Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1696 One is stronger than the other! (1 update)

After a long time, the puppet referee returned to his original shape and announced loudly: "Ao Jue, win!"

Ao Jue's face was full of dejection, and he didn't look like a winner at all.

Indeed, after Tuoba Yan performed this move, he would completely fall into a weak state and be slaughtered by others. However, within the scope covered by the meteor shower, Ao Jue asked himself that he could not resist such power.

Certain death!

This battle can be considered a draw at best.

However, there are rules in the arena, and Tuoba Yan left the arena earlier than he did. In this battle, Ao Jue was lucky enough to win.

Tuoba Yan was defeated and part of the Dragon of Luck was plundered. The power of Luck of the Three-Phase Heavenly Dragon was greatly reduced, but it still maintained its three-dragon form.

Ling Feng looked at Tuoba Yan. Although the power of this blow was extremely terrifying, it also consumed a lot of energy.

"Yan'er, if there is no one around to protect you, don't use this trick lightly in the future."

Ling Feng reminded him earnestly: "Do not use it until the moment of life and death."

Just one blow not only drained Tuoba Yan's physical strength, but also the source of Xuanyin in his body seemed to be exhausted!

In less than ten days and a half, I'm afraid I won't be able to perform the same move a second time.

Tuoba Yan pursed her delicate lips lightly and said calmly: "I just gave it a try, but I didn't expect it to actually succeed. It's a pity that Tiance Baojian is ultimately based on you, otherwise I wouldn't be so strenuous."

At the end of the sentence, he looked at Ling Feng with some anger.

"It's up to me..."

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose, shook his head and smiled bitterly, and then said seriously to Tuoba Yan: "In the next battle, try not to use your Xuanyin source. If you encounter Ye Ting and Shi Haoxuan, just admit defeat."

Not to mention Tuoba Yan's current state, even in his heyday, it would be difficult to defeat these two people.


Tuoba Yan nodded, his pretty face flushed slightly, thinking that this guy would occasionally feel sorry for others.

In the auditorium, the crowd was completely excited.

Although Tuoba Yan lost this battle, everyone knows that Tuoba Yan's strength has definitely reached the level of the three geniuses. The geniuses of Donglingxianchi's generation are really more terrifying than the last. .

As everyone knows, at this time, the ten divine generals of the Fengtian clan also showed extremely horrified expressions.

"The treasure that the girl offered just now seems to be a sacred object of the Tiance clan."

General Cangwu muttered to himself with a dignified look in his eyes.

"It is indeed a treasure mirror of Tiance."

The chief of the Fengtian Clan nodded and said in a deep voice: "After all, the Fengtian Clan can be considered a demigod, with a great prophecy technique that can almost defy the will of heaven and kill immortals. It's a pity that because of a glimpse of the secret of heaven, Because of the jealousy of heaven, it is almost impossible for any clan member to live past the age of fifty, no matter how powerful they are.”


Divine General Cangwu shook his head. With such a talent, he was destined not to live past the age of fifty. (PS: For details, see "Chapter 596 The Fate of the Tiance Clan")

An hour later, the arena was restored again. Among other things, the energy contained in the Sunset Gate was first-rate in repairing the arena.

This time, the barrier is reinforced again!

The ten divine generals of the Fengtian Clan were also helpless. Who would have thought that in this session of the Sunset Chosen, all the talented and powerful people would appear together, and each one would be more evil than the last.

"The next battle will be between Li Yanluo and Gongsun Long!"

This battle is a battle between two strong men who were chosen by the last sunset.

Li Yanluo ranked as high as second in the last sunset selection, while Gongsun Long was only ninth.

Ten years later, the fate of the two was very similar.

Gongsun Long was overtaken by Ye Ting and became the second in command in the sect. Li Yanluo was also overtaken by Ao Jue and became the second child.

In this battle between the second child and the second child, no one will admit defeat first.

