Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1657: A Profitable Result! (4 more)

On the side of the Five Thunder Holy Land, Ye Changge felt a little regretful. He hoped that Yuan Huaji could find out more about Ling Feng, but now it seems that it is impossible to fight.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Changge showed a slight look of solemnity and said slowly: "Since the arena has been destroyed, let's end the martial arts competition here. Thank you for your respect."

Although I couldn't find out everyone's details, it was a big gain to know that there was a Ling Feng hidden in the Dongling Fairy Pond.

Ye Changge had already spoken, and everyone had no choice but to give up. After the martial arts meeting was over, everyone said some more words and then returned to their respective places of residence to prepare for the Sunset Selection.

At the same time, on top of a mountain in the distance.

There was a middle-aged man wearing a white robe with a gloomy and ugly face. Originally, the new generation of geniuses in Yunluo Holy Land was in the limelight, but as soon as Ling Feng appeared, the situation was immediately reversed.

In fact, Liu Donglin was forcibly fed with manure!

"That boy from Dongling Fairy Pond is simply hateful!"

The man in white robe clenched his fists. If it wasn't for his identity that prevented him from taking action, he would have wanted to slap Ling Feng to death.

"Master Xiaoyun Pavilion, don't be angry. Why should we old guys take things between young people to heart?"

Not far away, the Master of the Chiri Palace in gorgeous robes had a faint smile on his face.

Ling Feng turned the tide and saved Donglingxianchi's face, and he was naturally happy.

The master of Xutian Palace, Shen Guang, was also beaming. Although Ling Feng had eliminated one of his disciples, in comparison, what Ling Feng did today made him extremely happy. He could live for at least ten years!

The unparalleled young emperor Qin Zusheng, let him die!

On the other hand, Biluo Shengji couldn't help but shake her head and smile. Ling Feng's move was still a bit too nonsense and would cause others to eat horse dung. Fortunately, he could think of it.

That white-robed man was one of the pavilion masters of the three heavenly pavilions of Yunluo Holy Land, and he was also the team leader who led the disciples of Yunluo Holy Land to compete this time.

"Hmph! That's easy to say!"

The master of Xiaoyun Pavilion gritted his teeth and cursed in his heart: Those who are emotional and swallow shit are not your disciples of Donglingxianchi!

On the other side, the elders of the Five Thunder Holy Land remained silent, but each one of them showed a solemn expression.

From the information they obtained, they never knew that Ling Feng actually existed among the new generation of disciples in Donglingxianchi.

Moreover, he is actually a rare Kowloon genius!

This delicious cake must be swallowed!

Naturally, Ling Feng didn't know that his performance in the martial arts competition had been closely watched by the three sect bosses.

At the end of the martial arts meeting, the disciples of Donglingxianchi returned home feeling happy. Everyone was smiling, chattering and discussing non-stop.

He looked at Ling Feng from time to time, feeling particularly awe.

There is no doubt that this battle established Ling Feng's ranking in the sect.

I am afraid that Ling Feng is the first person besides Shi Haoxuan, Gu Changfeng and Murong Bai.

In fact, even Murong Bai may not be able to defeat Ling Feng.

He Lianxiao looked excited and stepped forward to express his thanks: "Thank you so much, Junior Brother Ling, for avenging me. I was too narrow-minded before. I hope Junior Brother will not take it to heart."

"We are all brothers from the same sect. Just make it clear."

Ling Feng smiled faintly. He Lian Xiao was just a rough guy and had not touched his bottom line. Naturally, Ling Feng would not argue with him, otherwise he would not have wasted the elixirs to treat He Lian Xiao's injuries.

"Junior Brother Ling has a broad mind, and I am ashamed of myself!" He Lianxiao felt ashamed for a while, then raised his head and stared at Ling Feng and said: "Junior Brother Ling has a great chance to be among the top ten in this Sunset Selection! Work hard, Win glory for my Dong Lingxian Pond!”

Ling Feng smiled and nodded: "To each other."

"Junior Brother Ling, there is something I want to ask..."

Helian Xiao clenched his fists and hesitated for a long time, but he didn't know how to speak.

"Senior Brother, you want to ask why I know your Thousand Army Destroying Kick Technique, right?"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said casually.

"No, no, no, when it comes to Qianjun Destroy Kick Technique, I really can't compare with you. I don't want to ask Junior Brother why he knows this Kick Technique. I just hope that when I have time, Junior Brother can... ahem, can you give me some pointers? Down……"

He Lianxiao blushed. He had been practicing leg skills for more than thirty years since he was a child. Only when he compared it with Ling Feng did he realize the difference.

"So that's it, it's easy to say."

Ling Feng smiled casually. This set of kicks was indeed pretty good. He had just "stolenly learned" it from Helian Xiao, so it didn't hurt to teach him two moves.


Xu Ming's ears immediately perked up at the side, and he immediately came forward and bowed deeply to Ling Feng, "Junior Brother Ling, I...please teach me the Heavenly Domination Fist! Thank you, Junior Brother Ling!"

"All right……"

Ling Feng pursed his lips and pretended to be very reluctant, but he was very happy in his heart: just in time, let them practice these two sets of martial arts completely in front of him, and he would learn them all!

Earn money with blood!

Not long after, the group returned to the mountain peak where Donglingxianchi lived. However, they discovered that Shi Haoxuan and the others had already returned.

However, the expressions of the three people were completely different.

Shi Haoxuan, with gentle wind and light clouds, is standing proudly on the top of the cliff, looking at Cangshan Mountain and the sea of ​​clouds in the distance, with high aspirations.

Gu Changfeng, on the other hand, was sitting in a pavilion making tea very calmly, looking leisurely and contented.

Only Murong Bai, with a pale face and dejected face, was meditating and adjusting his breath.

In addition, Holy Lady Biluo returned first, while the Lord of Chiri Palace and the Lord of Xutian Palace seemed to have gone to visit the powerful gods guarding the Longxiao Holy Mountain together with the senior elders of the other two sects.

After all, this is their place!

Seeing Murong Bai's miserable appearance, Xu Ming and He Lianxiao were startled and ran over quickly.

Murong Bai was attending a tea party and could only exchange a few words about why he looked a little injured.

Could it be that the prodigious kings of the other two sects were as ruthless as Liu Donglin?

However, with Shi Haoxuan and Gu Changfeng present, those people would be somewhat wary.

"Senior Brother Murong, what's wrong with you?"

Helian Xiao frowned deeply, showing a bit of worry.

Murong Bai slowly opened his eyes, his shame flashed away, and he shook his head gently: "It's okay..."

"By the way, I was discussing Taoism and martial arts with two other sects' geniuses at Jue Tian Peak, and I noticed some movement on a nearby mountain peak. Are you guys sparring?"

Murong Bai quickly changed the topic.

Recalling the situation on Juetian Peak, he...

My heart is filled with despair!

That's right, he was really heartbroken, because the injuries on his body were caused by overestimating his own strength, and his spirit was backfired when he observed the battle between Ye Ting of Five Thunder Holy Land and Li Yanluo of Yunluo Holy Land!

The level of those two people was already so high that he was not even qualified to wait and see!

Among the geniuses present, he was the only one who suffered a mental backlash!

It’s not on the same level at all!

If he had known that Shi Haoxuan and the others had arrived in time, what the hell would he have done! How embarrassing!

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