Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1715 The bitch wakes up! (2 updates)

Keep going.

It is difficult to feel the passage of time here, so Ling Feng does not know how long it has been since he entered here, but he vaguely feels that it will not be short, maybe it has been more than a day.

It has to be said that the Xuanjian Underground Palace is indeed a treasure place. In addition to being able to search for various swords and precious immortal metals, there are even some remnants of music left on the rock walls in many places. If you understand it, it may be a very powerful ancient sword skill.

Even if you find a random place to meditate, the pressure of the sword in this Xuanjian Underground Palace can greatly improve the monks who major in swordsmanship, and their understanding of the swordsmanship.

Ling Feng wandered around for a long time under the underground palace, but didn't find anything too special, so he prepared to find a relatively hidden place to begin to understand the way of the sword and improve his sword intention and sword power.

Suddenly, a bitch's exclamation came from his mind.

"Xuanjian Underground Palace? Boy Lingfeng, why did you come to Xuanjian Underground Palace?"

Ever since he was under Dong Senchuan, Jianlu absorbed a large amount of Dapeng essence and blood, and randomly fell into a deep sleep. This sleep lasted for several months, and finally he woke up again.

This guy obviously didn't know that Ling Feng had already participated in the Sunset Selection.

"Oh? You also know about the Xuanjian Underground Palace?"

Ling Feng was slightly stunned, but he didn't expect that this bitch knew quite a lot!

"Hmph, of course this divine beast knows!"

The bitch's voice was slightly arrogant, "Otherwise, why do you think this divine beast is a divine beast? This divine beast knows everything and knows everything..."

As soon as the bitch started bragging, he couldn't stop it. Ling Feng's forehead turned black and he quickly said: "Stop it, stop it!"

Rolling his eyes, Ling Feng said again: "You bitch, what do you mean, do you know what's special about this Xuanjian Underground Palace?"

"Hmph! That's natural!"

The bitch sneered, "This is the third floor of the Xuanjian Underground Palace, right? Hehe, even though a thousand years have passed, this annoying sword pressure is still so strong!"

There was actually a hint of nostalgia in Bitch's voice.

"Have you ever been to the Xuanjian Underground Palace?" Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and then he said: "You mean, Senior Tianbai Emperor has also been here?"

Ling Feng didn't know that Tianbai Emperor Faxiang was actually proficient in swordsmanship?

"The old guy has been to many places."

The bitch snorted and said calmly: "How can I say that guy is also one of the three thousand incarnations of the powerful immortal. Do you think he is just an ordinary emperor?"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. Although he had some understanding of the origin of Emperor Tianbai's Dharma, it was definitely not as good as the guy who had experienced a long time with him. Tianbai Emperor Faxiang is one of the incarnations of a powerful person in the immortal realm. Ling Feng will not find it strange if anything happens to him.

"Hehe..." The low-key voice slowly sounded again, "Actually, there is a fourth floor in this Xuanjian Underground Palace!"

As soon as these words came out, Ling Feng's eyelids couldn't help but twitch, and he blurted out: "Fourth level?"

"Yes, this is a secret. Very few people know about it. It was purely a coincidence that this divine beast and that old guy entered the fourth level."

The bitch said arrogantly.

Ling Feng couldn't help but asked curiously: "Then what is the difference between the fourth floor and the third floor?"

"The fourth level is not as big as the third level, not even comparable to the first level, but in the fourth level, the sword pressure is greater. You need to experience the specific situation yourself. This beast does not practice swordsmanship! "

Jianlu said, implying that he planned to tell Ling Feng how to enter the fourth level.

Ling Feng nodded. This bitch had lived for a long time and could still bring him some surprises at critical moments.

"With your current strength, you can barely enter the fourth level!"

Jianlu sensed Ling Feng's cultivation level, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, but this guy was very stubborn and unwilling to admit the fact that Ling Feng was excellent.

"Now, just keep going forward until I tell you to stop." The donkey ordered in a deep voice.


Ling Feng nodded and walked forward. The fourth floor was very attractive to him.

Even those geniuses in the Western Sword Region, most of them only know the existence of the third level. This fourth level is really full of incomparable mystery!

"By the way, the seventy-two moves of the Divine Donkey created by this divine beast were also learned on the fourth floor of the Xuanjian Underground Palace. Hehe, the secrets of swordsmanship from ancient times are integrated into the moves of this divine beast. The mythical beast is definitely the number one mythical beast in history!”

The bitch suddenly said something that made Ling Feng's eyes light up.

Although this guy's words are a bit exaggerated and boastful, I have to say that his set of seventy-two physical skills of the Divine Donkey is indeed ferocious.

Even if you don't practice swordsmanship, you can understand a set of physical skills on the fourth floor of the underground palace. If you go in, you will definitely gain a lot!

Ling Feng nodded and walked faster, almost running.

On the fourth floor, you must go in and find out!

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