The battle lasted for more than half an hour, but in the end, Li Yanluo was superior in skills. The former Sunset Chosen Second Brother still had his heritage, and he still defeated Gongsun Long.

However, winning this battle is not easy.

Recalling the glory of the past, Li Yanluo couldn't help but lamented that he was satisfied with the second place. Little did he know that ten years later, Gongsun Long, the former sixth strongest man, almost surpassed him.

On the road to martial arts, if you don't advance, you will retreat. If you stay stuck in your ways, you will only be eliminated.

The battle ended. Half an hour later, the puppet referee announced the next battle indifferently: "Tuoba Yan, versus Ye Ting!"

Ye Ting?

Tuoba Yan felt helpless and flew onto the ring.

On the opposite side, Ye Ting was already standing firmly on the stage, with a cold light in his eyes, and said coldly: "Let's take action!"

Unexpectedly, Tuoba Yan admitted defeat directly and said generously: "I admit..."

However, before Tuoba Yan could say the words of surrender, Ye Ting had already activated a bolt of thunder and struck with a crash.

"Hmph! Do you want to admit defeat so easily? Take one of my tricks first!"

Ye Ting was angry. He had suffered a lot at the hands of Yu Linglong before. When he met the disciples of Donglingxianchi, he naturally wanted to find Tuoba Yan's bad luck.

He was sure that Tuoba Yan was weak at the moment and would definitely choose to admit defeat.

She wanted to admit defeat, but Ye Ting refused to let him do so!

Before Tuoba Yan surrendered, the puppet referee would not take the initiative and would just watch indifferently.

The advantage of a puppet is that it is absolutely fair, but its weakness is also obvious, that is, it is too rigid and cannot be flexible.

"not good!"

When Yu Linglong saw this scene, she immediately exclaimed.

Ling Feng frowned. This Ye Ting was actually so small-minded. Even though his strength was good, in his opinion, he was far inferior to a bold and real man like Ao Jue.

Gu Changfeng also snorted, "It's a shame that he is one of the three most talented people along with Senior Brother Shi. He simply doesn't deserve to be on the same level as Senior Brother Shi!"

Shi Haoxuan's expression remained unchanged and he just continued to close his eyes and rest.

In fact, in his heart, he has never put Ye Ting and others on the same level as himself.

Under the ring, there were a lot of curses. This Ye Ting was so strong that he was too strong, and his character was something I couldn't praise.

At the elders' table, the elders from the Five Thunder Holy Land looked a little embarrassed. Ye Ting's behavior really brought shame to the sect!

"This little beast!"

Elder Hao Ling cursed in a low voice. Ye Ting has always been proud of his talents and does not take anyone seriously. He can still pretend on weekdays, but this time he suffered a big loss at the hands of Yu Linglong. He suddenly burst out and was exposed. of his nature.

Ye Ting launched an attack brazenly, and Tuoba Yan quickly ducked out of the way, forming an ice shield around his body.


With a flash of thunder, the ice shield shattered, Tuoba Yan directly sprayed out a blood arrow, and his delicate body fell directly from the ring.

She had suffered severe internal injuries in the previous battle, and was plotted against by Ye Ting. She might have to give up on the next battle.

"Hmph! Will you people from Donglingxian Pond just admit defeat?"

Ye Ting did not feel that his behavior was shameful at all, but instead despised Tuoba Yan for only knowing defeat!

In the last scene, Yu Linglong was rescued by Biluo Shengji. He couldn't say anything, but this time, the anger in his heart completely burst out.

When the time came, there was a lot of yelling and swearing in the audience.

"Ye Ting, do you want to be shameless? You've already admitted defeat and you're still chasing after me?"

"That's right! We can all see that Tuoba Yan is weak, but you actually have the nerve to take action!"

"You are so ruthless and ruthless!"

Ye Ting's eyes flashed with cold light, he scanned the whole place, and said with contempt: "If anyone is dissatisfied, you can come up and fight for her!"

This statement made the angry audience so angry that they dared not speak out.

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