Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1717 The genius of the Western Region, nothing more than that! (1 update)


A sword cry suddenly erupted, destroying all directions, and suddenly appeared in Ling Feng's palm.

"Eight Swords in One!"

In an instant, eight rays of light of different colors suddenly erupted. Before the green-robed swordsman even had time to react, he was blasted into bloody foam by the eight terrifying sword energies!

"A genius from the Western Sword Region?"

In Ling Feng's hand, the sword edge swung and he spat out four words coldly, "That's all!"

Sima Xu and another companion suddenly stared with disbelief on their faces. The scene in front of them was beyond their imagination.

When did the people of the Eastern Spiritual Territory become so strong?

In fact, although the strength of Sima Xu and the others is good, they are only at the upper-middle level in the Western Sword Region. They are far from being called first-class geniuses, let alone top-notch geniuses.

In addition, they had underestimated Ling Feng from the beginning. Ling Feng suddenly took action and was caught off guard by the killing move of the "Tian Zhuang Sword Art". Naturally, there was only one way to die.

After all, although the genius of the Western Sword Region has extremely high attainments in swordsmanship, his physical strength is a huge shortcoming.

" is that possible?"

Sima Xu felt that his mind was a little confused. Didn't he say that the warriors in the Eastern Spiritual Realm were weak?

How could they have known that their luck was so bad that they would meet the most powerful one among the geniuses in the Eastern Spiritual Realm.

Moreover, it was epoch-making and powerful!

"Now, I'll send you down to accompany him." Ling Feng pursed his lips. Since a dispute has been created, he naturally wants to eliminate the root cause.


All directions were destroyed, a faint light flashed, and boundless killing energy exploded, causing the entire void to tremble.

In this Xuanjian underground palace, Ling Feng could feel that the killing sword intention and reincarnation sword intention in his spiritual sea were increasing almost every minute.

Faintly, there is already a tendency to advance from the Dacheng Sword Intent to the Small Perfection level.

"wait wait wait……"

Sima Xu was almost scared out of his wits and retreated quickly. The remaining swordsman quickly drew his sword, shouted loudly, and flashed in front of Sima Xu. All his power surged out and merged into the sword. Extremely brilliant, this is the most powerful sword in his life.

But, unfortunately, he met Ling Feng!

Xiaobai, the sword soul, merged into the destruction of all directions, and struck out fiercely with one move, Lihuo Litengtian!

The rolling flames turned into a red arc as if coming from the sky, instantly splitting the swordsman in half with one sword, and turned into ashes under the rolling red flames.

Not only that, the sword light passed through the body and slashed straight at Sima Xu!

At the critical moment of life and death, a golden light barrier lit up around Sima Xu, forcibly blocking out Ling Feng's sword energy.

But, it was only for a moment!

After a moment, there was a clicking sound, and the light on Sima Xu's body shattered like an egg shell. However, Li Huo Liao Tian's sword energy was basically offset. Sima Xu managed to save a small life with a slash of his sword.

"Damn it!"

Sima Xu reacted instantly, his energy surged, and a layer of blood rushed out from his body, turning into blood-red flames that burned blazingly, exuding an unparalleled terrifying aura. Then, with a "boom", Sima Xu soared into the sky. Then, a turning point will lead to leaving here.

This person pretended to attack, but in fact he had already planned an escape route.

"Want to run away? All directions break the mystery!"

Ling Feng let out a low shout, and slashed down with his sword qi all over the sky, turning into bright arcs of light, catching up with Sima Xu at a faster speed.

boom! ——

Sima Xu spurted out a mouthful of blood, but with the help of the force of the counter-shock, his speed suddenly increased, and in the blink of an eye, he disappeared from Ling Feng's eyes.

The black light flashed, and the bitch appeared from the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, cursing and saying: "This guy can really run faster than a rabbit!"

Ling Feng's face looked a little ugly. He never expected that Sima Xu also had a protective magic weapon on his body, which actually withstood the move "Li Huo Liao Tian" that was fused with the power of the sword soul.

However, even though Sima Xu used the blood escape method to escape, he was hit by his own sword and suffered heavy injuries. Coupled with the side effects of the secret method, he might have lost half his life if he did not die. In addition, the mysterious sword in the underground palace was Down here, there are many crises, and the chance of that guy surviving is not high.

It's a pity that his spiritual consciousness is greatly suppressed, and his infinite vision cannot cover a large area. Otherwise, he must be killed to avoid future troubles.

On the other side, just as Ling Feng guessed, Sima Xu, who escaped using the secret method of blood escape, encountered a huge crisis.


Sima Xu spurted out a mouthful of blood, fled in a hurry, and hit a rock wall in front of him. His whole body was bent from the back. It was obvious at a glance that his spine was completely broken, and blood fell to the ground in a trickle.

With Ling Feng's last sword strike, the sword energy completely invaded his body, and the powerful destructive power of the killing sword intent was manifested at this moment.

The injured wound, no matter how much energy was used to repair it, would still bleed. The killing sword intent left in the wound was almost impossible to eliminate.

If this continues, Sima Xu may only die.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Sima Xu felt his teeth itching with hatred, and at the same time he felt a little regretful as to why he wanted to provoke Ling Feng, the evil god.

However, who would have thought that such a monster would appear in the always weak Eastern Spiritual Territory!

For example, someone has told me since I was a child that ants are a weak species, but suddenly one of them is stepped on by an ant. The feeling is so complicated that it is indescribable.

"Ling Feng, right? When I go back this time, even if you are far away in the Eastern Spiritual Territory, I will definitely capture you and crush you to ashes, so that I can eliminate the hatred in my heart!"


With a low curse, Sima Xu punched out, hitting a stone tablet in front of him.


The boulder shattered, and immediately, a strange gray light appeared on the stone tablet. Then, gray aura emerged from the broken stone tablet and entered Sima Xu's body one after another.

"What...what's going on?"

Sima Xu's eyelids twitched wildly. The gray mist seemed to have sucked up his blood in an instant. He could even see that his body was rotting and shriveling up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"no no!"

A desperate roar sounded, and after a while, Sima Xu's head completely turned into a shriveled zombie, and two eyeballs fell off from the empty eye sockets.

After a while, it was replaced by two green will-o'-the-wisps!



Then, there was a strange sound on Sima Xu's body, and Sima Xu stood up straight!

Clouds of gray mist enveloped Sima Xu's body, and his originally shriveled body actually started over again and returned to its original appearance.

However, there were streaks of gray aura flowing on his face, which were extremely ferocious and evil.

At the same time, his body made bursts of "clicking" and "clicking" sounds. His body was twitching, gradually getting taller, then slowly getting shorter, and finally returned to its original state. However, only those eyes were always filled with two dark will-o'-the-wisps, which looked very penetrating.

"How many years have passed... I'm finally alive again! The fourth floor, this time, no matter what, I will enter the fourth floor!"

"Sima Xu"'s mouth opened slightly, an obscure voice sounded, his body flashed, turned into a stream of light, and left quickly, the speed was shocking.

However, this Sima Xu is no longer the same Sima Xu.

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