Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1695 Moonlight! The star has fallen! (3 updates)

"One palm, end the battle!"

Aojuehu's eyes widened, staring at Tuoba Yan opposite him, his figure flashed and disappeared into the void.

Taking advantage of this momentary opportunity, Ao Jue had already launched the killing move he had used against Ling Feng before.

However, just as he was about to take action, he saw a strange scroll appearing behind Tuoba Yan. Tuoba Yan's pretty face turned red, as if he was planning some terrible move.

"Tiance Baojian!"

In the preparation area, Ling Feng's eyelids jumped. Theoretically, he was the master of the Tiance Treasure Mirror, and Tuoba Yan was the host of the Tiance Treasure Mirror. Only then could he fully unleash the true power of the Tiance Treasure Mirror. Tuoba Yan can only rely on part of the power of Tiance Baojian.

Faced with a powerful person like Ao Jue, Tuoba Yan didn't use the magical power taught to her by Huiyue Shengji, so why did she abandon the basics and go to inspire Tiance Baojian?

The next moment, a golden divine pattern appeared on Tuoba Yan's forehead, and the Tiance Treasure Mirror behind him began to tremble violently.

"The moon shines! The sky - stars - fall - fall!"

It was extremely difficult to spit out six words, intermittently, and seemed to be very unstable.

However, when she finished singing, a chilling momentum suddenly came from thousands of miles away!

Everyone looked up and saw a terrifying meteor shower falling from the distant sky!


The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly. This is too cruel. With the help of the Tiance treasure mirror to induce the power of nature, and then stimulating the power of Han Yue, Tuoba Yan could not imagine that Tuoba Yan could actually master the Tiance clan's Tianheng technique to such an extent. Such a situation!

The terrifying meteor shower struck from nine days away. Although it was not large in scale, it could almost destroy the entire Longxiao Holy Mountain!

At the elders' table, the senior elders of the three sects all took a breath. They were indeed disciples of Holy Lady Huiyue. The attack was too fierce!

On the top of the holy mountain, the ten gods looked at each other, and the whole body glowed with golden light at the same time. A layer of light golden light suddenly appeared over the Longxiao Holy Mountain, completely covering the area except the upper part of the arena.

If the meteor summoned by Tuoba Yan falls in the space outside the arena, it will naturally be blocked by the golden light arranged by the ten god generals.

It's not that the meteor shower summoned by Tuoba Yan is powerful, but the ten god generals are worried that the meteor shower will affect the sealing power of the Huntian Dragon Mirror and loosen the time and space channels between the human and demon realms.

The scale of the meteor shower is not that big. After all, Tuoba Yan is just an Extreme Human Emperor, and his power is not strong enough to interfere with the power of the galaxy at will.

However, even if it is just a small meteor shower, the shock caused by it is already quite exaggerated.

On the ring, Aojue's heart was beating wildly and his pupils suddenly shrank!

This is too exaggerated!

However, there will still be some time before the meteor shower lands on the ring. As long as Tuoba Yan is knocked out of the ring before then, he will win!


Aojue gritted his teeth, mobilized all his strength, and punched heavily in the direction of Tuoba Yan.

Tuoba Yan, who had used "Fall of Stars", was already extremely weak. He was swept away by Ao Jue's power and was knocked out of the ring.

The puppet referee immediately took action and removed most of Ao's strength. Tuoba Yan was knocked out of the ring. In the preparation area, a figure flashed and caught Tuoba Yan's body from mid-air. At the same time, several Drops of spiritual liquid were poured into her mouth.

That figure is naturally Ling Feng.


At the same time, the meteor shower summoned by Tuoba Yan finally landed.

Huge star fragments fell on the ring, and the huge bronze ring was instantly shattered!

And the entire Longxiao Holy Mountain also trembled violently!

This is why the ten god generals have to take action to resist part of the power of the falling galaxy. Otherwise, I am afraid that the entire Longxiao Holy Mountain will suffer.

When the smoke and dust cleared, the arena had long disappeared.

The puppet referee turned into a golden light shield and enveloped Ao Jue. If not, Ao Jue would have been smashed into pieces by the power of the fallen galaxy.


Ao Jue stood up slowly, feeling his legs were shaking a little. At that moment, he thought he was dead.

In the preparation area, one of the top ten players gasped.

Gu Changfeng's scalp was numb, and he looked back at Tuoba Yan, with the corner of his mouth twitching slightly.

fierce! So fierce!

Even for a madman like Ye Ting, a dignified look flashed in his eyes.

In the arena competition, I might be able to defeat Tuoba Yan, but if Tuoba Yan fights with me...

I guess I can take myself with me!

Only Shi Haoxuan, with a flash of fighting spirit in his eyes, murmured to himself: "The power of this move, I don't know if I can resist it."

If other people had said such words, everyone would have scoffed. However, when Shi Haoxuan said these words, no one would be too surprised.

After all, Shi Haoxuan is recognized as the strongest person in this year's Sunset Selection.

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