Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1726 The Sky Forging Ring! (2 updates)

"Hmph, boy, I advise you to accept your fate! With your little achievements, do you dare to fight with me with your spiritual consciousness? I admire your courage, but it's a pity that sometimes, if you don't rely on Courage can make things happen, but what you encounter is something you can never defeat!"

The gray shadow flashed with an extremely unruly look in its eyes, and shouted loudly: "Remember my name, my name is Tai'a Sword Master!"


If he were still alive, a high-ranking saint-level powerhouse, he alone would be able to sweep across the Eastern Spiritual Realm.

It's a pity that in the long years, Tai'a Sword God only left a trace of his soul.

"Tai'a Sword Master?" Ling Feng's lips curved with an evil twist, and he nodded: "I will remember you, because you will be the first saint-level person to die in my hands!"

With a sweep of the sword edge, Ling Feng suddenly flung the sharp sword transformed by his sword intent into the air.

The Tai'a Sword Master swung his sword away from the two sword lights and said with a sneer: "Boy, there's no way you can move now——"

The next moment, the sound stopped suddenly.

I saw Ling Feng's figure, and at some point, he had appeared in front of Tai'a Sword Master. He grabbed his hand forward and slapped Tai'a Sword Master's Dantian hard.

"Duitian! Ningjian!"

With a loud shout, Tai'a Sword Master's pupils suddenly shrank, staring at Ling Feng in disbelief, and roared hysterically, " could this happen? My sword swordsmanship perception, no! No !”

"Hmph, you are so immortal, but you came to my spiritual sea, and you are still a master of swordsmanship, so I will accept this gift from you without mercy! Senior, a dead person, still It’s better to sleep well!”

As he spoke, the Tai'a Sword Master's figure trembled violently and became somewhat transparent.

The huge swordsmanship knowledge contained in his remnant soul naturally benefited Ling Feng in vain. Under the mysterious and unparalleled magical power of "Seizing Heaven Condensing Sword Technique", it was continuously transformed into Ling Feng's own swordsmanship knowledge. .

In an instant, the two swords suspended in the sea of ​​​​spirits began to tremble violently, expanding and solidifying at an extremely terrifying speed!

After just ten breaths, Ling Feng felt that his two sword intentions had both broken through from the Dacheng level to the Small Perfection level.

Moreover, this growth momentum has not disappeared at all and is still improving.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Ling Feng was overjoyed in his heart. It was indeed the swordsman's enlightenment from the ancient sword master. When he plundered it, it was just a word, it was great!

Tai'a Sword Master was completely panicked. Wisps of gray aura floated out and dissipated from the body of the remnant soul. They were swallowed up by Ling Feng and transformed. The remnant soul became more and more blurred and its power became smaller and smaller.


The remnant soul of Tai'a Sword Master screamed in horror. He finally realized that the young man in front of him had mastered a magical power that could devour the knowledge of swordsmanship. However, he was a Sword Master during his lifetime, and his soul naturally contained Huge insights into the way of swordsmanship, and these insights are also an inseparable part of his soul.

Now, being crazily devoured by the other party, the last remaining soul of him is about to be completely annihilated and cease to exist.

"I regret it now, don't you think it's too late?"

Ling Feng showed no mercy at all. He brought it to his door and ate it for himself. If he didn't enjoy it properly, wouldn't it be a waste?

It's a pity that Tai'a Sword Master only had a remnant soul left in the end. The whole process didn't last long, and the remnant soul completely dissipated.

"Boy, I curse you. I curse you to fall into the Abi Hell and never be reincarnated!"

With a hysterical roar, Tai'a Sword Master was completely wiped out.

Ling Feng's face showed a look of unfulfilled meaning, and he sensed that his two sword intentions had reached the peak of the early stage of Little Perfection.

"After absorbing the remnant soul of an ancient sword master, he has only reached the early stage of Small Consummation. This is too small."

Ling Feng couldn't help but frown, thinking that he would at least reach the middle stage of Small Consummation.

How did he know that his sword intent was of such a high grade, and that it had two great sword intents. Being able to rise to this level would have saved him at least ten years of hard work, and yet he was still not satisfied!

If others knew about it, they would probably be jealous!

After regaining control of his body, Ling Feng saw the body of the bastard soul in front of him.

"What about the remnant soul?"

As soon as the bitch looked into Ling Feng's eyes, he knew that he was safe and sound.

"Swallowed by me." Ling Feng shrugged and said lightly.

"Swallowed it?" Bitch looked at Ling Feng in disbelief, "How did you swallow it?"

"Didn't you get a copy of "The Heaven-Seizing Sword Technique" before?" Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and said calmly.

"Damn!" The bitch couldn't help but roll his eyes, "You kid, you are such a monster. In just a short time, you have actually mastered a secret technique that is comparable to a holy-level technique!"

Fortunately, Jianlu has long been used to all kinds of incredible things happening to Ling Feng, and he has gotten used to it a lot.

Ling Feng curled his lips. He had the Eye of the Emperor and it was not difficult at all to practice the technique. He also thought that his mastery speed was too slow. It took him so long to just get a glimpse of it.

If he were to use other inferior exercises, he would still have to reach a great level.

Ignoring the bitch, Ling Feng walked forward, walked to the body abandoned by the Tai'a Sword Master, glanced at it, and was suddenly startled.

This corpse turned out to be Sima Xu.

Come to think of it, this guy was quite unlucky. After being severely injured by himself, he was probably targeted by the Tai'a Sword Master and killed him directly, ending up with a miserable ending.

However, such a person's death would be in vain.

The cheap donkey also strode over and said calmly: "Boy Lingfeng, most of the things in the Xuanjian underground palace are not used by this beast, so this beast has already plundered all the treasures in this boy's body. Do you have any objections? "


Ling Feng rolled his eyes. According to the greedy temper of this bitch, he had no intention of searching for Sima Xu's body.

"By the way, this thing..."

The stupid old man blushed, took out another dark gold ring, and said calmly: "This thing cannot be opened by this beast. It is probably a treasure that this guy took out from the sword tomb."

Ling Feng casually took the ring and looked at it carefully. This dark gold ring was like an iron ring with some faint lines crisscrossing it. If you look closely, you can see that it has a simple and mysterious feeling.

"It seems to be a spiritual ring, and it's a little different from ordinary spiritual rings."

Ling Feng slowly injected a wisp of sword intent and opened the ring. There was indeed an extremely huge space inside, but it was different from the ordinary Naling Ring. It was like a magma world. Just opening the ring gave off a scorching heat. The breath came to my face.

"This seems to be the Sky Forging Ring that was favored by the great forging masters in ancient times. It should contain a forging furnace from the ancient times and a lot of top-quality immortal metals!"

The stupid donkey just glanced at it and told everything it knew about the Heaven Forging Ring like a treasure trove.

"Forging furnace and immortal metal."

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose, with a look of disappointment on his face. In terms of weapons, he already had the most suitable weapon for him, the Destruction of All Directions, and the Dual Swords of Nothingness. There was no need to forge any more weapons.

At least, not in the short term.

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