Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1718 Five Elements and Three Strange Formation Monuments! (2 updates)

After Sima Xu fled in panic, Ling Feng, under the guidance of Jianlu, went all the way deep into the third floor of the Xuanjian Underground Palace, looking for the entrance to the mysterious fourth floor.

About an hour or so.

"That's almost it."

The mean donkey lazily hugged a pair of hooves to his chest, sweeping the donkey's tail, raising a cloud of dust on the ground.

Ling Feng glanced around, glanced at Jian Dong, and said a little strangely: "Here?"

"Hey, look at the differences in the stone tablets around you." The donkey had a pair of long ears, fanned wildly, and laughed with a sinister look.

Ling Feng looked at them one by one, frowning slightly. There were a bunch of strangely shaped stone tablets standing densely around them, and they didn't seem to be any different.

Suddenly, Ling Feng discovered some special existences in the forest of stone steles. They were much larger than ordinary stone steles, but there were eight of them in total, making them unique.

These eight ten times give people the feeling, some are like lava purgatory, some are like the vast ocean, some are as thick as mountains, and some give people a feeling of thunder...

"Metal, wood, water, fire, earth, ice, wind, thunder!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, and he vaguely discovered something. Isn't this the most common five element attributes and three strange attributes in the world of martial arts!

The first eight moves of "The Heaven-Destroying Sword Art" happened to correspond to these eight attributes, so Ling Feng was very sensitive to these attributes.

"Hey, that's right! These eight stone tablets are the legendary Five Elements and Three Strange Formation tablets, and they are also the key to entering the fourth level."

The bitch said with a sinister look on his face.

At this moment, many figures came flying from behind, and their eyes quickly locked on the Five Elements and Three Wonders Monument.

"Sure enough, although few people know the secret of the fourth floor, it is not unknown to everyone!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and secretly looked at the warriors around him. Among the crowd, Ling Feng also saw Wang Bodang, who had taken the initiative to greet him before.

However, when he heard that he was a warrior from the Eastern Spiritual Realm, he immediately lost interest and was too lazy to talk to him anymore.

However, this Wang Bodang, judging from the aura, is indeed powerful, very sharp and stable, far beyond the comparison of the two scoundrels around Sima Xu who died under his sword before.

In addition, there were two sharp auras that caught Ling Feng's attention.

These people are probably the top Western Sword Domain geniuses who have entered the Xuanjian Underground Palace this time.

As for the geniuses of the Northern Cold Region, they are basically blocked on the second floor of the Xuanjian Underground Palace. Although their strength is not weak, compared with their swordsmanship, they are far inferior to the geniuses of the Western Sword Region.

"I didn't expect that this kid could actually come here?"

"It's really weird that there are swordsmen who understand the power of swords in the Eastern Spiritual Region!"

The geniuses of the Western Sword Region were all quite surprised by Ling Feng, but at the moment, they were not in a ball with each other. They were faintly divided into three camps. For a while, no one took Ling Feng seriously.

After all, judging from his aura, Ling Feng was pitifully weak.

"Everyone is here, are you here for these eight stone tablets?"

Among the three camps, one of the three with the highest cultivation level, a burly man wearing a blue robe, glanced around, and finally stared at the other two with vigilance, and said in a deep voice.


Wang Bodang sneered and stared at the big man in green robe. His strength was comparable to that of the other man, so his attitude was completely justified.

A purple-clothed swordsman headed by the last camp also narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "It's already this time, everyone should stop pretending to be confused, right?"

"Very good. It seems that everyone is already aware of the existence of the fourth floor of the Xuanjian Underground Palace."

The big man in green robe chuckled and said, "In that case, we might as well cooperate first!"

Everyone wants to enter the fourth level area, so naturally there will be no objections.

Therefore, under the initiative of the big man in green robe, everyone decided to temporarily cooperate and open the Five Elements and Three Wonders Monument.

The big man in blue robe is named Xu Jie. It is said that he has seen the method of unsealing the Five Elements and Three Wonders Monument in ancient books.

The activation sequence is quite cumbersome, and each formation tablet is not activated once, and even involves some special calculations and deductions.

With everyone's cooperation, the whole process lasted for more than half an hour!

Finally, all eight formation monuments were activated.

At the same time, there were muffled sounds in the void.

Different types of pure energy from metal, wood, water, fire, earth, ice, wind, and thunder rose into the sky at the same time.

The aura of Kuangba shocked everyone.

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