Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1727 Kill Wang Bodang! (1 update)

"Wait a moment!"

Suddenly, Ling Feng suddenly discovered a small mountain in a corner of the Forging Heaven Ring space. There were piles of stones of different shapes inside, all exuding a trace of pure sword energy.

Ling Feng casually took out a handful. These stones were somewhat similar to the Sword Enlightenment Stones that Yan Cangtian bid for him when he was at Tianwei Academy. However, the sword energy emanating from them was purer and richer. One stone is almost as good as ten Sword Enlightenment Stones.

"These stones are..."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. Although he didn't recognize this kind of stone, his face couldn't help but show a look of great joy. This was like giving him a pillow when he fell asleep!

With these strange stones piled up into a hill, he directly used the "Heaven Condensing Sword Technique" to devour them like crazy. I'm afraid it's not far away from reaching the level of Dzogchen with my sword intention!

"Sword Soul Crystal!" Bitch looked at these stones for a few times and couldn't help shouting, "I bet, in the West Sword Region, such a large Sword Soul Crystal, the value of this piece must be hundreds of thousands. It’s a high-grade Yuan Jing!”

"Really?" Ling Feng curled his lips. There were as many Sword Soul Crystals as a hill in the Forging Heaven Ring!

Developed, I am really developed this time!

But soon, Ling Feng calmed down. With his status as a high-level alchemist, he has been extremely rich since he embarked on the path of cultivation. Wealth and other things are not enough to make him excited.

But this Sword Soul Crystal is indeed a good thing!

For ordinary people, it may take several days or even longer to absorb a Sword Soul Crystal, but Ling Feng is different. With the "Heaven Seizing Sword Art", it only takes a moment to absorb a Sword Soul Crystal.

Ling Feng even had the urge to find a place to retreat directly, doing nothing but absorbing the Sword Soul Crystal, that would be enough!

After a while, Ling Feng found a huge forging furnace in the Forging Sky Ring. The flames in the furnace were burning brightly and would never go out after a long time.

"Spirit fire of all beasts!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. The flame in the forging furnace was suddenly a kind of strange fire, and it was also a very high-grade beast spirit fire!

Originally, Ling Feng found the Xuanjian Underground Palace with the purpose of obtaining the fire of the Ancient Earth Fire. Who knew that instead of obtaining the Ancient Earth Fire, he got the higher-grade Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire, which was considered a great blessing.

Although Devouring the Spiritual Fire of Ten Thousand Beasts is not enough to advance Yanyan to the fifth stage, it can also greatly increase the power of Yanyan.

Suddenly, a sound of breaking wind sounded, and a figure quickly approached.

"It's you!"

The visitor turned out to be Wang Bodang. He saw Ling Feng and the corpse at his feet at a glance, and immediately reacted: "Teach this thing, or you will die!"

That "Sima Xu" took away the treasures in the sword tomb. Wang Bodang and his party chased them all the way. Unexpectedly, Ling Feng actually picked them up.

"So what if I don't pay?"

Today is different from the past. Now Ling Feng was thinking of finding Wang Bodang and killing him, but by chance, he came to the door himself.

"Then go to hell!"

Wang Bodang snorted coldly. Last time, Ling Feng retreated in disgrace under his hand, which made Wang Bodang think that he had defeated Ling Feng.

However, the Ling Feng now is no longer the Ling Feng before.

"Kunlun breaks the prison!"

Ling Feng slashed out with his sword, Wang Bodang sneered, swung away Ling Feng's blade with his sword, and mocked: "If you are not at the emperor level, you can be considered a number one person with this level of cultivation. It's a pity. Too greedy and want to rob something that shouldn’t be robbed!”

Wang Bodang glanced at Ling Feng coldly, waiting for a sword strike to chop off Ling Feng's head.

However, he clearly saw the young man in front of him with a strange curve on his lips.


Wang Bodang was startled and had a bad premonition. However, the next moment, Ling Feng had already bullied him and directly grabbed his left shoulder with his palm.


Wang Bodang was shocked and turned his sword around quickly, trying to shake Ling Feng away.

However, a terrifying attraction came from Ling Feng's palm, and the sword intention that was originally suspended in the depths of the spiritual sea trembled violently.

"Duitian! Ningjian!"

As Ling Feng gently uttered four words, a death-like shadow suddenly enveloped him.

Wang Bodang's heart was beating wildly, his hair stood on end, the cold current hit his spine, and a strong sense of crisis rushed into his soul. Wang Bodang was so frightened that he almost fainted, and he screamed: "Get away!"

"Humph, it's too late! Since you came to the door, I have no choice but to swallow up your sword intention and sword knowledge!"

"no no!"

Wang Bodang's eyes widened, his face full of shock and extreme horror. His pupils were filled with disbelief and fear, but he could only watch helplessly as his sword intent dissipated little by little, and was swallowed up by the terrifying young man in front of him.

Although the warriors of the Western Sword Region are powerful, unfortunately all their abilities are based on sword intention. The "Heaven Seizing Sword Art" practiced by Ling Feng is simply their nemesis.

Once Ling Feng gets close enough to activate the "Heaven Seizing Sword Art", he basically has no choice but to wait for death.

After a while, Wang Bodang's sword intention completely dissipated, and his sword knowledge was also swallowed up by Ling Feng.

Having lost his sword intention, Wang Bodang's strength was reduced to half-impaired, and he was basically half useless.

However, Ling Feng still didn't let him go, and directly broke his neck with a "click".


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