Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1640 Hun Tian Dragon Mirror! (2 updates)

"How much does Senior Sister Yu know about the first and second inner sects?" Ling Feng asked in a deep voice.

"So it turned out that I just asked these questions..."

Fairy Qingping felt a little disappointed, but she still said: "Among the ten young emperors, these two are the most mysterious. I only know that both of them challenged those who were among the last Sunset Chosen three years ago. The senior who won the first place won, even though it was not easy, they won after all!"

"Two strong men who are comparable to the first?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, this time the Sunset Chosen was really getting more and more exciting.

"Senior Brother Gu Changfeng, who is ranked second, seemed to have fought against an inner sect elder at the sixth level of destiny in his latest attack. It is said that he survived three attacks in the hands of the elder and was able to escape unscathed! "

Fairy Qingping showed an extremely solemn look on her face and said slowly: "So, although you are very strong, I am afraid that you will not be able to make the top three in this Sunset Selection. In the next one, you will definitely shine. , unparalleled.”


Ling Feng smiled faintly and was noncommittal. It was precisely because these opponents were strong enough that he became more motivated to fight. Without opponents, it would be boring.

"Where's Shi Haoxuan in first place? He should be stronger than Gu Changfeng, right? How much stronger?" Ling Feng continued to ask.

"This..." Fairy Qingping bit her silver teeth and said slowly: "I also heard it from Qin... Qin Zucheng. He once observed a contest between these two senior brothers. It is said that Senior Brother Gu In the hands of Senior Brother Shi, he couldn’t survive even three moves!”

"How can this be?"

Before Ling Feng could speak, Feng Ling couldn't help but said: "So, isn't Senior Brother Shi more powerful than the elders at the sixth level of destiny?"

"That's not necessarily true."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "When an elder fights with a disciple, it is inevitable that he will be a little restrained and not dare to show his true strength. Moreover, senior brother Gu Changfeng only escaped from the elder's hands, which proves that what he is best at is movement. And that person Senior Brother Shi Haoxuan may have restrained Gu Changfeng's physical skills, so he was able to defeat him in three moves."

"But..." Ling Feng's face became slightly solemn, "No matter what, the strength of Senior Brother Shi has probably reached an unfathomable level! Very strong, very strong!"

There are many outstanding people in the three holy places. In such an environment where talents are blowing out, Murong Bai, the third member of the inner sect who originally seemed to be very famous, is nothing.

No wonder even he bluntly said that his strength may not make him into the top ten.

"However, I am looking forward to the beginning of the Sunset Chosen more and more!"

Ling Feng's eyes were filled with fighting spirit, and Fairy Qingping and others around him all looked like they were looking at monsters.

When others heard that so many masters were emerging at the same time, they would be a little hesitant and worried, but he was actually very excited.

This guy is really an out-and-out fighting madman!

Longxiao Holy Mountain is located in the far north of the Eastern Spiritual Domain. It is located in the deepest part of the Jingxue Mountains. It is surrounded by wind and snow all year round. It is a million miles away from the Eastern Spiritual Fairy Pond. Therefore, even taking the Ice Spirit Sky Tower will cost a lot of money. Three whole days.

Even if you take the space teleportation array, you still need to transfer several times in succession before you can reach Longxiao Holy Mountain.

This is the case for Donglingxian Pond. As for Yunluo Holy Land and Five Thunder Holy Land, which are even further away, I am afraid they have already set off earlier.

Time passed bit by bit, and the closer we got to Longxiao Holy Mountain, the more solemn the atmosphere became.

A grand event that occurs once every ten years, the arena where countless talented kings compete for the crown is slowly unfolding like an ancient scroll.

No one can be calm and calm.

Impetuous, expectant, excited, and uneasy emotions are entangled together and densely packed in the sky.

Three days of suffering finally passed.

Longxiao Holy Mountain is finally here!


A hundred feet of void tore apart, and dozens of elite disciples walked out of the Ice Spirit Heavenly Palace, as well as more than a dozen high-level elders from the Dongling Immortal Pond who accompanied them. The last ones to step out were the Lord of the Chiri Palace, the Lord of the Xutian Palace, and the Earth Spirit Palace. Lord these three mighty beings.

The Ice Spirit Heavenly Palace is like a fairy palace, floating in the sky, filled with immortal energy. All the disciples who come out of the Heavenly Palace are like gods and immortals.

This kind of pomp and momentum makes people sigh. Donglingxianchi is Donglingxianchi after all. Only the transcendent overlord who has dominated the Dongling Domain for tens of thousands of years has such a background.

Just by entering, he already has the attitude of a master.

"This...what is this?"

The disciples who came to Longxiao Holy Mountain for the first time looked at the scene in front of them in shock.

Fairy Qingping, Tuoba Yan, and Li Fei covered their mouths in surprise, and their bright eyes shone with unspeakable tremors.

The Ice Spirit Heavenly Tower descended on the top of an eternal snow peak.

Standing on the snow peak, you can overlook the land of China, the mountains and rivers.

Within ten thousand miles, the Eternal Snow Peak beneath your feet is the highest one!

However, standing on the eternal snow peak, they need to look up to the sky!

A black mirror that covers the sky and the sun hangs above the sky for thousands of miles, and the vast world is completely shrouded under this black mirror.

It was as if the black mirror had replaced the sky and the starry sky and the universe.

Standing under it, you can't see the end at a glance.

The breath of endless vicissitudes of time seems to come from ancient times, and everyone is involved in the turbulence of time and space.

A ray of sadness spread in everyone's hearts.

It seems that there is endless sadness wrapped in the black mirror.

That is not one person's sorrow.

But the sorrow of hundreds of people, thousands of people, ten thousand people, hundreds of millions of people!

They rolled in from the accumulation of years, carrying grief and anger, shouting, and despair, and condensed into sorrow. Throughout the ages, they have always lingered in the black mirror and refused to disperse for a long time.

"Why is my heart sad?"

Several female disciples looked up at the black mirror longingly, and unknowingly, tears of sadness rolled down their faces.

Many male disciples also covered their chests, feeling cramped in their hearts.

Only Ling Feng was vaguely aware of the evil spirit of Shura in his body, which seemed to be agitating uncontrollably. He was so frightened that he quickly ran the "Nine Heavens Star Art" to suppress the evil spirit in his body.

And then, what surprised Ling Feng was that his killing sword intention seemed to be inspired by some kind of inspiration, and it actually started to operate on its own, and it actually had the potential to make a breakthrough!

"What's going on? This place can actually arouse my killing sword intent? Could it be that this place was once an ancient battlefield, and the number of people who died is incalculable!"

Ling Feng frowned slightly, Shura's evil spirit and killing sword intent were out of control at the same time. This place was simply evil!

Almost instantly, everyone sank into that tragic mood. Suddenly, there was a low roar, like thunder on the ground, shaking everyone's spirits.

"Everyone, keep your mind tight and unite with your soul!"

But it was the Master of the Xutian Palace who activated Haoran's divine will, and his voice contained the meaning of peace and tranquility. Everyone trembled and woke up from the sad mood.

High above the sky, the three palace masters all gave Ling Feng a meaningful look.

Almost everyone would be affected by the sad mood when they first came, but Ling Feng was completely unmoved.

The three great masters looked at each other, but without thinking much, they saw the master of Chiri Palace wave his hand and directly take back the huge Ice Spirit Heavenly Tower, and then looked around at the disciples: "Everyone rest where they are and accept the Huntian Dragon Mirror." Only then can you enter the Holy Mountain."

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