Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1656 He is a ruthless person! (3 updates)

"Junior Brother Liu, I'm sorry! This is for your own good. If you close your eyes, this horse manure actually smells quite fragrant. It's the aroma of the Flame Marrow of the Burning Sky Dragon!"

Liu Donglin was so angry that he almost vomited blood, Xiang?

Smell your sister!

If you think it tastes good, why don’t you eat it?

However, at the moment when he was extremely angry, a big lump of horse dung was stuffed into his mouth.


So delicious!

That's right, the horse dung soaked in the flame marrow of Burning Sky Dragon is also a fragrant horse dung.

But that’s horse manure!

It was obviously horse manure, but Liu Donglin actually found it very fragrant, which made him feel extremely humiliated.

"Bah! Bah! Ugh!"

Liu Donglin was vomiting like crazy, and I, Liu Donglin, vowed not to eat Xiang to the death!

"Bring water and rush in! Keep the medicine alive!"

Wang Qian continued to give instructions.

Soon someone brought water and washed all the horse dung in Liu Donglin's mouth!

The other two disciples from the Holy Land who were watching were all deeply shocked by this scene.

You want to laugh, but this atmosphere is not right, you can’t laugh!

Don’t laugh, it’s so uncomfortable to hold it in!

A large-scale eating scene!

You may have seen a lot of geniuses, but among the geniuses of Chixiang, Liu Donglin has always been at the top of the list!

Ling Feng also raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, sighing secretly in his heart: This Wang Qian is a ruthless person!

Originally, he just wanted to get rid of these guys, but if it couldn't be done, wouldn't it be over if he just gave him a few more pills refined from the Flame Marrow of the Burning Sky Dragon?


Anyway, since Liu Donglin eats so well, let him eat more!

After all, it’s good for your body!

puff! ——

Liu Donglin was so angry that he spat out a large mouthful of blood and fell unconscious on the spot!

"No! Horse manure is spurting out, stuff it in quickly! Hurry!"

Everyone was in a hurry...

After a while, Liu Donglin's wounds healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his breath gradually stabilized.

Even when Liu Donglin was in a coma, his body instinctively accepted the spiritual fluid of the Burning Sky Dragon Flame Marrow, and he opened his mouth very cooperatively and ate...

Well, very cooperative!

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you say no, but your body is very honest! Look, it tastes so delicious!"

Ling Feng crossed his arms with a mocking look on his face.


This time, everyone couldn't hold back any longer, and everyone laughed so hard that even many disciples in Yunluo Holy Land couldn't hold back.

Zi Zhaoyan was always as cold as ice and rarely smiled, but seeing this scene made her burst into laughter.

This Liu Donglin was really played to death by Ling Feng this time.

Yuan Huaji frowned deeply and glanced at Ling Feng with his cold gaze from time to time, as if he wanted to eat Ling Feng alive!

Wang Qian clenched his fists, sighed, handed Liu Donglin's body to the disciples on the side, and said in a deep voice: "Take Junior Brother Liu down to rest. In addition, no disciple is allowed to mention this matter again!"


All the Yunluo Holy Land disciples nodded quickly, joking, who dared to mention it!

Soon, several disciples from Yunluo Holy Land took Liu Donglin and left the villa. Then Wang Qian took a step forward, stared at Ling Feng solemnly, and said in a deep voice: "I don't know how to call this junior brother!"

Everyone only knows that Ling Feng is a disciple of Donglingxianchi. Very few people know who this evil god who killed him on the way is!

"I won't change my name when I'm working, and I won't change my surname when I sit down. Ling Feng!"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said with a faint smile: "Why, does Senior Brother Wang want me to sign an autograph?"

"Ling Feng, right? Junior Brother Ling is indeed a hero from a young age!"

Wang Qian took a deep look at Ling Feng. If he met this kid on the Sunset Heavenly Selection, he would definitely be given a taste of the wrath from Yunluo Holy Land!


Ling Feng smiled faintly. Wang Qian's words were as hypocritical as they wanted to be. However, Ling Feng didn't bother to mind. If they really met, he would naturally have his fists to speak.

