Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1677 Qi and blood become armor! (3 updates)

In another corner of the three-group arena area, Ye Changge was slightly surprised. According to his assessment, Murong Bai should be slightly weaker than Wang Qian.

Unexpectedly, Murong Bai suddenly made a breakthrough during the competition and defeated Wang Qian.

His eyes flashed, and a playful look appeared on the corner of Ye Changge's mouth.

"It seems like this Murong Bai might be able to take on a few of my moves."

Naturally, Ye Changge regarded Murong Bai as the only opponent among the three groups. As for Ling Feng, although he had indeed performed well, he was still not in Ye Changge's eyes.

Of course, Ye Changge didn't know that Wang Qian was defeated by Ling Feng before, and the two pseudo-immortal-level defensive magic weapons were all destroyed. If not, Wang Qian sacrificed his Black Turtle Mask and Nine Dragons Fire Avoidance The outcome is still uncertain.

After the battle between Wang Qian and Murong Bai, the next few battles were fought between quite good masters, but unfortunately, they were far less intense than Murong Bai's battle.

Time flies, and in the third round, each player will meet all opponents in the same group, so there is no question of luck.

Everything depends on strength alone.

Soon, Ling Feng won three more games in succession, all relying solely on the Thunder God's Shadow and the Dragon Elephant's divine power to easily defeat his opponents.

Later, when the players in the same group met Ling Feng, they would simply admit defeat. Ling Feng also showed mercy, and at most he would absorb half of the luck of others, so that these opponents would not be too miserable.


With a flash of golden light, Murong Bai, who was sitting next to Ling Feng, was teleported to the ring again.

Looking up, when he saw Murong Bai's opponent, Ling Feng couldn't help but show a slightly serious expression.

Among the three groups, there is only one strong man left who does not know the details - Ye Changge!

Ten years ago, Ye Changge had already occupied a place in the Sunset Chosen, ranking ninth.

Ten years later, his strength must have reached a quite terrifying level.

That day, Ye Changge's ability to lift a heavy weight with one hand showed his precise grasp of power. Later, his arrogant attitude aroused the anger of many disciples of Donglingxianchi.

Even Murong Bai thought that he didn't have much confidence in defeating this person.

However, after being pointed out by Ling Feng, he inexplicably developed a kind of trust in Ling Feng.

He felt that Ling Feng might be able to defeat Ye Changge and advance into the top ten!

And all he can do is to help Ling Feng as much as possible and test out Ye Changge's trump card.

"Ye Changge, your name is already well known. Let me personally learn how strong you are!!"

Murong Bai slowly drew out his sword, and his sword intention was pushed to the extreme.

Facing a strong man like Ye Changge, Murong Bai did not dare to hold back at all.

Ye Changge relaxed and relaxed, with a hint of disdain in his eyes, and said lightly: "At least, he is better than you!"

"Humph, whether you are strong or not is not something you say with your mouth!"

Ye Changge's conceitedness and arrogance made Murong Bai frown, and with a sweeping sweep of his sword, he had already unleashed the "The Sovereign Sword of Heaven and Earth".

Under Ling Feng's guidance, his sword moves have surpassed their original limits and are completely natural without any flaws.

"Heaven and earth are all over the place!"

The sword light was dazzling, like the sun rising in the east.

The sword energy of hair penetrates every hole and cuts off all dust!

Densely covered in sword light, Ye Changge was surrounded by sword energy. The dangerous sword light divided everything!

Even as strong as Wang Qian, he could only suffer under Murong Bai's sword.

Xiao Yuanyuan's self-centered sword intention, coupled with Yuan Rong Yi Zhuan's sword skills, more than doubled Murong Bai's overall strength.

"Being able to defeat Wang Gan, this move is quite interesting!"

However, in the middle of it, Ye Changge still smiled lightly, as if nothing had happened.

The sword energy in the sky could not hurt him at all!

Ling Feng looked intently and couldn't help but look solemn, Ye Changge was indeed not simple!

