Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1642 Kowloon Supreme! (1 update)

"very good!"

Divine General Cangwu nodded and laughed loudly, "She is actually a rare three-phase celestial dragon. This girl's future is limitless!"

High in the sky, the three masters of the Blazing Sun Palace looked at each other with a hint of shock, because when the Holy Princess Huiyue was young, she participated in the Sunset Selection. It was the same scene that inspired the three-phase Tianlong and made countless The geniuses of his generation are far beyond his reach.

Recalling the time when they were beaten by Holy Princess Huiyue, the three of them shuddered at the same time.

If it hadn't been for some changes later that stopped Huiyue Shengji's strength from advancing, I'm afraid she would be the one with the best chance of breaking through to the realm of the Great Sage in Dongling Immortal Pond.

"Little girl, put this talisman away and don't leave it."

God General Cangwu dropped a talisman, and everyone clearly discovered that this talisman was actually purple-gold in color, completely different from everyone else's talismans!

Obviously, ordinary golden talismans cannot suppress Tuoba Yan's power of luck.

Suddenly, it was Tuoba Yan's turn to become the focus of the round. Although Murong Bai was unwilling to do so, Tuoba Yan's talent was obvious to all, and he could only feel ashamed of himself.

"How about it? Are you confident that you can surpass me?"

Jumping down from the jade platform, Tuoba Yan cast a provocative look at Ling Feng. Since he met Ling Feng, he has been completely crushed by Ling Feng in every aspect. He won't let her win even once now.


Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. He was naturally certain of his own luck, but he didn't dare to guarantee whether he could surpass the Three Phase Tianlong.

But he is also a child of heaven, so his luck should not be bad.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng slowly walked onto the high jade platform. Like everyone else, a golden light shone on Ling Feng from the cloudy sky dragon mirror.

However, it didn't seem to cause any changes. Everyone stared blankly for a long time, but there was nothing. Ling Feng's body did not flicker at all.


The Cangwu God General frowned slightly, looked at Ling Feng, and found that he was only the ultimate Human Emperor, and frowned a little more tightly, "The power of luck cannot be condensed into a dragon shape, so it's inevitable..."

However, before he could finish speaking, the Heavenly Dragon Mirror in the sky seemed to tremble violently, and then, a golden light dozens of feet thick fell from the sky.

A terrifying aura swept down, and everyone's eyes widened. If other people's beams were like a small stick, Ling Feng's beam was like a giant pillar!


God General Cangwu swallowed his saliva halfway through his words. Even though he had been guarding Longxiao Holy Mountain for thousands of years, he had never seen such a strange scene.


The next moment, dragon roars erupted from Ling Feng's body!

One head!

Both ends!

Three heads!

In an instant, a total of nine golden dragons were hovering behind Ling Feng. The nine golden dragons were all nine feet, nine feet and nine inches in size. They had piercing eyes and had dragon scales, beards and claws on their bodies. They were lifelike, as if they were real. The nine-headed dragon is in the sky, roaring to heaven and earth, roaring proudly to the nine heavens!

One by one, the disciples were almost turned to stone, and the three hall masters also took a breath of cold air.

Although I had already guessed that Ling Feng was extraordinary, this scene was a bit too scary!

"Nine...Supreme Nine Dragons! The Son of Destiny!"

Cangwu God General's expression became extremely solemn. He stared at Ling Feng for a long time and then asked slowly: "Little brother, are you really a native of Xuanling Continent?"

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. Could it be that his power of luck was too abnormal and his identity was about to be revealed?

"Why did the senior say this? The junior doesn't understand." Ling Feng pretended not to understand and just acted stupid.

The Cangwu God General looked at Ling Feng and suddenly his eyelids twitched because he sensed the aura belonging to the God Clan from Ling Feng's body.

Back then, Ling Feng's life was hanging by a thread in the Holy Land of the Monster Clan. Thanks to Mu Qianxue's infusion of her divine blood into his body, Ling Feng naturally possessed the aura of the Jiuli God Clan.

