Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1641 Divine General Cangwu!

"Huntian Dragon Mirror?"

Many disciples looked at each other in confusion, looking at the black mirror covering the world above their heads. Apparently, that black mirror should be the so-called "Huntian Dragon Mirror". As for the universal illumination of the Huntian Dragon Mirror, what does it mean?

Ling Feng also frowned slightly, feeling that this Longxiao Holy Mountain was full of mystery.

However, Tuoba Yan seemed to know something. When he saw Ling Feng and others' brows furrowed, their red lips slightly opened, he said slowly: "Master told me that this Huntian Dragon Mirror was left here by the powerful men from the Immortal Realm. A divine object that suppresses the energy of the demonic realm. During the ancient war between gods and demons, Longxiao Holy Mountain was the entrance for one of the demons to invade the Xuanling Continent. "

"After the demons were driven away, this entrance was sealed by the strong men of the Immortal Realm. Because countless creatures died here, the resentment was deep, so they suppressed it with this Muddy Sky Dragon Mirror. Over time, the resentment gradually dissipated, but because of the people who died here, The heroic spirit of the human race has an unbreakable will, which creates the special power of Longxiao Sacred Mountain, making it easy for people to fall into a desolate mood and find it difficult to extricate themselves. "

After hearing this, Ling Feng nodded slightly. He never expected that there was such a history behind the Heavenly Dragon Mirror.

Tuoba Yan also had the opportunity to know this secret because he became the direct disciple of Holy Fairy Huiyue.

"As for the universal illumination of the Hun Tian Dragon Mirror, it is actually mainly for each contestant to stimulate a royal destiny in the body. The competition for the sunset selection is also a competition for the royal destiny among all the contestants. . The same is true of the fate of the three holy places."

Everyone was still a little confused when they heard it, Tuoba Yan smiled lightly, "I can't explain this clearly, but you will know it when you see it later."


At this moment, a sound of tearing jade and silk reverberated in the sky, and a long and narrow crack suddenly opened in the black mirror.

The majestic sound shocked the mind. Seeing the cracks in the black mirror getting bigger and bigger, many disciples held their breaths and felt uneasy in their hearts, as if the end was coming.


The breath of ancient vicissitudes blows from the cracks.

The blood, darkness, and cold emotions made them feel as if they were in a torrent, their whole bodies stiffened, and they were unable to extricate themselves.


A female disciple, whose will was not strong enough, felt her legs weaken and collapsed directly on the ground.


The next moment, two fiery red shadows flew out of the crack.

The two white-haired old men were both wearing red robes made of special fire silk, with layers of looming flames surrounding them.

The powerful aura exuded from these two people is not inferior to the Lord of Chiri Palace and the others, it is even better!

"Meet the two divine generals!"

The master of Chiri Palace flew up and bowed his hands towards the two old men from a distance. The master of Xutian Palace and Biluo Shengji also quickly stepped forward and bowed, obviously very respectful to these two people.

Most people don't know that in the Dongling Territory, although the Dongling Fairy Pool is the overlord and dominates the continent, there are still some transcendent forces, such as a clan of gods guarding the Longxiao Holy Mountain.

Over the years, the divine blood in the body of this protoss has become quite thin, and they can only be regarded as semi-gods. However, their talents are much stronger than those of mortals, and they have been responsible for guarding this place for generations, so they are not too worried about the situation in the Eastern Spiritual Territory. Big impact.

But even if the master of Donglingxianchi comes here, he must be respectful to these divine generals and dare not show any slights.

"It turns out to be the Master of Chiri Palace. It's been ten years since we last met."

An old man on the left nodded and smiled at the master of Chiri Palace, "I wish the disciples of Donglingxianchi a successful start and good results."

"Then let me borrow your good words from General Cangwu."

The Lord of Chiri Palace has always been serious about his words, but in front of these two divine generals, he actually showed an extremely respectful smile for the first time.

The heritage of the God Clan is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary forces, even if it is the overlord of the Eastern Spiritual Territory.

Divine General Cangwu nodded, exchanged a look with the old man beside him, and immediately said: "Master of the Chiri Palace, please let your disciples receive the illumination of the Huntian Dragon Mirror one after another, and then they can enter the Holy Mountain."

"Thank you, General!"

The master of Chiri Palace once again bowed to the two divine generals Cangwu, then turned back to look at the disciples of Donglingxian Pond, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone lined up and walked to the dragon soul in front of the two divine generals. Stand on the stage and receive the illumination of the Heavenly Dragon Mirror.”

Naturally, the disciples did not dare to delay, and immediately lined up and walked one by one towards the jade platform that was half a man's height in front of the two god generals.

The first disciple was none other than Bai Qi, who was ranked in the top twenty on the list of creation stars. This guy jumped onto the jade platform without a care in the world. In an instant, a golden light fell from the sky and covered Bai Qi's body.

The next moment, a faint golden light emitted from Bai Qi's body, and an illusory dragon-shaped shadow could be vaguely seen above his head. It was only a few feet long, but it exuded a faint dragon power.

Ling Feng's eyes lit up slightly, and he understood somewhat what Tuoba Yan meant by "kingly luck".

"Luck is like a dragon, not bad."

Cangwu God General nodded slightly, threw a golden talisman and said slowly: "During the competition, the talisman cannot be left behind, otherwise it will be deemed as disqualification from the competition."

"Yes Yes!"

Bai Qi quickly put away the golden talisman, and then the dragon-shaped shadow behind him also took it back into his body. It turned out that this talisman was a magic weapon that concealed the power of his own luck, and it was also the only token for participating in the competition.

With Bai Qi at the beginning, the following disciples also jumped onto the jade platform one after another. Those present were all the elites of Donglingxianchi. They basically all met the standard of Luck Like a Dragon, but they were just transformed into dragon-shaped phantoms. It’s just different degrees.

For example, the Dragon of Luck that Murong Bai inspired was more than three feet long and almost solidified.

When the Cangwu God General saw Murong Bai's Dragon of Luck, his eyes showed a hint of approval. It seemed that only a genius of this level could catch his eye.

"Yes, the three-foot golden dragon can be regarded as a first-class genius."

Divine General Cangwu nodded, threw a golden talisman in the past, and repeated the words to make the talisman inseparable from his body.

When everyone heard that the divine general actually praised Murong Bai, they suddenly felt envious.

"As expected of Senior Brother Murong!"

"After all, he is one of the top three geniuses in our Donglingxian Pond. He is naturally extraordinary."


Amidst the praise from everyone, Murong Bai was secretly proud. Shi Haoxuan and Gu Changfeng, who were ranked first and second this time, were not here, so it was naturally his chance to shine.

After a while, it was finally the turn of Ling Feng and his team to conduct the test.

Chu Tiange at the front, the Dragon of Luck is about nine feet, which is considered to be in the middle or upper reaches.

Xu Xinghe is seven feet and a half, Ning Guichen is six feet seven inches, Li Fei is seven feet, and Feng Ling is seven feet two inches. There is not much difference in their levels.

Of course, the dragon of luck does not mean absolute strength, but the luck of those who are extremely talented will not be bad.

As for Fairy Qingping, the dragon of luck actually reached a rare two feet, which proved that her luck was quite good. The appearance of the power of two feet of luck naturally triggered a heated discussion, but it was only compared to Murong Bai's three feet of luck. Dragon, there is still a big gap.

Soon, Tuoba Yan came on stage, and the same golden light shrouded down from the Huntian Dragon Mirror. The next moment, a scene that dumbfounded everyone appeared.

Behind Tuoba Yan, three dragons of luck were suspended at the same time, and each one was more than three feet long!

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