Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1682 The Heaven Seizing Emperor Pill! (2 updates)

"Sister Yu, congratulations!"

When Ling Feng saw this woman, he couldn't help but shake his head and smile. Unexpectedly, Yu Linglong actually made it to the top ten.

This girl usually looks like a shy little girl, but in fact, even he doesn't dare to underestimate the magical power contained in her body.

"I...I promised Senior Brother Lin that I would...get into the top ten...I...I finally did it."

Yu Linglong said with a blushing face.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. In this way, he, Yu Linglong, Tuoba Yan, Shi Haoxuan, Gu Changfeng, among the top ten, there would be five disciples of Donglingxianchi.

This time, the glory of Donglingxian Pond was finally preserved, and he was worthy of being the overlord among the three holy places.

There are five places left, namely Ye Ting and Gongsun Long from Five Thunder Holy Land; Ao Jue and Li Yanluo from Yunluo Holy Land, and the last person, Yue Huaqing!

When he saw Yue Huaqing, Ling Feng was slightly surprised, but he didn't expect that she would also enter the top ten battle.

However, although Yue Huaqing was once defeated by him, Ling Feng believed that Yue Huaqing's ability to reach the top ten must not only rely on luck.

When she was fighting against him, she might have hidden other trump cards.

At this time, Yue Huaqing was looking at Yu Linglong with a fearful look, as if he had encountered something terrible, and kept telling Li Yanluo and Ao Jue something.

Ao Jue and Li Yanluo frequently cast surprised glances at her, looking at Yu Linglong, seemingly surprised.

Especially Li Yanluo, with fighting spirit burning in his eyes, he seemed to be the first to want to fight Yu Linglong directly!

It seemed that Yue Huaqing had played against Yu Linglong before she was shortlisted in the top ten.

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. He had seen Yu Linglong's strange power, so he naturally understood why Yue Huaqing showed such a frightened expression.

It's no wonder that Yu Linglong looks harmless to humans and animals, but who would have thought that such a petite and cute body like hers actually contains such terrifying power.

Shaking his head and smiling, Ling Feng took Tuoba Yan and Yu Linglong and flew down beside Shi Haoxuan and Gu Changfeng, who were also in the Donglingxianchi camp.

Nominally speaking, the leader of Donglingxian Pond is still Shi Haoxuan.

Shi Haoxuan's eyes swept over Ling Feng and the others, nodded slightly, and just said "not bad" lightly, then closed his eyes and continued to rest with his eyes closed.

Gu Changfeng, on the other hand, was more approachable than Shi Haoxuan. After a few words of greeting, he quickly got along with Ling Feng and the others.

After all, those who are both disciples of Donglingxianchi and can stand in this arena are competing for glory for the sect.

"The top ten ranking competition has officially begun! The first place will get a Divine Emperor Pill!"

The ten arenas merged into one, and the original ten puppet referees also merged into one, but their aura became more terrifying.

The puppet referee spoke indifferently, a dim light flashed in front of him, and a jade porcelain vase appeared in its palm.

Even though the bottle cork has not yet been opened, the top geniuses standing at the pinnacle of the Eastern Spiritual Realm present all have red eyes, staring at the porcelain bottle with great envy.

The Divine Emperor Pill that captures the sky, as the name suggests, is the supreme divine elixir that captures the power of creation from the heaven and earth.

After taking this elixir, as long as you don't die prematurely, you will definitely have the opportunity to break through to the ninth level of the Destiny Realm and become a peak emperor.

The first level of martial arts is to defy the heavens and take one's life. After cultivating to the Destiny Realm, every level of breakthrough is extremely difficult. For example, the threshold of the third level of the Destiny Realm has trapped countless talented people to death.

A single Divine Emperor Pill can allow a warrior to reach the peak of the ninth level of the Destiny Realm with 100% chance.

The value of this elixir is evident.

Even among the three holy places, any strong man at the ninth level of the Destiny Realm is basically a person who stands at the apex of power.

Winning the first prize for Sunset Chosen not only means supreme glory, but also a peerless magic elixir, which is at your fingertips.

For a moment, Shi Haoxuan, Ye Ting, and Ao Jue all had a glimmer of determination to win in their eyes.

Ling Feng is naturally no exception.

Withdrawing the Heaven Seizing Emperor Pill again, the puppet referee announced expressionlessly: "The competition has officially begun! In the first round, Yu Linglong will face Gongsun Long."

"Ah I?"

Yu Linglong's beauty turned pale and she looked very timid, as if she didn't expect that she would be the first to play.

"Senior Sister Yu, come on."

Ling Feng cast an encouraging look at Yu Linglong and said with a faint smile: "Brother Lin is watching from the sidelines. At this time, you can't show any discouragement."


As soon as Lin Mu was mentioned, Yu Linglong immediately became excited, clenched her pink fists, gritted her silver teeth and said, "I...I will definitely perform well!"

Ling Feng was secretly amused. Although Yu Linglong was not good at using the power contained in her body, her potential would naturally burst out whenever she mentioned Lin Mu.

On the opposite side, Gongsun Long had already somersaulted onto the ring.

Ten arenas merged into one, and the entire venue seemed a bit empty. However, considering that the people on the stage were all the top experts in this Sunset Selection, such a venue was in line with their status.

As the sixth strongest person in the last Sunset Chosen, Gongsun Long's strength is undoubtedly strong.

Seeing that his opponent turned out to be a weak and timid yellow-haired girl, Gongsun Long couldn't help but have a flash of contempt in his eyes.

After a while, Yu Linglong also jumped onto the ring, glanced at Gongsun Long opposite, and said tremblingly: "Please... please give me some advice, senior brother."


Gongsun Long snorted coldly, with an indifferent expression on his face: "Junior sister, the competition is not child's play. If you don't want to get hurt, just admit defeat and quit."

"Don't admit defeat..."

Yu Linglong gritted her teeth. Although she was not interested in the ranking of the Sunset Chosen at all, she still decided to go all out for Lin Mu's promise.

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