Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1676 Secret guidance! (2 updates)

"Hmph, Murong Bai, I underestimated you before!"

A cold light flashed in Wang Qian's eyes. He was no longer eager to decide the winner with Murong Bai, and used his own wind artistic conception to wander around the ring.

Although Murong Bai's sword was fast, it was not as fast as the wind.

"Hmph, when my Nine Nether Wind Death Formation is formed, you will be defeated!"

Wang Qian sneered in his heart. He was indeed confused by Ling Feng before. In this battle, he didn't need to fight Murong Bai's self-centered sword intent at all. He could easily defeat him with his own speed.

As Wang Qian continued to read some strange inscriptions around the arena, a sinister wind blew up in the entire arena, and the permeating ghostly sound filled Murong Bai's heart.

Wang Qian's body contains the power of the ancient witch god clan, and what he is best at is actually forming formations. Once the Nine Nether Wind Death Formation is formed, even strong men like Li Yanluo from Yunluo Holy Land will not be able to escape easily, let alone A little Murong turned pale.

A desolate wild temple, the sound of ghosts crying, makes people shudder!

At the same time, Wang Qian's whole body merged into a gloomy black wind. Murong Bai's eyelids twitched slightly, and a sinister feeling surged into his heart.

"Murong Bai, you will definitely lose!"

Wang Qian roared, and the black wind around him corroded everything. It was more than twice as powerful as the previous dark wind?

Wherever the black wind passed, Murong Bai's sword light was completely annihilated!

The Nine Nether Wind Death Formation is already mostly formed!

"Damn it, it really doesn't work..."

Murong Bai tightly held the hilt of his sword. Ever since he watched the battle of divine will among Shi Haoxuan's top experts a few days ago, he felt that his pride over the years was simply a joke.

Perhaps, my talent is indeed not good, and I am too far away from those real geniuses.

"Still defeated..."

Murong Bai sighed softly and raised his right hand, ready to admit defeat.

However, at this moment, there was a scream from the audience. It was not loud, but it was like thunder on the ground, exploding in Murong Bai's mind.

"Senior Brother Murong, what does it mean to be alone? What does it mean to be exclusive?"

Murong Bai was stunned for a moment and turned to look at the audience. Everyone was nervously staring at the competition on the stage. It seemed that only he could hear that voice.

"Murong Bai, why are you still looking around? You are really just a waste!"

Wang Qian laughed ferociously. At this moment, Murong Bai's defeat was determined!

However, he didn't know that Murong Bai suddenly had an epiphany because of the mysterious man's words.

He is a person with extraordinary talents, otherwise he would not be able to secure his position as the third young emperor of Donglingxianchi.

Now, she suddenly became enlightened, swept away the darkness in her heart, and realized that I am invincible and the only one who dominates her. In an instant, she became ten times more powerful.

"I see!"

In Murong Bai's eyes, an invincible belief surged up again, and he was secretly grateful in his heart. The words of that mysterious man were tantamount to enlightenment.

In fact, his knowledge of swordsmanship, which had been stagnant for many years, had undergone earth-shaking changes.

"what happened?"

Opposite Wang Qian, his eyelids twitched slightly. Suddenly, he felt that Murong Bai in front of him became a little different.

The flaw that existed in the heart of the sword was suddenly closed, and even a brand new power burst out.

"The Sovereign Dragon-Slaying Sword!"


A dragon roar broke through the clouds and sky, rolling like thunder, reaching the top of the sky!

A long sword, turning thousands of times, stirring the soul, the dragon's roar is endless, shaking the sky!

Every time the long sword is turned over, the dragon's roar comes to the world, shocking the world, and I am the only one who dominates!

Sonorous! ——

Murong Bai clearly did not move with his sword, but Wang Qian's expression changed with shock and he hurriedly stopped.

In the black wind, the hidden ghost screamed horribly, as if it was being killed by invisible sword energy!

