Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1683 The powerful Yu Linglong! (3 updates)

"If you don't want to admit defeat, let's start! Ganglong Fist!"

Gongsun Long's whole body was surrounded by a faint blood-red light, and the Ganglong Overlord Fist struck out boldly.

As a disciple of the Five Thunder Holy Land, Gongsun Long is naturally proficient in this boxing technique. Compared with Ye Changge, Gongsun Long's boxing technique is more powerful and heavy, and at the same time it activates the power of thunder.

The thunder dragon roared, and the void rumbled and trembled. This Gongsun Long was indeed a strong man far beyond Ye Changge. Once he took action, he almost had an unparalleled terrifying power that could crush the world.

In the preparation table, Gu Changfeng's eyelids twitched slightly. He and Gongsun Long were on the same level as strong men. Can Yu Linglong's small body be able to catch this move?

Tuoba Yan's heart was also filled with worry. Although she and Yu Linglong didn't have much friendship, she couldn't bear to see this beautiful little girl injured under Gongsun Long's iron fist.

On the stage.

When Yu Linglong saw Gongsun Long flying over, she immediately showed an expression of extreme fear and shouted, "Don't come over, don't come over!"

Gongsun Long was confused. Is this really a battle among the top ten? Why do you feel like you are bullying a little girl?

However, when Yu Linglong subconsciously punched him, he realized how terrifying this harmless little girl was.

"Ah! Come here again, I'm going to beat you!"

A trace of displeasure flashed across Yu Linglong's charming and innocent face, and she punched out subconsciously, colliding with Gongsun Long's Ganglong Overlord Fist.

Boom boom boom!

The aftermath of the energy collision swept wildly, and a thick layer of smoke and dust rose above the arena.


A figure flew out from the smoke and dust. Everyone looked at it intently and showed astonishment as if they had seen a ghost.

The person who was knocked away was actually Gongsun Long!

Gongsun Long had a gray face, his entire right arm was shaking violently, and blood was dripping down his fingertips.

On the other hand, when the smoke dispersed, Yu Linglong stood on the spot unscathed!

Everyone was dumbfounded. This Yu Linglong's power was too terrifying, wasn't it?

In the Yunluo Holy Land camp, Yue Huaqing pursed her delicate lips and said slowly: "This is the real strength of that little girl. I have fought with her once before. Her strength is very weird. It seems that she can defeat everything. The power on her body bounced back intact. Therefore, it seemed that the little girl knocked Gongsun Long away with one punch, but in fact, it was Gongsun Long who knocked him away. "

"There is such a weird physique in the world!"

Li Yanluo's eyelids twitched slightly, staring at the Supreme Emperor Yu Linglong, lost in thought, seeming to be thinking about how to deal with this little girl if he met her.

On the stage.

Gongsun Long stared at Yu Linglong uncertainly. His entire right arm, no, strictly speaking, the entire right half of his body, almost fell into a state of numbness. The punch he just punched was not only It bounced back intact, still possessing Yu Linglong's own domineering power.

That strange force almost shattered all the tendons in his right arm. If he hadn't come from the Five Thunder Holy Land and had been tempering his body with the power of thunder for many years, if he had been an ordinary monk, his entire right arm would have been blown to pieces. foam.

With a trace of unwillingness, Gongsun Long gritted his teeth and said solemnly: "I - admit defeat!"

There is no point in continuing to fight. It is better to admit defeat as soon as possible and recover from the injury.

"Ah? Giving up? Why?"

Yu Linglong looked surprised at first, then patted her chest and said with a smile: "Great, I won again!"

Gongsun Long was depressed for a while. He originally wanted to get off to a good start, but he met a monster!

In the audience, Gu Changfeng was stunned. Even if he met Gongsun Long, it would take a lot of effort to defeat him, but Yu Linglong actually just punched him lightly!

Although he had heard some rumors about Yu Linglong, after seeing it with his own eyes, the boundless power that shocked his soul made him unable to calm down for a long time.

This little junior sister is really a little monster!

"I didn't expect that she is so strong!"

Tuoba Yan looked at Yu Linglong's petite back and felt lost for a while. He had been practicing hard with Hui Yue Shengji for a year and asked himself that his strength had greatly increased, but if he really met Yu Linglong, could he defeat her?

I'm afraid it's very confusing!

A trace of fighting spirit flashed in Ao Jue's eyes, and an opponent like Yu Linglong made him look a little excited.

Ye Ting was indifferent, but when he glanced at Yu Linglong, there was obviously a hint of dignity.

Shi Haoxuan looked at Yu Linglong, his eyes slowly closed again, and a faint smile hung on the corner of his mouth: "Not bad."

As Gongsun Long surrendered, part of the Dragon of Luck behind him was absorbed by Yu Linglong. The two of them left the field and returned to the preparation area to rest.

Different from the previous competitions, after each game, there will be a rest time of about half an hour for the top ten players to adjust their breath and recover.

Half an hour later, after the break ended and Gongsun Long fully recovered, the puppet referee quickly announced the second battle.

"The second competition, Gongsun Long versus Ao Jue!"

Hearing this, Gongsun Long, who had just recovered, showed a bitter expression on his face.

My luck is too unlucky.

Ao Jue was also an old man who had participated in the Sunset Selection ten years ago, but that time, Ao Jue had already achieved a good result of third place, while Gongsun Long had only achieved sixth place.

Ten years ago, the gap between the two was already quite large. Ten years later, this gap seems to have become even wider.

Ao Jue has surpassed the former Li Yanluo and replaced him, becoming the leader of all geniuses in Yunluo Holy Land. Together with Shi Haoxuan and Ye Ting, he is also known as the three great geniuses.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Two figures flew onto the ring at the same time.

Ao Jue was so powerful that Gongsun Long couldn't even think of fighting him. He smiled bitterly and said, "Haha, brother Ao Jue, I didn't expect to meet you so soon. It seems that I can only admit defeat."

"Now that we have met, let's discuss it."

Ao Jue stood with his hands behind his back. Gongsun Long's strength was not in his eyes, but he still managed to get by.

Gongsun Long nodded and said in a deep voice: "Brother Lao Aojue, please give me some advice!"

Facing the strong man, Gongsun Long kept his attitude very low.

Ever since the momentum battle on Jue Tian Peak, Gongsun Long understood that Ao Jue's level had already surpassed his own.

However, it would be a good thing if you can find your own shortcomings in battle.

Sparring with strong men like Ao Jue, you can more or less absorb some combat experience from Ao Jue, which is quite beneficial to your own improvement.

"Easy to say."

Ao Jue nodded. Although they were not from the same sect, for these geniuses who wanted to pursue a higher realm of martial arts, sectarian opinions were secondary.

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