Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1629 All the traps are gone! (3 updates)

"Elder Qingxuan, please don't do this!"

How could she bear the thought of a dignified elder bowing to her?

Fairy Qingping pursed her delicate lips, shook her head quickly and said, "I no longer hate Senior Brother Qin, it's all... passed."

Elder Qingxuan looked guilty and sighed with emotion: "In short, it's my fault. You were supposed to be a match made in heaven, but now it's like this. As an elder, I have the responsibility."

Fairy Qingping was silent. Elder Qingxuan apologized in person, and the resentment in her heart dissipated a lot.

Elder Qingxuan said dejectedly: "Zu Sheng, I have severely taught him a lesson. After losing you, he was in a very bad mental state, lost his soul, and was helpless. As an elder, I feel really uncomfortable. If possible, Qing Pingxian's niece , can I shamelessly implore you to go see him? "

"Now, Zu Sheng really needs someone to encourage him. He can no longer listen to my words. Only you can make him get better." Elder Qingxuan said sincerely.

Fairy Qingping felt bitter in her heart and shook her head slightly: "If Senior Brother Qin really cared about me, he would not have regarded me as a bet that day. Now that Qingping and Senior Brother Qin have nothing to do with each other, he will not listen to my words, so Elder, please forgive Qingping for being helpless.”

After saying that, Fairy Qingping turned around and went back.

Elder Qingxuan's eyes flashed, his tone changed, and he sighed: "Niece Qingpingxian, I beg you, no matter if it works or not, can you please try it? You have been together for many years, can you really bear to see it? Is that kid Zu Sheng going to fall like this?”

Fairy Qingping's delicate body trembled, humans are not grass and trees, how can they be ruthless?

No matter how bad Emperor Wushuang treated her, the two of them were engaged after all and had been together for four or five years.

After being together for several years, even a dog has feelings, let alone the man she had always admired before?

A trace of struggle flashed in her eyes, and after a while, she sighed softly: "Okay, I'll go see him, but don't have too much hope, elder. I'm afraid Senior Brother Qin won't want to see me at all."

Elder Qingxuan sneered in his heart, and a hint of a treacherous smile flashed in his eyes.

As long as Yu Qingping hasn't completely given up on Qin Zusheng, it will be easy to handle.

When he arrived at the Young Emperor's Mansion, he had many ways to make Fairy Qingping submit. As long as the rice was cooked, this woman would not be able to run away.

In this way, not only could Qin Zusheng use her Yuanyin to restore his cultivation, but it might also be used to plot against Ling Feng in the future, killing two birds with one stone.

Thinking of this, Elder Qingxuan couldn't help but reveal a sinister smile, but said in an extremely kind voice: "Xiannie, don't worry. That kid Zu Sheng has figured it out now. He is thinking about you. If you go, he will definitely Get back on your feet!”

After a pause, Elder Qingxuan said again: "Niece Qingpingxian, if Zu Sheng truly repented and treated you wholeheartedly in the future, would you be able to forgive him and forget what happened before?"

Fairy Qingping's heart trembled and she remained silent.

"I...I don't know."

Fairy Qingping bit her lips, wondering how her hurt heart could easily recover.

Seeing Fairy Qingping's hesitant and entangled look, Elder Qingxuan was secretly happy. It seemed that Yu Qingping and Qin Zucheng could be reconciled without resorting to unscrupulous means.

After all, the family behind Fairy Qingping is not simple. It would be great if she could be willing to marry Qin Zusheng.

"No one is a saint, and no one can make mistakes. Zu Sheng was young and energetic, and he was competitive for a while. He neglected you and made you feel wronged. However, can you give him another chance to change his ways?"

Elder Qingxuan spoke seriously: "The letter of divorce was just Zu Sheng's willfulness. Everyone can see that you and Zu Sheng are the most suitable couple. You must not take it seriously."

Fairy Qingping gradually became shaken under Elder Qingxuan's continuous psychological offensive.

"If the virtuous niece can forgive Zu Sheng once, I...I..."

Seeing that something big was about to happen, Elder Qingxuan gritted his teeth and made a show of kneeling down.

Fairy Qingping was startled and hurriedly supported Elder Qingxuan: "Elder, you... what are you doing?"

Elder Qingxuan, with a look of sorrow and pleading, tears welling up in his eyes: "Xiannie, you know that I have no children, and I regard Zu Sheng as my own child. Now he is depressed. As his elder, How can I bear to see him continue like this."

"Niece Xian, if Zu Sheng is willing to repent, can you come back to him? I, an old guy, beg you!" Elder Qingxuan was sincere and sincere in his words. It didn't look like he was lying at all.

Fairy Qingping may seem indifferent, but she is actually a person who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

Elder Qingxuan's tactics were extremely damaging to her. She suddenly lost her sense of control and hurriedly said: "Elder, please get up quickly, this disciple cannot bear it."

