Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1678 I just want to beat you! (1 update)

With the victory or defeat decided, most of Murong Bai's luck power was swallowed up by Ye Changge, and with a flash of golden light, he was teleported off the ring.

Murong Bai felt bitter in his heart.

The gap is too big!

Even, he couldn't let Ye Changge show his true strength!

With a look of reluctance on his face, Murong Bai was disappointed in his heart.

With a hint of amusement on his lips, Ye Changge glanced at Murong Bai from a distance, and commented condescendingly like a strong man: "Your strength is pretty good. It's a pity that your talent is limited. You may catch up with me. Staying in Donglingxianchi and being a little elder in the future is your fate. As for the peak of martial arts, you have to rely on a genius like me!"

Murong Bai paused in his footsteps and felt angry, because what Ye Changge said was true.

At his age, he will no longer be a disciple in a short time and will either become a sect elder or go to the war palace to garrison. People without talent may only stay in the early stage of the destiny realm throughout their lives, mediocre. Mediocre.

A sense of sadness came to my heart.

How high-spirited was he when he entered the Dongling Immortal Pond?

How arrogant is the desire to conquer the strong?

But now, he suddenly realized that he was just...a mediocre person?

Are you destined to be a weakling?

A complete defeat at the hands of Ye Changge was like a bucket of cold water being poured down on him.

The dream of being a strong man in my heart was shattered in an instant.

The heart of the strong also came to an abrupt end.

Perhaps, having reached this point in the martial arts journey, this is my end. Even if I am unwilling to do so, I can only accept my fate.


Murong Bai took a deep breath and sat down slowly. The heart of swordsmanship that had been restored was instantly shattered.

"What a vicious Ye Changge!"

A cold light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes. Ye Changge clearly sensed a threat in Murong Bai's body. If Murong Bai's self-centered sword intention breaks through to the level of Dzogchen, his level of energy and blood The armor may not be able to stop Murong Bai's offensive.

Because of this, Ye Changge did not hesitate to use the most vicious words to crush Murong Bai's Taoist heart.

If Murong Bai could not get out of the shadow, his self-centered sword intention would not be able to reach the level of Great Perfection throughout his life.

In this way, he will naturally have one less powerful enemy in the future.

This Ye Changge’s intentions are really sinister! It can’t be said that it’s not vicious!

"Senior Brother Murong, victory or defeat is a common thing for military strategists. Why should we care about the outcome of a battle?"

A gentle but firm word, full of infinite power, entered my heart like a warm current.

Murong Bai raised his head, and in front of him was Ling Feng.

Looking at that young face, Murong Bai sighed softly, smiled bleakly, and the smile was a little desolate: "It's great to be young... It would be great if I could be younger for five more years, just five years..."

At this moment, Murong Bai seemed to have aged ten years instantly.

"Is this your martial arts heart?"

Ling Feng shook his head. If Murong Bai was depressed like this, it had nothing to do with him. It was just a pity. Murong Bai had a chance to become a great swordsman.

However, Ye Changge used such an insidious method to crush Murong Bai's Taoist heart. This approach is really disgusting.

As if sensing Ling Feng's gaze, Ye Changge shrugged, with an expression that had nothing to do with me, and said with a teasing smile: "I just said it casually, but if he takes it seriously, what does it have to do with me?"

"What a casual word, one sentence, and everything is wiped out."

A chill flashed through Ling Feng's eyes and he said no more.

In the world of martial arts, there are winners and losers. In this case, use the rules in the ring to teach him how to behave.

I hope that when he faces failure, he can be as relaxed and calm as he is now!

Three more games in a row passed quickly.

Murong Bai was in a low mood and was not watching the game. For him, everything was meaningless.

Seeing Murong Bai so depressed, Ling Feng shook his head secretly in his heart. Therefore, for a warrior, if the martial arts heart is not firm enough, he is destined to achieve nothing.

Murong Bai had such a talent that he surpassed countless people, but he became depressed and decadent just because of the victory or defeat in a battle.

On the other hand, Jiang Xiaofan, a good brother from the Tianbai Empire, has such a talent, but he still works hard to practice, strive for progress, and chase the so-called impossible.

In this world, nothing is ever impossible.


With a flash of light, Ling Feng was teleported to the arena.

The person standing opposite was Ye Changge, who had defeated Murong Bai before.

"Hmph, I was just thinking about who I would meet in the next battle, but I didn't expect that it would be you."

Ye Changge smiled coldly. He didn't know about Ling Feng's defeat of Wang Gan. His impression of Ling Feng's strength still rested on Ling Feng's defeat of Liu Donglin.

But the strength to defeat Liu Donglin is still far behind compared to him.

Maybe for the younger generation, it's not bad, but he was the ninth strongest person in the last Sunset Chosen!

"I also want to fight you."

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back, calm and relaxed, without the slightest trace of nervousness.

"Hmph, it looks like you want to seek justice for that loser Murong Bai?"

There was a trace of amusement on Ye Changge's lips, and he burst out laughing, "Boy, you should be lucky that you are in the ring, otherwise, it would not be Murong Bai's Taoist heart that would be crushed, but his life!"

Ling Feng's expression remained unchanged, and he said with an indifferent expression: "Winning or losing depends on strength. There is nothing fair or unfair. Whether you fall or get up is also Senior Brother Murong's own choice and has nothing to do with others."

"Hahaha!" Ye Changge laughed loudly: "Yes, yes, you are a sensible person."

"So, there is no way to seek justice. I just want to beat you up. Do you have any objections?"

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back, the expression on his face was extremely calm, even a little scary.


Ye Changge was slightly stunned, staring at Ling Feng with a pair of cold eyes, and sneered: "Boy, I find that you are a little confused about the situation!"

"Is it?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, and the aura around him slowly rose.

Under the stage, Wang Qian from Yunluo Holy Land trembled for no reason. Looking at the self-righteous Ye Changge, he suddenly felt sad for Ye Changge.

Because Ye Changge made a mistake that he shouldn't have made and angered Ling Feng.

Yuan Huaji, who had angered Ling Feng last time, was still lying on the bed, unconscious.

Fortunately, he didn't directly conflict with Ling Feng, but he was beaten to the point where he almost doubted his life.

Perhaps, it won't be long before the next person who doubts life will be Ye Changge.

Wang Qian had no doubt at all whether Ling Feng could defeat Ye Changge.

In terms of the hardness of the "turtle shell", his two pseudo-immortal weapon-level treasures are definitely not any weaker than Ye Changge's Qi and Blood Armor. However, under Ling Feng's immortal weapon, he can only end up in despair. .

"Ye Changge, Ye Changge, I'm afraid you're going to be in trouble this time!"

Wang Qian felt an inexplicable feeling of secret joy in his heart. In any case, Wang Qian was very happy to see that Ye Changge was about to become his "brother in need".


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