And this aura of the God Clan did a good job of concealing Ling Feng's identity as a member of the Tiandao Clan.

"It turns out to be the Jiuli God Clan!"

Cangwu Divine General nodded secretly in his heart, thinking that he had discovered Ling Feng's identity, and smiled faintly, "You don't want to say it, but it doesn't matter. You have to keep this red gold talisman and seal. For thousands of years, there has been no A genius at the level of Jiulong Supreme appears, and there is not much stock of red gold talismans."

Ling Feng reached out to take the talisman and nodded, "Thank you, senior."

Holding the talisman, the shadow of the flying nine dragons behind Ling Feng dissipated. It seemed to be suppressed by the red gold talisman, but it also established some special connection.

Observing the others carefully, Ling Feng discovered that he seemed to be able to see through the power of luck of others. Everyone exuded a special light, and he seemed to be very eager to plunder the power of luck belonging to others.

"Haha, boy, you are a genius in Kowloon. You are destined to be targeted by all geniuses in the future, because as long as they defeat you, they can share your luck. As long as they defeat you head-on in the arena of the Sunset Chosen One, , can at least take away half of your luck, it can be said that you are definitely a hot potato! "

Perhaps it was because of Ling Feng's power of luck that the Cangwu Divine General was shocked. This high-ranking power actually started chatting with Ling Feng for the first time.

"Then just beat them all!"

There was no trace of fear in Ling Feng's eyes, but there was a vague expectation.

"Yes, he is worthy of being a genius of Jiulong. With such a state of mind, he is already qualified to become a saint."

General Cangwu laughed loudly.

After detecting Ling Feng's Nine Dragons luck, no matter how talented he is, he will never be able to cover up Ling Feng's edge.

Everyone was shocked, envious, and at the same time, somewhat looking forward to it. If they could defeat Ling Feng and plunder his luck, that would be great!

Murong Bai looked at Ling Feng's figure with eyes burning.

Just as the Cangwu Divine General said, Ling Feng is destined to be regarded as a favorite by all geniuses, even if he is a disciple of the same sect. When this matter spreads to the ears of other Holy Land geniuses, Ling Feng will undoubtedly become the target of public criticism.

Sometimes, being too good is also a burden!

The power of luck is so mysterious that it cannot be plundered normally, but participating in the Sunset Chosen is equivalent to getting an opportunity to change your luck against the will of heaven.

The winner robs others of their luck and achieves their own kingly path!

The loser becomes a stepping stone for others, paving the way for others to become kings!

This sunset selection is equivalent to a huge gamble!

"Okay, all Donglingxianchi disciples can enter the Holy Mountain."

Finally, after the last person received the illumination of the Huntian Dragon Mirror, General Cangwu let him go. The masters of the three major halls saluted the general again, and then led a group of disciples into the Holy Mountain.

After they left, the Cangwu Divine General couldn't help but sigh, "The Supreme Genius of Kowloon, this session of Sunset Chosen will probably be the most exciting one in a thousand years!"

The cold-faced general next to him, who had been silent all this time, showed a solemn expression and slowly said, "This young man has a very complicated background."

"It is indeed not simple. Having the bloodline of the Jiuli God Clan and the supreme luck of the Nine Dragons is rare, but if it comes from the Jiuli God Clan, it is not too amazing." Cangwu Divine General said lightly.

"Really? Maybe I'm overly concerned." The cold-faced general said calmly: "This boy seems to have a faint aura of demons."

"Demons?" Cangwu Divine General shook his head, "Maybe he just came into contact with some demons."

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the cold-faced general, "If it is really a demon, it must be killed as soon as possible."

"That's just right. While this kid is participating in the Sunset Selection, we have plenty of time to observe carefully." God General Cangwu showed a solemn look on his face. Their purpose of guarding this place is to prevent demons with evil intentions from opening the Huntian Dragon Mirror. of seal.

Otherwise, once the entrance to the Demon Realm is opened, it will be a catastrophe for the entire Xuanling Continent.

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