"Niece Xian, I know you are a good boy who misses old friendships. If you don't agree, I will kneel down here!"

Elder Qingxuan said with great excitement.

Fairy Qingping was so anxious that she saw that Elder Qingxuan was really about to kneel down, so she hurriedly said: "Okay, okay... I promise you, if Senior Brother Qin... he truly repented."

Elder Qingxuan sneered in his heart, but his face showed tears of gratitude: "Really? Are you really willing to change your mind?"

Fairy Qingping nodded helplessly.

"Okay! Okay!" Elder Qingxuan laughed heartily: "You are indeed a good boy! I would like to thank you for Zu Sheng first. With you by his side, he will definitely cheer up!"

Fairy Qingping pursed her delicate lips. Although she agreed to Elder Qingxuan, her heart was completely confused and she didn't know whether she was right or wrong in agreeing.

Ling Feng's figure flashed through her mind involuntarily.

Is the person in my heart still Qin Zusheng?

Elder Qingxuan was afraid that things might change, so he immediately struck while the iron was hot and said solemnly: "Xiannie, in this case, you can leave the letter of divorce here with me first. Don't worry, if Zu Sheng dares to treat you badly in the future, you don't have to do it." "I can't tolerate that brat! I will definitely announce this letter of divorce so that brat won't bother you again in this life."

Divorce letter? Fairy Qingping hesitated slightly.

Vaguely, she seemed to sense something. Although she was emotional, she was not an idiot.

Once this divorce letter is torn up, she will always be the fiancée of Wushuang Young Emperor.

"That's all. I am completely to blame for this incident. It is reasonable for my good niece not to trust me." Elder Qingxuan smiled lonely and bitterly.

Hearing these words, Fairy Qingping quickly shook her head and had to take out the letter of divorce: "No, Elder, you are highly virtuous and highly respected. How could I doubt the elder? I will leave this letter of divorce to you for safekeeping."

Elder Qingxuan's heart was completely shattered. This woman could not escape from Wuzhishan!

The old face was full of relief: "Okay! This was originally a misunderstanding, and it was all caused by that brat named Ling! Don't worry, that brat will receive the lesson he deserves sooner or later!"

Speaking of this, Elder Qingxuan's eyes flashed with cold light, and a wisp of murderous intent flashed away.

"Okay, give me the divorce letter, and let's go see Zu Sheng's child together." Elder Qingxuan said with a smile.

However, just when he was about to grab the divorce letter in his palm, Fairy Qingping took several steps back, with a frosty look on her face, and stared at Elder Qingxuan coldly.

"Niece Qing Pingxian, what are you doing?"

Elder Qingxuan was at a loss, and a bad feeling came to his heart. It seemed that he had said something he shouldn't have said.

Fairy Qingping's expression gradually became cold: "Elder, you said that Ling Feng was the one who instigated all this? Did Senior Brother Qin tell you these words?"


Elder Qingxuan's eyelids twitched slightly, and he thought to himself, is it possible that this woman really has fallen in love with Ling Feng?

"Humph! He has not repented at all!"

Fairy Qingping was led by Elder Qingxuan because she was caught in a psychological flaw, but she was not stupid.

Elder Qingxuan's unintentional words made her realize something was wrong.

If Qin Zusheng really repented, he should review his mistakes instead of blindly slandering Ling Feng.

In fact, she was very grateful to Ling Feng for helping her see Qin Zusheng's true face.

Moreover, when she was in Dongxianchuan, if it weren't for Ling Feng, she would have died countless times!

Therefore, she will never allow anyone to slander Ling Feng, nor will she allow anyone to pose a threat to Ling Feng.

At this moment, she completely understood in her heart that Elder Qingxuan wanted to bind her with a marriage contract when he wanted to divorce her. In the end, due to the pressure from both families, how could she not marry Qin Zusheng?

What a cunning old man!

Fairy Qingping cursed secretly in her heart and took back the divorce letter. Fairy Qingping no longer looked good, so she turned around and left.

Elder Qingxuan wished he could slap himself in the mouth, because all his efforts were in vain just because he said a bad word about Ling Feng!

"Good niece, good niece! Zu Sheng really needs you now. Can you bear to watch him become depressed?"

Elder Qingxuan wanted to repeat his old trick, but Fairy Qingping interrupted her coldly, "The moment he took out the divorce letter, I had nothing to do with him! Elder Qingxuan, I respect you as an elder. If you If you want to be embarrassed, just shut up!"

After saying that, Fairy Qingping turned around and left without looking back.

Originally she had some sympathy for Wushuang Young Emperor, but after being teased by Elder Qingxuan for a while, Fairy Qingping gave up completely!

"soy Mujer!"

Elder Qingxuan was so angry that he was trembling all over. He took a deep breath and said coldly: "If you are too soft, then be tough! I don't believe it. You will never leave the sect! Humph!"

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