This Ye Changge is probably the most powerful physical practitioner Ling Feng has ever seen. On the surface of his body, a thick layer of Qi and blood armor is faintly formed, like a turtle shell, protecting the whole body. Murong Bai The sharp sword energy hit the Qi and Blood Armor without any damage at all.

Regardless of strength, even Ling Feng could only be defeated by the defensive power of this layer of Qi and Blood Armor.

When it comes to body refining, some people specialize in strength and some specialize in defense. If Ling Feng's dragon-elephant divine power is the ultimate power, Ye Changge's body refining technique is the ultimate defense.

This time, Murong Bai may not be able to get any advantage.

His sword cannot break through Ye Changge's defense!

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed slightly. As the saying goes, one rush of strength will weaken again, and the essence of Murong Bai's only sword intention lies in the idea of ​​being invincible. However, when he encountered a master like Ye Changge who was good at defense, he was defeated one after another. After the success was returned, his sword power was naturally greatly reduced.

With one situation ebbing and the other ebbing, Murong Bai will undoubtedly be defeated.


Ling Feng shook his head. This situation cannot be solved by just a few words of advice. Ye Changge is worthy of being the ninth strong man in the last Sunset Chosen. His true strength is indeed terrifying.

On the stage.

Murong Bai was secretly surprised. Naturally, he was also very aware of the shortcomings of the only sword intention. If one sword failed, he gritted his teeth and immediately mobilized all his strength to execute a killing sword!

"The Sovereign Dragon-Slaying Sword!"

As soon as the sword was drawn, dragons roared in all directions.

The sword energy turns into sound, blends into the dragon's roar, and kills all living creatures!

Ye Changge's face turned slightly solemn, and the power of qi and blood surged through his body.

"This sword is finally a little interesting!"

Following Ye Changge's low roar, the power of Qi and blood formed a blood-colored barrier, covering the whole body. As Murong Bai's Dragon Yin Sword Qi impacted, ripples were splashed on the surface of the blood-colored light shield. It's like an autumn lake when it rains, with ripples blooming.

Murong Bai's strongest attack still couldn't hurt Ye Changge at all!

His eyelids twitched, and Murong Bai realized that maybe he underestimated Ye Changge.

In fact, everyone underestimated Ye Changge.

His superficial arrogance is actually just hiding and disguising, making people think that this person is brave in vain, but in fact, he is the person who hides the deepest!

"It's a pity, it's still a little weak."

With a playful look on his lips, Ye Changge strode forward. With this step, the bronze arena shook the ground!

A scratching sound came from under your feet, and cracks spread all over the brick surface of the bronze arena!

"Get down!"

Ye Changge shouted low and punched out with his right fist, a burst of dark red energy that was up to one meter long!

Ye Changge actually used the power of qi and blood in his body to achieve the point where qi and blood condensed and the blood was released!

"not good!"

Murong Bai's eyelids twitched wildly, and Ye Changge's casual punch made him feel unstoppable.

"The Sovereign Dragon-Slaying Sword!"

Seeing the fist hitting his face, Murong Bai had no time to think and immediately activated the strongest killing move of "The Sovereign Sword of Heaven and Earth" and collided heavily with Ye Changge's fist.


There was an explosion in the void, and the entire arena shook violently.

Kick, kick, kick!

The long sword in Murong Bai's hand was released directly, and the tiger's mouth was directly split open, and half of his arm was completely paralyzed.

At the same time, he retreated violently, stepping deeply into the ground with every step, and still retreated to the edge of the ring before he could stand firm.

The power of one punch is so terrifying!

"How about it, Murong Bai, do you know the gap between you and me?"

Ye Changge stood proudly on the spot and took back the blood armor on his body. He was actually unscathed in the collision just now.

Murong Bai clenched his fists tightly and gritted his teeth to recall his sword. Although he was unwilling to do so, he had no choice but to admit defeat!

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