Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1723 Three pillars! (1 update)

After putting away the secret book of "Seizing the Heaven Condensing Sword Technique", Ling Feng continued to go deep into the fourth floor of the Xuanjian Underground Palace.

While moving forward, Ling Feng was also studying the "Heaven Condensing Sword Technique" obtained from the ancestral sword tomb. For an ordinary person, such a profound secret technique would probably require three to five years of hard work before he could achieve anything. Achievements, but with your ability like the Eye of Heaven, it is not difficult for Ling Feng to fully master the "Heaven Seizing Sword Technique".

In just half an hour, Ling Feng had already begun to get a glimpse of the secrets and mastered this unparalleled secret book.

Somewhere on the fourth floor of Xuanjian Underground Palace.

"Wang Bodang, do you still want to show off? Everything should be done on a first-come, first-served basis!"

A purple-robed swordsman, with a gloomy face, stared at Wang Bodang in front of him.

This purple-clothed swordsman was one of the three strongest among the three camps who entered the fourth floor of the Xuanjian Underground Palace. His name was Song Yang.


But Wang Bodang had no intention of retreating at all. He narrowed his eyes, stared at Song Yang with a smile, and said with a strange smile: "Brother Song, since ancient times, this treasure of chance has been obtained by those who are able, and you don't have to find it first. Even if it is you." Yes! It’s better to do this. Even if Brother Song sells me a favor today, Wang will definitely pay it back in the future!”

Anger surged in Song Yang's eyes. It was obvious that Wang Bodang was relying on the large number of people around him to be so arrogant and even wanted to rob him of his opportunity.

After all, in terms of personal strength alone, he and Wang Bodang were only in the middle of the pack. Wang Bodang also had four companions who worked together all year round. They had a tacit understanding with each other, and their strength increased greatly after joining forces.

On the other hand, there were only two companions beside him, and they were only a temporary team.

Three versus five, an absolute disadvantage!

If Song Yang refuses to retreat and the two sides force a fight, it will probably be Wang Bodang and his group who have the most chance in the end.

"Hahaha, Brother Wang is right! However, I, Mr. Xu, think that I am the capable one!"

At this moment, there was another voice, and I suddenly remembered that I saw a big man in green robes, surrounded by a group of swordsmen from the Western Sword Region, walking slowly.

This person turned out to be the genius of the Western Sword Domain, Xu Jie, who led everyone to open the fourth floor of the underground palace!

For a time, the three parties formed a tripartite confrontation.

Although Xu Jie was surrounded by temporary teammates, they couldn't handle the large number of people, and Song Yang's own strength was not weak. In a three-party battle, if no one admits defeat, it may be a fierce battle.

"Xu Jie!"

Wang Bodang's pupils shrank slightly, showing a solemn expression.

Originally, he thought he had defeated Song Yang, but who would have thought that Xu Jie would come out halfway!

Wang Bodang took a deep breath, stared at Xu Jie coldly, with a cold light in his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Brother Xu, you are not someone who can just join in the excitement. If you can abandon this sword tomb today, it will be considered a blessing." I, Wang Bodang, will definitely remember this favor when I make you a friend!”

"Use Tianchuan Sword Mansion to suppress me?"

Xu Jie smiled disdainfully, "How can you represent Tianchuan Jianfu? You are just a second-rate disciple, but you are so embarrassed to show off that big face!"

Xu Jie's eyes flashed with disdain. It is true that in the eyes of the younger generation in the Eastern Spiritual Region, these people present are already invincible strong men, but in the Western Sword Region, they are only first-rate and second-rate swordsmen at best. There is still an insurmountable gap between those who are top talents and those who are truly top geniuses.


Wang Bodang's face turned cold. Xu Jie's words undoubtedly touched Wang Bodang's pain.

Geniuses are all arrogant. Wang Bodang became famous at a young age. Unfortunately, due to his limited talent, the gap between him and the real monster of the West Sword Region gradually widened.

This is eternal pain in his heart.

At this moment, a gray figure walked out of the shadows, staring at the treasures in the sword tomb, and said coldly: "If you don't want to die, disappear before my eyes immediately!"


For a moment, Song Yang, Xu Jie and Wang Bodang all widened their eyes.

There are still people who dare to snatch food from the mouth of a tiger in front of the three of them.

Moreover, he actually provoked three people at the same time.

It’s just a matter of life and death.

Song Yang sneered, "Hmph, how dare you make such a noise here?"

"Don't leave? Then, just accept your fate!"

Gray Shadow waved his sleeves, and a terrifying gust of wind swept through his sleeves and robes.

"Little tricks!"

With a loud shout, Song Yang's whole body's energy exploded and he slashed out with a sword.

However, the next moment, Song Yang's figure flew out directly, and at the same time he spat out a mouthful of reverse blood.

The gray shadow defeated Song Yang with just a flick of his sleeves!

Wang Bodang and Xu Jie's eyes widened, and they both saw the panic in each other's eyes.

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