is your last chance. No matter what, you must capture her!"

"Uncle, if I can really recover my cultivation, from now on, if you ask me to go east, I will never go west!" Qin Zusheng said through gritted teeth.

"Hmph, I hope you can do what you say. If you dare to do random things again, don't call me uncle again!"

Elder Qingxuan snorted coldly, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Wu Yang, you stay here to take care of your cousin. I will take care of Yu Qingping!"

After a while, Elder Qingxuan came to Jingfeng Hall, the courtyard where Fairy Qingping meditated.

"Niece Qing Pingxian, are you here?"

Elder Qingxuan has a gentle face, like a spring breeze, giving people the amiability of an elder.

Fairy Qingping gradually woke up from her solitary confinement. There was a trace of complexity in her snowy eyes. She stood up and opened the door to welcome her.

"Disciple has met Elder Qingxuan."

Seeing the visitor, Fairy Qingping saluted. However, in just a few days, Fairy Qingping's pretty appearance had become much less beautiful, and there was a haggard look between her brows.

That divorce letter had a big impact on her.

To this day, she still doesn't know how to deal with it.

Elder Qingxuan observed the situation and secretly rejoiced in his heart. It seemed that it was not too late to make amends. Yu Qingping had not completely given up on Wushuang Young Emperor, so there was still room for change.

"Niece Qing Pingxian, I heard that that brat Zu Sheng had some conflicts with you. I was not here and I failed to uphold justice for you, which made you feel wronged."

Elder Qingxuan is indeed a cunning person, with insight into people's hearts, and he can tell Fairy Qingping's weakness in one sentence.

Fairy Qingping was used as a bet by Wushuang Young Emperor, how could she not feel aggrieved?

Hearing what Elder Qingxuan said, he felt much better. He squeezed his fist and shook his head slightly, "It's all over. I don't want to mention it again."

Elder Qingxuan struck while the iron was hot and said kindly: "My virtuous niece, that stinky boy Zu Sheng has such a temperament. I have also punished him severely. He already knew his fault. I don't ask you to forgive him, but I hope you don't hate him. It's me." This elder didn't teach him well, so I apologize to you on Zu Sheng's behalf."

As he spoke, a look of self-blame appeared on his face, and he bowed deeply to Fairy Qingping.

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