Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1630 The clouds move in all directions and the color of the sky and the earth changes! (4 mo

"Qin Zusheng, from now on, I will have nothing to do with you!"

Back in the house, Fairy Qingping took out the divorce letter, her beautiful eyes were slightly red, and her heart was full of anger and sadness.

By some strange coincidence, Fairy Qingping came to the outer disciple area.

She didn't even realize that after returning from Dongxianchuan, the person her heart had always cared about was Ling Feng.

It's a pity that Ling Feng is in retreat in the Holy Land of the Spirit Turtle, so she is destined to miss out.

However, she met Fang Wen who was packing her things and preparing to move to the Earth Spirit Palace. After asking about it, she found out that Ling Feng had joined the Earth Spirit Palace after defeating the Wushuang Young Emperor that day.

At this moment, he is practicing in seclusion in a secret place.

"That's it." Fairy Qingping was a little disappointed. She gritted her teeth and said, "Well, let me help you clean it up."

Fang Wen was slightly stunned. How could a high-ranking inner disciple like Fairy Qingping help her clean up her groceries?

Could it be that, as rumored, Ling Feng challenged Wushuang Young Emperor all because of this Fairy Qingping?

Just when Fang Wen was in a daze, Fairy Qingping had already approached her and asked in a low voice: "Junior Sister Fang, have you been following Ling... ahem, how long have you been following Junior Brother Ling? Do you know what his habits are?"


Fang Wen was amused. It seemed that Fairy Qingping had indeed fallen in love with Senior Brother Ling. As a woman, she knows very well that a woman's downfall often begins with her curiosity about a man!

If you want to say why, maybe even she herself has a little bit of admiration for Ling Feng.

Time passes day by day.

Finally one day, Yan Guying, who was training outside, came back!

This time he came back, and it can be said that he has gained a lot. He has directly broken through to the peak of the second-level human emperor. With this strength, he is fully qualified to apply for promotion to the inner sect.

As soon as he returned to the sect, Yan Guying couldn't wait to rush to Tianzi No. 1 Mingjian Tower, eager to show Ling Feng his progress in the past six months.

It can be said that he is where he is today thanks to Ling Feng who once let him enter the Heavenly Level Spiritual Land of the Earth Emperor Pond to practice together.

Unfortunately, Ling Feng had already moved away, and even Fang Wen, who was serving Ling Feng, had already moved to the Young Emperor's Mansion in the Diling Palace.

After much searching, Yan Guying found Lu Yu from the Alchemy Hall. Among the outer sects, the only ones who had a good relationship with Ling Feng, apart from herself and Fang Wen, were the brothers from the Alchemy Hall.

This Lu Yu is one of them. He is a young disciple under Master Ye Xiongye of the Alchemy Hall. Because he has a pretty good relationship with Ling Feng, even if he is in the Alchemy Hall now, the wind is blowing. Ordinary outer disciples see When he arrived, he had to call him "Brother Yu".

"It's Senior Brother Yan!"

Lu Yu saw Yan Guying. Now that Ling Feng had been promoted to the inner sect, Yan Guying was naturally promoted to the third rank of Tianjian again and had a great status in the outer sect.

"Junior Brother Lu, do you know where Junior Brother Ling is? Now even Tianzi No. 1 Mingjian Tower is empty, and I can't find him at all!"

"Hey! What did I think it was?"

Lu Yu chuckled and said, "I heard from Junior Sister Fang Wen that he is in retreat now. Do you have anything to do with Senior Brother Ling?"

"It's nothing, I'm just worried about him. If possible, I would like to compete with Junior Brother Ling again."

Yan Guying was in high spirits for a while. Although he knew that he was no match for Ling Feng, in the past six months, his strength had improved by leaps and bounds, and he would definitely be able to shock Ling Feng a little.

"Discussion?" Lu Yu looked at Yan Guying strangely: "Did Senior Brother Yan not go around to inquire about it when he returned to the sect?"

Yan Guying shook her head, "I'm in a hurry to find Junior Brother Ling. What's the matter? What happened?"

"Senior Brother Yan, the Junior Brother Ling you are talking about has now defeated the unrivaled Young Emperor of the inner sect and replaced him as the new generation of Young Emperor! Are you sure you still want to compete with him? Are you afraid that you will be cast into the shadows?"

Yan Guying felt as if he was struck by lightning, something seemed to be stuck in his throat: "Wha... what? He defeated the Wu... Wushuang Young Emperor?"

For a moment, Yan Guying felt that she hadn't woken up yet.

In less than half a year, how could Ling Feng become so powerful?

Young Emperor of the inner sect!

This is a level that even he can't imagine!

"Yes, this is all from the old calendar, it's almost a month ago."

Lu Yu shook his head and said slowly: "Senior Brother Yan, if you want to find Senior Brother Ling in the future, I'm afraid you have to wait until you are promoted to the inner sect."

"Hey..." Yan Guying couldn't help but sigh. Fortunately, she came back full of ambitions, but when she heard about Ling Feng's achievements, she almost doubted her life.

You shouldn't compare yourself with that "monster"!


At this moment, a thunderous thunder resounded throughout the Dongling Fairy Pond!

Clouds moved in all directions and gathered crazily above the East Lingxian Pond.

Almost in the blink of an eye, huge dark clouds arrived at the Dongling Fairy Pond!

The sky and the sun just now turned into darkness and enveloped the earth in an instant.

The thick dark clouds seemed to be rolling dragons, and the clouds were rolling rapidly.

Rays of thunder flashed from time to time in the dark clouds, illuminating the dark sky. The phenomenon was astonishing!

"What's going on? Could it be that one of the Half Saints is about to break through to the Great Saint?"

In the Dongling Immortal Pond, the great masters who were in retreat all had expressions of horror on their faces. With such a strange phenomenon in the world, could it be that the three semi-sages were finally taking the final step to be promoted to great saints?

If this is true, it will be the biggest happy event in Donglingxian Pond in thousands of years.

The three half-saints made Donglingxianchi an outstanding force that dominated the Dongling Territory, and the other two holy places were far behind.

If any of them become great saints, the status of Dongling Immortal Pond will be even more unbreakable!

However, if you take a closer look, those powerful men will slowly shake their heads.

How could it be so easy for the Great Sage to break through? If he were to break through, then the three half-sages would not have been stagnant in this realm for thousands of years without making any progress.

If it wasn't the Great Sage who broke through, could it be that someone broke through the Great Emperor?

In an instant, the hall master, elders, and disciples all flew up into the sky, looking at the vision above the sky.

And these visions of heaven and earth seem to be converging in the direction of the Holy Land of the Spirit Turtle!

"Good guy, this seems to be just a simple vision of heaven and earth, not to escape the tribulation!"

Lei Wensheng majored in Thunder Dao and was the most sensitive to the power of thunder between heaven and earth. Looking at the vision in the sky, he shook his head and smiled and said: "If it weren't for transcending the tribulation, it could actually attract such visions of heaven and earth. Could it be that How about a genius who has not been born for thousands of years and has developed a unique magical power?"

"Probably so."

It was rare that Zuo Feiqing did not argue with Lei Wensheng, his face was solemn, but also with a hint of joy.

The Sunset Selection is imminent, and the more outstanding talents appear in Donglingxian Pond, the better.

Only Biluo Shengji vaguely knew that Ling Feng was in retreat in the Holy Land of the Spirit Turtle. These strange phenomena in the world were probably caused by Ling Feng.

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