Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1721 The Eighth-Level Skeleton King! (1 update)

Going all the way deep, with the guidance of Jianlu, it would not be difficult for Ling Feng to find the sword tomb.

Because of Wang Bodang, Ling Feng was holding a breath in his heart. He hoped to become stronger as soon as possible than ever before.

However, he was not too eager for quick success. Walking in the fourth level of the underground palace, every moment, under the temper of the invisible sword pressure, Ling Feng could feel the two sword intentions deep in his spiritual sea. , is constantly rising!

At this moment, it has almost reached a bottleneck period, and only one final step is needed to upgrade the Sword Intent from Dacheng to the Small Perfect Sword Intent.


Suddenly, the voice of a bitch came from my mind.

There was a hint of solemnity in his tone.

"Boy, we may have a big harvest this time!"

The bitch said proudly: "If you get a benefit, don't forget to share it with me!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, "It's as if I don't care about you and you don't want it."

"Hmph, what you gain this time is definitely beyond your imagination!"

The bitch took a deep breath and started to guide Ling Feng.

After a while, Ling Feng actually found a sword tomb that looked unique based on his stupid sense.

"Incredible, this is an ancestral sword tomb!"

The bitch laughed loudly, "I said, Ling Feng boy, you are really lucky this time, you are an ancestor!"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. There is such a thing as luck...

After going through the Sunset Selection, my luck power has reached the level of Baizhang Tianlong. If my luck is not good, I am afraid not many people can be considered lucky.

"Ancestral Sword Tomb!"

Ling Feng looked at the huge sword monument in front of him, secretly expecting something in his heart. In this case, in this sword tomb, there should be a legacy of swordsmanship left by a certain ancestor-level expert.


You know, the saint-level powerhouses are already the existences that Ling Feng can only look up to, and the ancestor-level ones are almost the ones who stand at the pinnacle of the world.

"Hurry up and turn it on!"

The voice of the bitch was also a little excited, "The ancestral sword tomb may have more than one treasure, wow, kid Lingfeng, you should understand the saying that you get half of it when you meet!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, "It's useless to give you the inheritance of swordsmanship!"

"I want this beast even if it's not necessary! I'm not convinced!" Jianlu's eyes were burning. If it was swordsmanship or kendo secrets, Jianlu wouldn't need it. But if it were some treasures that could enhance the body's physical strength and spiritual consciousness, Jianlu would definitely compete with Ling Feng. Stalking.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng pressed his palm up as before.

Suddenly, an astonishing chill hit him, almost freezing Ling Feng's entire body.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and he quickly activated the fourth-level swallowing flame to dispel the coldness, and then injected his own sword intent into this huge sword monument.

"No, boy Ling Feng, be careful!"

At this moment, Bitch came out with another exclamation.

Ling Feng quickly withdrew his palm, and at this moment, the sword tomb in front of him had undergone some unusual changes.

"Crunch! Crunch!"

It was as if a stone door had been pushed open, and the next moment, a creepy sound seemed to come out of the Nine Nether Hell.

Immediately afterwards, a white skeleton arm suddenly stretched out from the cracked sword tomb!

The protruding arm bones alone are actually thicker than Ling Feng's thighs. You can imagine how huge the whole skull will be after crawling out.

"The tomb-guarding demon spirit!"

The bitch growled, "Boy Lingfeng, I forgot to tell you that these ancestral sword tombs are usually guarded by demon spirits!"

"Damn, you can forget this!"

Ling Feng cursed loudly, and the aura of the demon spirit made him feel trembling.

"We have never encountered this before!"

There was a bit of trembling in the bitch's voice, "Hey, this is probably an eighth-level skeleton king. This damn, half-saint level! Do it quickly and kill him before he crawls out!"

The bitch roared loudly, his tone extremely anxious. (PS: The eighth level here is similar to the level of a monster.)

"Destroy him?"

When Ling Feng heard this, the corners of his mouth suddenly twitched.

Is this a semi-saint level?

You are definitely kidding me!

However, Ling Feng directly took out the Yi Divine Bow, and then took out the bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrows. He activated the power of the eighty dragon elephants to the extreme, and fired the three arrows in unison.




Three sounds of piercing the sky sounded at the same time, like a substantial dark golden rainbow, carrying unparalleled terrifying power, and shot hard on the skull of the eighth-level skeleton king.

boom! boom! boom!

Sparks flew, and the three bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrows were all bounced away, but the huge skull was actually intact!

Ling Feng took a breath. The fairy-level bows and arrows, coupled with the power of eighty dragon elephants, were unable to shake the Skeleton King in the slightest!


There was a roar, as if tens of thousands of tons of explosives exploded in the void at the same time, and the strong wind caused Ling Feng to be knocked back more than ten steps.

Ling Feng stuck Shi Fang Mie Mie on the ground, drawing a long sword mark, and managed to steady himself.


Ling Feng swallowed hard. The Skeleton King at the semi-saint level, and also the ancient semi-saint level, how could he deal with this?

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