"You bitch, you must be kidding me?"

Ling Feng wanted to give up. No matter how good the treasure was, what was the use of the treasure if he didn't even have his life.

The semi-saint level is far beyond what he can deal with.

"Who is teasing you!" The bitch said urgently: "Boy, you probably don't know, this tomb guardian demon spirit is very vindictive. It has memorized your breath. If you don't kill it, it will chase you all the way. I’ll kill you to the ends of the earth!”


Ling Feng's expression suddenly changed. He's so hairy and has a snake spirit disease. How can he play with this!

"Don't talk about you, even if this beast is at its peak, I'm afraid I can't deal with this eighth-level skeleton king."

The stupid donkey was anxiously running around in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, and suddenly shouted: "By the way, that old guy Tianbai Emperor said that all the guardians of these undead creatures have a common weakness, that is, although they are powerful, But the spiritual consciousness is relatively weak! Just dispelling the skull king’s spiritual thoughts is equivalent to getting rid of it!”

"Destroy its divine will!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and nodded. With the power of his spiritual consciousness, he could give it a try.

At this time, the upper half of the eighth-level skeleton king had climbed out of the ground.

Good guy, this half of his figure is already a lot taller than Ling Feng.

"Soul-Splitting Technique!"

With a thought, Ling Feng directly activated the "Soul Separation Technique", and the power of his spiritual consciousness increased a hundred times!

Then, at the center of the eyebrows, the jackdaw's ghost eyes opened, and the ghost eye rays were shot out like crazy without any expense.

Sure enough, under the ghost eye ray, the ghost fire floating in the empty eye sockets of the Skeleton King trembled violently.


The Skeleton King let out an extremely violent roar, and a pair of huge white bone arms slapped forward, crackle!

The earth cracked and spread for hundreds of miles. The violent wind blew. Ling Feng kept dodging. In the next moment, the realm of divine consciousness opened.

"The universe is in chaos!"

"Petrified Eyes!"

"Touch of the Void!"

"Ghost Eye Ray!"

Various Shinto attacks broke out crazily, and the Skeleton King became more and more violent.

"Now, the shocking calamity!"

At this time, the skeleton had almost all crawled out, and even pulled out a white skeleton sword!

The terrifying aura of the semi-saint level made Ling Feng's liver and gallbladder tremble.

And at this moment, the shocking force finally hit the Skeleton King on the forehead.

As Bitch said, this Skeleton King's soul is relatively weak.

Under Ling Feng's effortless attack with the power of his consciousness, the will-o'-the-wisp in the Skeleton King's eyes extinguished.


The skeletons all over his body scattered and fell into the sword tomb again.


At the same time, Ling Feng also sat down, his mind tingling like needles.

Almost all the consciousness in the sea of ​​spirit was consumed, and the severe stinging sensation made it extremely difficult for Ling Feng to even breathe.

"Fortunately, this monster has such a weakness...Fortunately, the bitch happens to know the weakness of this monster...Fortunately, not long ago, I just condensed the realm of spiritual consciousness..."

Ling Feng was secretly glad.

He had a feeling that this half-saint-level Skeleton King could definitely defeat more than ten Turtle Saints alone.

Just now, if the Skeleton King had cut him down with one sword, he would probably be dead.

However, everything finally ends, and the only one who survives is myself!

"Boy, you can do it. You have actually condensed the realm of divine consciousness!"

Jianlu was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that while he was sleeping, Ling Feng had already successfully condensed the realm of consciousness.

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and was too lazy to pay attention to this bitch. After resting for half an hour, Ling Feng could barely get up from the ground, took out some pills and swallowed them, and his complexion recovered a little.

"Open the sword tomb quickly and see what treasures are inside!"

The donkey was in a hurry, but it had already been impatient for a long time. Unfortunately, it didn't have sword intention, so it naturally couldn't open the sword tomb.

"I hope the treasures in this ancestral sword tomb are good."

Ling Feng gave a bitter smile. In order to destroy the eighth-level skeleton king, his spiritual power was almost overstretched, and his life was almost at risk.

After taking such a big risk, it would be a shame if he only got an average treasure.

"Hey, don't worry, the treasures inside the ancestral sword tomb are not much different!"

The cheap donkey is quite confident in the treasure inside the sword tomb.

The next moment, Ling Feng took out a dark rubbing crystal from the sword tomb.

Similarly, it is another skill or martial skill.

Ling Feng quickly poured his spiritual thoughts into it. When he read the content imprinted in it, he was shocked.

"The Heaven-Seizing Sword Technique"!

This technique is very special. It is actually a secret technique that specifically improves the level of swordsmanship.

Unlike the "Wu Qiu Yi Jue", which is a technique that is slowly comprehended and improved to the level of sword intent, the secret of "Duo Tian Ning Jian Jue" lies in the word "rob".


This is a method of plundering that is almost like that of a bandit. It can comprehend the swordsmanship of others and directly plunder it to improve one's own swordsmanship.

Not only can he plunder the swordsmanship insights of other swordsmen, but also the magic weapons, heavenly materials and earthly treasures that contain the swordsmanship insights and rules of the swordsmanship can be directly plundered and transformed into his own power.

For example, some swords containing spirituality can also be directly plundered and devoured, thereby rapidly improving one's own swordsmanship!

After reading the contents of "The Art of Seizing the Heaven Condensing Sword", Ling Feng was completely amazed. This secret technique was simply too crude and barbaric.

However, I like it!

"Hmph, Wang Bodang, right? The genius of the Western Sword Region, right? They all become the nourishment for my sword intention!"

Ling Feng's eyes flashed brightly, and he had a hunch that in this Xuan Sword Underground Palace, his sword intent would probably make a qualitative leap.

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