Everyone in the manor has firmly remembered the name of Ling Feng, this evil star!

The first time he encountered Ling Feng, Liu Donglin had a miserable and terrifying experience. Being his enemy would not end well at all!

It doesn’t matter if he was defeated, and he was so miserable that he had to be fed to Xiang...

It’s scary to think about it!

Especially Yuan Huaji, who had always had a good relationship with Liu Donglin. Seeing Liu Donglin being teased like this, he couldn't suppress his anger. He stared at Ling Feng angrily and shouted: "Boy, you have the guts to compete with me!"

Although Yuan Huaji's strength is only about the same as Liu Donglin's, but judging from the battle just now, Ling Feng is good at the magical power of thunder, which is extremely fast and elusive.

Just because Liu Donglin was completely disrupted by Ling Feng and turned into a one-sided beating situation, it does not mean that Ling Feng has the ability to completely beat Liu Donglin.

Now that he has seen through Ling Feng's plan, Yuan Huaji is somewhat confident that he can use his own defense to kill Ling Feng alive.

After all, no matter what, he is still a junior emperor, and he is also a monster-level emperor. Even if Ling Feng is extraordinary, he is still far behind in terms of Yuanli cultivation!

As long as Ling Feng's energy is exhausted and he strikes back again, Ling Feng will definitely be defeated!

Of course, this is just his naive idea.

Unexpectedly, Ling Feng glanced at the sparring arena that had been riddled with holes, shrugged, and said calmly: "Senior brother wants to compete with me, so I will accompany him. However, the arena has been destroyed, and senior brother wants to If you want to fight with me, it seems that you can only wait until the sunset to officially fight. "

After saying that, Ling Feng intentionally or unintentionally released his nine-foot dragon of luck.

For a moment, everyone in the audience was dumbfounded.

This dragon of luck is simply heaven-defying!

If we can defeat Ling Feng in the Sunset Chosen Arena, wouldn't we be able to plunder Ling Feng's luck!

Before that night, Chang Ge had only vaguely observed that Ling Feng's Dragon of Luck was extremely heaven-defying, but now, he had confirmed that Ling Feng's Dragon of Luck actually reached the height of nine feet, nine feet and nine inches. !

You know, among the disciples of the Five Thunder Holy Land, Ye Ting, the most outstanding one, only has two dragons of luck with two heads and six feet!

Wang Qian, Yuan Huaji, Yue Huaqing, He Lingyun, Zi Zhaoyan...

Geniuses from Yunluo Holy Land and Five Thunder Holy Land all have their eyes on Ling Feng incredibly. With this Dragon of Luck alone, Ling Feng is destined to become the focus of this Sunset Selection.

Maybe he is not the strongest, but he is definitely the one that everyone wants to defeat!

"Ling Feng, what are you doing?"

Tuoba Yan was a little confused and sent a message to Ling Feng's spiritual consciousness: "Aren't you afraid of becoming the target of public criticism?"

Ling Feng shrugged and said indifferently: "Do you think that if I don't take the initiative to expose it, the news that I gathered about the Nine Dragons Supreme will not leak out? It won't take too long. It is estimated that the comprehensive ranking of all geniuses and the dragon of luck will be revealed." The news will spread. Instead of doing this, I, Ling Feng, should not be afraid of a fight!"


Swallowing saliva deeply, Ling Feng acted like a tyrant. He first beat up Liu Donglin, and then showed off his Dragon of Luck. This martial arts competition could be said to have allowed Ling Feng to do it all by himself. Stealing the show.

"Okay, great! I hope Junior Brother Ling won't lose your Dragon of Luck before you meet me!"

Yuan Huaji stared at Ling Feng coldly. Ling Feng's move was firstly to establish his authority, and secondly to provoke him. It was obvious that he had no intention of taking Yuan Huaji seriously at all.

"Hmph, if senior brother can come up to me, let's talk about it."

Ling Feng curled his lips with a nonchalant expression on his face.


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