For a moment, in the dark wind, ghosts were really crying and wolves were howling, and there was chaos!


What was even weirder was that a black wind suddenly dissipated into nothingness, revealing a piece of Wang Gan's true form!

"How is it possible! How is it possible! How is it possible!..."

Wang Qian was shocked and angry, and roared. He was about to defeat Murong Bai. As a result, Murong Bai's strength suddenly increased several times.

Weird, this is too weird!

"Nothing is impossible!"

Murong Bai approached with his sword in hand. Every time he got closer, the dark wind around Wang Qian dissipated.

It seems that there is unfathomable power in the rolling dragon roar!

"Children can be taught."

In the audience, Ling Feng nodded secretly. This Murong Bai indeed had some talent. He deserved to give him some advice at the most critical moment.

His simple words actually transmitted his own knowledge of swordsmanship into his mind, which really cost him a lot of mental energy.

Although he didn't have a good impression of Murong Bai, he was naturally more willing to help Murong Bai than Wang Qian.

What's more, he didn't do anything, he just reminded Murong Bai that whether Murong Bai can achieve enlightenment still depends on his own understanding.

Facts have proved that Murong Bai is not bad at understanding.

He also learned some things from Murong Bai, which was quite helpful in improving his own knowledge of swordsmanship.

"Damn it, I won't accept it!"

Wang Qian fought back angrily, crazily activating the power of the evil wind, eroding the heaven and earth, and seemed to completely corrode Murong Bai.

However, after Murong Bai received Ling Feng's guidance, his swordsmanship and swordsmanship reached another level.

The idea of ​​"I am the only one" has the power to penetrate the sword, and every move has the power to be invincible.

After three moves, Wang Gan vomited blood and retreated continuously!

boom! ——

With the last sword strike, Wang Qian was defeated and was filled with dismay!

But, if you lose, you lose!

In the arena of the Sunset Chosen, there is only one eternal truth.

The winner takes all!

The winner of this battle is Murong Bai!

Although it is not easy for Murong Bai to win, all his trump cards are exposed, the cost is huge, and the breath is empty.

But he won after all!

Behind Murong Bai, the Dragon of Luck emerged, but unfortunately, Wang Qian's Dragon of Luck had been drained. Murong Bai's Dragon of Luck circled around Wang Qian, but found nothing, and returned in frustration.

"After Wang Qian died, even the Dragon of Luck couldn't be condensed?"

Murong Bai's eyelids twitched slightly and he looked at Wang Qian in disbelief.

The next moment, Murong Bai's body flashed with light and he was teleported off the ring. However, a storm surged in his heart. He knew very well that if it weren't for that mysterious voice, he would have been defeated.

Looking at the No. 3 Arena area, the only person who can transmit his spiritual consciousness is Ling Feng...

"Junior Brother Ling..."

Murong Bai returned to his seat, raised his head and stared at Ling Feng, his eyes full of shock and uncertainty.

"Congratulations to Senior Brother Murong for defeating Wang Qian."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, the wind was gentle and the clouds were calm, as if there were no waves in an ancient well.

"Just now..." Murong Bai gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, and saluted Ling Feng with cupped fists, "Just now, thank you very much."

"You're welcome."

Ling Feng shrugged and smiled lightly.

"Sure enough..." Murong Bai swallowed hard and finally confirmed that the person who reminded him just now was Ling Feng.

Thinking about it again, Wang Qian took the initiative to admit defeat to Ling Feng, and the power of luck in his body was also sucked away...

Could it be that……

"Junior Brother Ling, has Wang Qian been defeated by you before?"

Murong Bai asked in a deep voice.


Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. Wang Qian was not in his eyes. Defeating Wang Qian was of no importance to him.

"I see."

Murong Bai took a deep breath and bowed to Ling Feng again, "Junior Brother Ling, thank you very much!"

(PS: The third update will be in the evening.)

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