Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1716 Trouble is coming! (3 updates)

"Boy, your killing sword intent is quite interesting! Why not join us?"

"Yes, this friend from the Eastern Spiritual Realm, there are many dangers under the Xuanjian Underground Palace. Join us, there are many people and we can take care of you!"

At this time, Ling Feng suddenly met a group of geniuses from the Western Sword Region. Because Ling Feng had exploded with killing sword intent outside the underground palace, he was remembered as a number one figure by those geniuses from the Western Sword Region.

Ling Feng sneered in his heart. These people obviously didn't really want him to join the team. At best, they just wanted him to join the team as cannon fodder.

Just as Ling Feng guessed, the Killing Sword Intent ranks extremely high among the top ten swords with attributes. These people are more or less interested in the secrets of Ling Feng.

When Lingfeng was recruited into the team, firstly, he had a lot of cannon fodder, and secondly, he naturally had some other plans.

If Ling Feng foolishly agreed, they would pretend to take advantage of Ling Feng. If Ling Feng doesn't agree, a conflict may be inevitable.

Ling Feng frowned. When the two sides were in a stalemate, he saw three figures walking over from a distance.


The leader was none other than Sima Xu, the genius of the Western Sword Region who was always looking for trouble with Gu Changfeng in the outside world.

Sima Xu was obviously a little surprised when he saw Ling Feng appear on the third floor, because being able to appear on the third floor meant that Ling Feng had understood the power of the sword!

From the killing sword intention, it transformed into the killing sword power!

This also means that Ling Feng's killing sword intent has reached the level of Dzogchen!

You must know that killing swordsmanship can only grow through killing. Looking at Ling Feng's appearance, he does not look like a murderous maniac at all. In this case, it is very likely that he has mastered an alternative secret technique that can improve his swordsmanship.

Such a secret book of swordsmanship, even if it is placed in the Western Sword Region, is still a treasure that can be snatched up by all the major families!

Of course, although Sima Xu's guess was not entirely correct, it was still pretty good.

Ling Feng's killing sword intention can indeed be slowly improved through the practice of "Wu Qi Yi Jue", but it is completely a coincidence that he can understand the sword power.

However, "Wu Qi Yi Jue" is indeed an extremely precious secret book of swordsmanship!


Sima Xu laughed loudly and strode towards Ling Feng, "Isn't this Brother Ling from the Eastern Spiritual Realm? Haha, I didn't expect that we are really destined!"

While they were talking, Sima Xu had already walked up. The four-man team that had stopped Ling Feng before saw Sima Xu coming and left quickly without looking back.

Although they had the advantage in numbers, they did not dare to take food from under Sima Xu's mouth.

"Tsk, tsk, trouble is coming!"

In his mind, he heard the lewd laughter of a bitch.

Ling Feng's head went dark. This guy was as mean as ever. When he saw that he was in trouble, not only did he not want to help, he actually took pleasure in his misfortune!

Ling Feng glanced at Sima Xu, pursed his lips, and said lightly: "I don't seem to remember any friendship with you, right?"

"How dare you! You are so brave, how dare you talk to Young Master Sima like this!"

Behind Sima Xu, a swordsman in a green robe glared at Ling Feng coldly, and a fierce sword intent suddenly erupted.

Ling Feng was secretly surprised. He was indeed a genius from the Western Sword Region. For someone who just came out, his swordsmanship was far superior to that of Gu Changfeng.

However, Ling Feng now knows that it is not that Gu Changfeng is not strong, but that he was once abolished as a swordsman. To be able to start over and practice to the level he is today, he is already extremely talented.


Sima Xu raised his hand and signaled the green-robed swordsman to step back, and said with a hypocritical smile: "I, Sima Xu, like to make friends with talented people most in my life! Well, if Ling Feng is interested, there is no need to As long as Ling Feng is willing to serve our Sima family, I will recommend Brother Ling to join the Dragon Sword Heavenly Mansion. With Brother Ling’s killing sword intent, he may not be able to break into the world in the West Sword Territory in the future. Staying in the small Eastern Spiritual Realm is really a waste of talent."

Seeing that Ling Feng didn't speak, Sima Xu continued: "Not only that, if I become the master of the Sima family in the future, I can help Brother Ling and obtain better training resources. Even if I understand the Killing Sword Domain in the future, It’s no big deal!”


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, "Brother Sima, you think too highly of me, don't you?"

"I said, I, Sima Xu, always like to make friends with talented people!" Sima Xu said with a hypocritical smile.

"Boy Ling Feng, there is a way to transplant sword seeds in the Western Sword Region. This boy probably has no good intentions!"

In my mind, the reminder of being a bitch came again.

Needless to say, Ling Feng is not a fool. He naturally understands that showing courtesy for nothing is either cheating or stealing.

This Sima Xu clearly looks down on people from the Eastern Spiritual Region, but he still cherishes talents? Do you really think you are a three-year-old child?

If you really believe this Sima Xu, you might be the next Gu Changfeng.

"Sorry, I, Ling Feng, am used to being idle and not very used to taking refuge in others. I'm afraid Ling will refuse Brother Sima's kindness."

Ling Feng pursed his lips and rejected Sima Xu's advances.

"Humph, it's so shameless."

Sima Xu's handsome face suddenly became distorted, "Ling Feng, I will give you one last chance. People who reject me, Sima Xu, usually don't end well."

Ling Feng smiled casually, "Sorry, generally speaking, people who dare to threaten me, Ling Feng, will not end well!"


Sima Xu's expression changed first, and then he laughed loudly, seemingly angry at Ling Feng's reply.

This kid really doesn't understand the situation!

A small human emperor, in turn, threatens three great emperors in the destiny realm!

Moreover, he is also one of the three talented swordsmen of the Western Sword Region!

At the same moment, two extremely fierce murderous intentions flashed out from behind Sima Xu, as if they were going to pierce through Ling Feng.

"You probably still don't understand the status of our Sima family in the Western Sword Region!"

Sima Xu laughed loudly.

Ling Feng smiled disdainfully, "Sorry, the power behind me is not bad in the Eastern Spiritual Realm."

"Short-term, short-sighted! How dare the little Eastern Spiritual Domain be compared with the Western Sword Domain?"

Sima Xu lost his patience, "Well, you two, play with him and let him know that there is an unbridgeable gap between the Eastern Spiritual Realm and the Western Sword Realm!"


The two swordsmen behind Sima Xu drew out their long swords at the same time. Two cold lights swept away, and the air was filled with a bone-chilling coldness.


Ling Feng sighed softly. Originally, he didn't want to cause trouble, but if trouble came to him, he would not swallow his anger.

"Boy, wake up!"

The green-robed swordsman swiped his long sword and slashed hard at Ling Feng.

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