Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1661 Deceiving an ignorant girl! (1 update)

"Hey, now that it's over, I don't blame you anymore."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said with a serious face: "The only thing I want to do now is to work hard to become stronger and get my beloved girl back!"

"Well! You must work hard!"

Yue Huaqing nodded heavily, encouraging Ling Feng and wiping her tears at the same time. This saint of Yunluo Holy Land was still new to the world and was completely fooled by Ling Feng. She was really innocent. ah!

"Thank you Fairy Moon, you are such a good person!"

Ling Feng cast a grateful look at Yue Huaqing. What he said before was not entirely to deceive Yue Huaqing. As for his words to get Mu Qianxue back, it was a vow from deep in his heart!

Unchanging forever!

"Hey, it's all my fault that I was so eager to get away that I indirectly harmed you!"

Yue Huaqing blamed herself extremely, bit her lips and said, "Ling... Junior Brother Ling, I will call you Master Ling from now on."

"Of course. Then I'll call you Senior Sister Yue. The three holy places should be connected with one another."

Ling Feng nodded, feeling that this silly woman was really cute and silly.


Yue Huaqing nodded, "Junior Brother Ling, thank you for your willingness to forgive me. Actually... actually, that yellow jade seal is not something passed down to me by my grandfather. That jade seal is the Yellow Emperor's Seal!"

"Hey, I've already guessed it too."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, "But there is nothing I can do. The jade seal has been confiscated by the Canglong Demon Emperor, and it is said that it has been sealed. I'm afraid I can't return it to you."

"It's none of your business."

Yue Huaqing walked up to Ling Feng, patted Ling Feng's shoulder lightly, narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Don't worry, I won't ask you for the Yellow Emperor's Seal again. Also, you must work hard." Oh! I think you can definitely get your girl back, you are a great genius and a very good man!”


Ling Feng's old face blushed slightly, and he felt deeply guilty for a time, and even hesitated whether to tell the truth to this woman.

But after thinking about it, I decided to forget it. I had worked so hard to collect three Five Emperor Seals, so I couldn't just return them.

At worst, if there is any chance, I will get one-fifth of the moon in Huaqing, then I can feel at ease.

"Thank you."

Ling Feng nodded towards Yue Huaqing and said calmly: "It's getting late, we should go back separately."


Yue Huaqing nodded, "Junior brother Ling, we'll see you in the sunset! Also, if you need any help, you can tell me. Although you don't mind, I still caused you so much misery, I ...I want to make it up to you!"

"Senior Sister Yue is out."

Ling Feng nodded and smiled, "Senior Sister Nayue, farewell!"

Ling Feng smiled bitterly, is there really such a simple woman in this world?

Yue Huaqing looked at Ling Feng's back and sobbed again, "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"

Ling Feng heard Yue Huaqing's cry from a distance, and felt a deep sense of guilt in his heart: Wasn't it a bit sinful for him to deceive Yue Huaqing like this?

"Hehe, Master, you are so bad! You actually deceive an ignorant girl like this!"

There was a flash of purple light, and the little guy Zifeng landed on Ling Feng's shoulder, winking and laughing at Ling Feng.

Fortunately, that bitch had swallowed a large amount of Dapeng's essence and blood last time and had fallen into a deep sleep. Otherwise, he might have been even more exaggerated than Zifeng and "laughed" at himself in every possible way.

Ling Feng rolled his eyes at this guy angrily, "You know nothing, this is called adapting to circumstances! After you finish putting together the magic box I gave you, you can sneak out!"

Zifeng had a look of pain on his face: "Master, that magic box is too difficult to put together! It's really too difficult!"

"It's not difficult to show how smart you are? You think so?" Ling Feng said with a smile.

"Yes! I am the smartest in the world... No, no, the master is first and I am second!"

Zifeng immediately became excited after being praised by Ling Feng, "Okay master, just wait for my good news!"

After saying that, the purple light flashed and he retracted into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.


Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled, this "second in the world" is really easy to fool!

Noon the next day.

Just as Ling Feng expected, Lin Mun's guy is here!

This guy is a super well-connected person. Not only does he have a sister like Biluo Shengji, but he also has the Master of Xuanlei Hall and the Master of Jingfeng Hall who have been pursuing Shengji Biluo. They all regard this future brother-in-law as their little ancestor. Yes, within the sect, you can naturally get along.

Therefore, as long as the sky is not broken, basically no one will care about Lin Mu.

Otherwise, this guy would have died hundreds of times just by wandering around the women's bathrooms in various palaces for many years.

"Wow haha, Brother Ling, I'm here, did you miss me?"

Hearing this noisy voice, Ling Feng knew that Lin Mu was back.

However, the first one to run out to greet Lin Mu was naturally the young senior sister Yu Linglong.

"Lin...senior brother Lin!"

As soon as Yu Linglong saw Lin Mu, her face immediately turned red, but she seemed much calmer than before.

It seemed that she only had a backbone when Lin Mu was around.

"It's Xiao Yu'er!"

Lin Mu very rudely stepped forward and pinched Yu Linglong's little face with a hint of baby fat, then hooked Yu Linglong's shoulders and said with a smile: "How are you, do you miss me, senior brother!" "


Yu Linglong blushed and nodded slightly. Unfortunately, Lin Mu's dirty eyes had already started to look around, and he didn't notice the little girl beside him at all.

However, before he could wait for Ling Feng to come out, Biluo Shengji appeared in the main hall first.

The solemn and dignified Lord of the Earth Spirit Palace glared at this guy angrily and said, "There are no rules or regulations. Who asked you to come up here? You don't practice hard on weekdays. You just mess around." , not even qualified to participate!”

"Hey, sister, haven't I been working very hard lately?"

Lin Mu laughed, and said with a smile: "I haven't seen you for a few days, and I found that you are beautiful again, sister!"


Biluo Shengji had nothing to do with this guy. She shook her head and said calmly: "You can stay here, but don't fool around. Everyone still needs to prepare for the Sunset Chosen. And you! I'll encourage you!" Junior sister Linglong!"

Biluo Shengji naturally could see that Yu Linglong was extremely attached to Lin Mu, but Lin Mu was always out of character. As his sister, this was really heartbreaking!

"Haha, Xiao Yu'er is still very powerful!"

Lin Muxiao pinched Yu Linglong's little face, "Xiao Yu'er, even if you don't take first place this time in the sunset selection, you still have to be in the top ten! If you are in the top ten, senior brother, I will go out next time When I travel around the world, I’ll take you with me to play!”


Yu Linglong's little eyes lit up and she looked at Lin Mu expectantly.

"That's still false!" Lin Mu slapped his chest, "I, Lin Mu, always mean what I say!"

"Yeah! That's great!"

Yu Linglong nodded heavily, and deep in her heart, the little girl secretly vowed to advance into the top ten!

Then, a terrifying strong man completely awakened at this moment!

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