Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1684 The king looks down! (1 update)

"Brother Aojue, please give me some advice!"

The two of them fought together.

After several confrontations, Gongsun Long felt the shortcomings of his moves, bowed his hand to Aojue, and then surrendered.

Although he knew he would lose in the battle with Ao Jue, Gongsun Long benefited a lot.

The top ten players present all seem to have some understanding. At their level, understanding is not a problem, and everyone must have something worth learning.

The original purpose of the so-called Sunset Selection is to promote exchanges between geniuses in the Eastern Spiritual Realm.

Half an hour later, the puppet referee announced the third match indifferently: "The third match, Gu Changfeng, versus Ling Feng!"

Gu Changfeng glanced at Ling Feng and couldn't help but shake his head and smile, "Junior brother Ling, I didn't expect that we would meet each other so soon."

"Yes, I was just thinking of asking my senior brother for advice."

Ling Feng smiled modestly, no one who could be promoted to the top ten was weak, and Gu Changfeng's strength was only inferior to the three great geniuses: Shi Haoxuan, Ye Ting and Ao Jue.

"Easy to say."

Gu Changfeng nodded slightly, but he didn't think Ling Feng had any chance of defeating him. He was a little curious that Ling Feng didn't take the initiative to admit defeat.

However, since Ling Feng wanted to go on stage and fight, he would naturally accompany him to the end.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Ling Feng and Gu Changfeng flew across the arena.

Gu Changfeng stood proudly in the center of the ring. After thinking for a while, he took out a sword and said slowly: "Junior brother Ling, what I am good at is swordsmanship. Be careful!"

Ling Feng sensed the sharp sword intent emanating from Gu Changfeng, his eyes flashed, he nodded with a smile and said, "In that case, I'll use the sword as well!"

Countless people in the audience widened their eyes. Ever since Sunset Chosen, no one had ever seen Ling Feng use swordsmanship.

Among the top ten masters, only Tuoba Yan knew that one of Ling Feng's most powerful abilities was swordsmanship.

In the audience seat, a glimmer of light flashed in Murong Bai's eyes. Ling Feng was able to guide him to realize the Soli Sword Intent. From this, it can be seen that Ling Feng's swordsmanship is still above his own.

However, it is not yet known whether Ling Feng can beat Gu Changfeng in kendo versus kendo.


On the other hand, Gu Changfeng, who was on the stage, was stunned for a moment and said a little strangely: "Junior brother Ling is also a sword user?"

Clang! ——

Gu Changfeng's response was an extremely clear sword cry!

A Qingyue sword chant cleansed people's hearts and resounded through the silent arena.

In an instant, a fierce and unparalleled sword intent suddenly swept across with Ling Feng as the center.

Gu Changfeng was stunned: "Junior Brother Ling, you..."

Ling Feng held all ten directions in his hand and his temperament suddenly changed.

If he was just an ordinary passerby before, now he is like a master of swordsmanship.

Shi Haoxuan's eyes flashed and he stared deeply.

Ye Ting frowned slightly, with a hint of surprise.

Ao Jue's eyelids twitched and he blurted out: "Killing Sword Intent?"

As a fellow sword user, Gu Changfeng felt the deepest feeling. He stared at Ling Feng in surprise and asked in a deep voice: "Junior brother Ling, is what you are using the legendary killing sword intention?"

"Try it and you will know!"

In Ling Feng's eyes, a bright light flashed, and the destruction in all directions stood vertically in front of him, with traces of destruction aura splashing in all directions.

laugh! ——

The sword light surrounded him, and the space was torn open with cracks of nothingness!

Just the explosion of sword intent can be so powerful. What level has Ling Feng's swordsmanship attained?

Gu Changfeng's forehead was covered with cold sweat and he swallowed hard.

At this moment, Gu Changfeng no longer dared to look down upon this junior brother whose cultivation level was pitifully low.

This junior fellow apprentice is definitely a master of swordsmanship that is unique among ten thousand!

No, he is not an ordinary master!

That kind of killing intention comes from the heart, is born from the soul, and is born from the mind. It seems that he is holding a long sword in his hand. Ling Feng exhales with a bit of killing intention.

Gu Changfeng has been practicing swordsmanship since he was six years old. In more than 40 years, he has never seen a swordsman with Ling Feng's terrifying killing intention.

Killing Sword Intent, among the ten attributes of Sword Intent, is also a transcendent existence like a king. Ordinary Sword Intent is inherently inferior to Killing Sword Intent.

It was like a look down from a king. In the realm of swordsmanship, Gu Changfeng felt that he had already lost half the battle before it even started.

Ling Feng swept the sword in his hand and said with a calm expression: "Senior Brother Gu, take action!"

Only then did Gu Changfeng come back to his senses, took a deep breath, his face was full of solemnity, nodded, and said in a deep voice: "Junior Brother Ling, be careful!"

With his sword intention suppressed, Gu Changfeng did not dare to be careless and used his trump card.

This was originally the swordsmanship he planned to use to compete with Ye Ting and Ao Jue, but now, he had to expose it in advance.

"Nine Heavens Dragon Sword!"

With one strike of the sword, dragon roars filled the sky and resounded through the sky.

Sword chants fill the sky, mixed with infinite sword energy, densely covering every corner, penetrating into every corner!

Ling Feng was also enveloped by the infinite sword energy. There was no way to escape, in the sky and on the ground, in all directions.

However, Ling Feng was unhurried. At the moment when the sword energy swept down from the sky, two more long swords floated up behind him.

Two long rainbows, one black and one white, soared into the sky. In an instant, a force of emptiness and annihilation swept across all directions!

The sword roar filled the sky, and was instantly annihilated. In the blink of an eye, the arena returned to deathly silence.

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