Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1660 Meeting under the moon! (3 updates)

Murong Bai said a few words to Ling Feng and Ling Feng in a serious tone, and then left Ling Feng's room dejectedly.

It can be seen that this martial arts tea party at Jue Tian Peak was a big blow to him. Otherwise, with his usual arrogance, how could he lower his body and reveal the information about these powerful people to Ling Feng.

Although this Murong Bai's character may not be very good, he still has a sincerity towards the sect. Based on this alone, he is much better than Qin Zusheng, the white-eyed wolf who cannot be loved.

After Murong Bai left, Tuoba Yan and Ling Feng were the only two people left in the room.

Ling Feng directly took out a bottle of Burning Sky Dragon Flame Marrow, handed it to Tuoba Yan, and said warmly: "Yan'er, this Burning Sky Dragon Flame Marrow is a holy medicine for healing. If you participate in the Sunset Selection, you will inevitably get injured. These Burning Sky Dragon Flame Marrow, you Prepare it first.”

"You still have a whole bottle!"

Tuoba Yan's pupils shrank slightly and he looked deeply at Ling Feng. He couldn't help but pursed his lips and smiled sweetly, "Isn't that Liu Donglin just eating horse dung for nothing?"

"That guy is very arrogant. Let's teach him a lesson."

Ling Feng shrugged, with a nonchalant look on his face. This kind of person, who thinks he has some talent, acts like he is the best in the world. I will punish him today. If he can come out of the shadows, he can practice in the future. If you are successful, you may have to thank yourself.

However, if he only thinks about revenge on himself, he is doomed to fail in his life.

"That's true."

Tuoba Yan nodded, thinking that Ling Feng's various methods of teasing people were becoming more and more "rich". It seemed that those who were close to Zhu were red, and those who were close to Mo were black. They must have been led by that cheap donkey. broken!

The two exchanged some cultivation experiences, and seeing the sky getting dusk, Tuoba Yan left Ling Feng's residence.

After Tuoba Yan left, in the dead of night, a figure jumped out of Lingfeng's room, and jumped directly down to the peak of Donglingxian Pond.

This figure is naturally Ling Feng.

He made an appointment with Yue Huaqing, the saint of Yunluo Holy Land, and met in a relatively secluded place under the three peaks in the middle of the night.

Because most of the spectators have not yet arrived on the first day of the opening of Longxiao Holy Mountain, the entire Longxiao Holy Mountain area is relatively quiet. If we wait until three days later, when the Sunset Selection officially opens , I am afraid that even in a secluded grove, there might be warriors camping here.

Shortly after Ling Feng arrived, a graceful and slender figure curled up under the moonlight.

This girl is not Yue Huaqing.

Although Ling Feng is used to seeing all kinds of beauties and has a high immunity to beauty, Hua Qing still has a unique charm this month. Even when Ling Feng saw her flying from under the moon The figure couldn't help but be slightly startled.


Ling Feng coughed dryly and woke up again in an instant. To him, the red and pink skull and beauty were just skins.

"Moon Fairy!"

Ling Feng bowed to the girl from a distance and said with a sweet smile, "Long time no see!"

Yue Huaqing's figure fell in front of Ling Feng, and her beautiful eyes looked at Ling Feng carefully, as if she wanted to see through this man completely.

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and said with a smile: "Moon Fairy, is there a flower on my face?"

"Humph!" Yue Huaqing glared at Ling Feng angrily, "Ling Feng, you are so cruel! Do you know that after Junior Brother Liu woke up, he first sought death and then vowed to kill you? You went a little too far this time!"

"Isn't Liu Donglin going too far?"

Ling Feng shrugged and said nonchalantly: "When he was strong, he stepped on my people in Donglingxian Pond. I just treated him in the same way as he did."

"I can't beat you!"

Yue Huaqing glanced at Ling Feng angrily. In fact, she didn't like Liu Donglin's style at first, so Ling Feng might as well teach him a lesson.

It's just that Ling Feng caused Liu Donglin to eat horse manure. It's a shame this guy could think of such a thing!


Ling Feng laughed, pointed at the moon in the sky, and said with a smile: "Well, the moonlight is nice. If there is nothing else, I will go back first!"

"Hmph!" Yue Huaqing glared at Ling Feng, "Hey, aren't you going to give me back the things I left with you last time?"

Apparently, Yue Huaqing naively thought that Ling Feng didn't know that the treasure she gave him that day was the Yellow Emperor's Seal.


Ling Feng blinked his big bright eyes and said innocently: "Are those soul-infusing treasures that Moon Fairy is talking about? Good things, they are all good things. I can't thank you enough for Ling Feng!"

"Stop pretending to be stupid!"

Yue Huaqing snorted softly, "Besides the set of soul-infused treasures, is there also a yellow jade seal? The thing you took was left to me by my grandfather. It is very important to me, so please return it. I!"


Ling Feng sneered in his heart, this woman didn't even blush when she told lies.

Returning what her grandfather passed down to her, this woman must have stolen it back from the Monster Clan Holy Land!

However, Ling Feng didn't expose Yue Huaqing, he just slapped his forehead and said with a smile: "That's what Fairy Yue is talking about! Hey..."

Ling Feng sighed softly and pretended to be distressed, "I'm sorry, Fairy Yue, I'm afraid I won't be able to get that thing out!"


Yuehua Qingfeng frowned and glared at Ling Feng, "Ling Feng, don't push yourself too far! I've already given you so much reward, do you still want to steal my ancestral treasure!"

"The conscience of heaven and earth!"

Ling Feng said quickly: "Fairy Yue, although I, Ling Feng, am not a gentleman, I still have some basic personality. How could I steal your treasure from you, Fairy! You didn't understand the situation at that time!"

Then, Ling Feng let out a long sigh, looking devastated, and said in a deep voice: "That day, after I took the thing you gave me and returned to the Holy Land of the Monster Clan, something happened that I least want to experience in my life."

Immediately, Ling Feng encountered the nine demon kings who jointly killed him in the demon clan's holy land. In the end, Mu Qianxue exposed his identity as a god and saved him.

Moreover, he was seriously injured and his life was in danger. It was Mu Qianxue who poured his divine blood into his body and saved his life.

However, the reason was changed to the fact that the demon clan discovered the Yellow Emperor's seal on Ling Feng.

"Hey, how do I know about the Yellow Emperor's Seal? Because of this, my identity was exposed after I was well hidden, and even the woman I love can only be separated from me by the end of the world! I...I My heart feels so uncomfortable! Hey..."

When it came to the emotional part, Ling Feng even burst into tears.

The whole story is half true and half false, but the part about Mu Qianxue does not lie at all. It is completely from the heart, and every word is sincere.

After hearing the story made up by Ling Feng, Yue Huaqing was so moved that she choked up and said, "Yes... I'm sorry. I didn't expect that I... I actually caused you such misery... Wow... wuwu, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"


Ling Feng glanced at Yue Huaqing from the corner of his eye. This woman actually believed it!

What a genius I am!

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