Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1738 One Moon Heavenly Palace (Part 2)

"So, can you kill Li Tianxing with one sword?"

The man in green murmured a sentence, which immediately choked the disciple into speechlessness.

Are you kidding me, killing Li Tianxing with one sword? It's almost like being killed with a sword!


A group of disciples from the One Moon Heavenly Palace wanted to say something, but were interrupted by the man in green.

"Okay, I have made up my mind. During this period, this person appeared in this ancient city, and his target is obviously that ruins. In this case, it is better to see first how much he weighs."

The man in green clothes stared at the disciple who was running errands, and said calmly: "Send the invitation as I wish."


The surrounding disciples of the One Moon Heavenly Palace stopped their objections. However, it is really incomprehensible that the mere natives of the Eastern Spiritual Territory are so highly regarded by Senior Brother Xiao.

Eastern Spiritual Domain Disciple Camp.

After several hours of adjusting his breath, Ling Feng had completely stabilized the two sword intentions in his body, and they were now operating smoothly without any stagnation.

Not only that, but the prototype of the sword's strength, which had been stagnant for a long time, finally began to slowly improve.

With the magical power of "Seizing Heaven Condensing Sword Technique", the improvement of his swordsmanship can be described as a thousand miles.

However, after the sword intention is perfected, the speed of absorbing the sword soul crystal to improve the sword power is not so optimistic.

Think about it, if the realm of sword power is as easy to improve as the realm of sword intention, then the West Sword Region, which mainly focuses on swordsmanship, will be dissatisfied that the streets are all strong men who have understood the sword realm.

At this time, Ling Feng held an invitation card in his hand. The post was bright red and the edging was gold. There was a sword drawn on the cover. There was a lone moon in the background, and a sharp aura spread out. This aura alone is enough to make some warriors who are not determined enough to panic.

It was Murong Bai and Yue Huaqing who sent the invitation. As for Shi Haoxuan, he has already begun to understand the "Great Sun Burning Sky Sword" sword technique.

Murong Bai was originally injured by Long Tengyuan, but under the treatment of Ling Feng's Taixuan acupuncture technique, he was no longer seriously injured.

Feeling the amazing aura emanating from the post, Murong Bai's complexion suddenly changed.

His swordsmanship was pretty good in the Eastern Sword Region, but in the Western Sword Region, it might not even be considered an average level.

Yue Huaqing also felt slightly palpitated. Just an invitation contained such terrible pressure.

This invitation is probably also a kind of demonstration.

"One Moon Heavenly Palace, Xiao Juanyun?"

Ling Feng slowly opened the invitation and glanced at it. The content inside was: Tomorrow at noon, he and the geniuses from the Eastern Spiritual Realm were invited to go to the center of the ancient city for a talk.

"Who is this Xiao Juanyun?"

Ling Feng closed the invitation and turned to look at Murong Bai.

"Xiao Juanyun..."

A trace of fear flashed in Murong Bai's eyes, he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "That is a truly strong man!"

"Oh? What should I say?" Ling Feng asked lightly.

"When he first came to the ancient city, Senior Brother Shi also defeated several strong men from the Western Sword Region. He originally wanted to establish his authority in this generation so that he could gain a foothold in the city. Everything went smoothly until later, when he met Du A disciple of Yuetian Palace.”

Murong Bai took a deep breath and said slowly: "Senior Brother Shi directly challenged Xiao Juanyun, and the result... the result was that Senior Brother Shi suffered internal injuries, and he has not recovered yet."

Ling Feng nodded slightly. There was no need to guess, the result must be Shi Haoxuan's disastrous defeat.

If it weren't for Shi Haoxuan's internal injuries, he wouldn't have been forced to this point by Long Tengyuan.

"So, Xiao Juanyun's invitation to me this time is a Hongmen Banquet?"

"Probably not."

Murong Bai shook his head, "That Xiao Juanyun is a real swordsman, far from being comparable to someone like Long Tengyuan. That day, Senior Brother Shi was defeated by him, and he also personally gave the medicine, but Senior Brother Shi was unwilling to Just accept it. Moreover, he defeated Senior Brother Shi without making things difficult for us. Otherwise, we might not be able to settle here."

"Yeah." Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. From this point of view, this Xiao Juanyun can be regarded as a number one person.

There is a ruins involved in this ancient city. This so-called banquet is probably just to get a feel for one's own heritage.

But just in time, Ling Feng also wanted to see how powerful the real strong men entrenched in this ancient city were.

"That's fine."

Ling Feng smiled faintly and put the invitation away, "Tomorrow at noon, I would like to meet this Xiao Juanyun!"

One night passed by in a flash.

This is the first time that Ling Feng has left the Eastern Spiritual Domain warrior's station since he arrived in this ancient city.

Because Shi Haoxuan was practicing the "Great Sun Burning Sky Sword" in seclusion, Ling Feng could only fight alone this time.

However, under Yue Huaqing's persuasion, Ling Feng still took her with him, and added Murong Bai to lead the way.

After all, no one is perfect, even Ling Feng has the defect of being a "road fool".

Soon, the three of them arrived at the central area of ​​the ancient city. Since the invitation was from Xiao Juanyun of the Single Moon Palace, no one dared to offend him.

The ancient city is dilapidated and the conditions are simple, so the so-called tea party is basically an open-air meeting. Geniuses from all the major forces in the Western Sword Region gather together. At a glance, there are basically nearly a hundred people.

On Ling Feng's side, on the other hand, only three people came, almost like two or three kittens and puppies, so pitifully few.

"So many people!"

Yue Huaqing couldn't help but widen her eyes when she saw the crowd gathered in front of her.

"Because the quotas for other domains to enter the Sunset Ancient City are different from our Dongling Domain. Our Dongling Domain only has a hundred quotas, but the West Sword Domain is said to have five hundred quotas, and the Zhongyuan Domain above has at least 100 quotas. There are a thousand places.”

Murong Bai explained in a deep voice: "It is said that the Sunset Ancient City has a maximum of thirty-three floors, and in our Eastern Spiritual Region, reaching the tenth floor is already the highest record in the past thousand years. The gap between them is simply insignificant. Compare."

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, shrugged his shoulders, and said calmly without any fluctuation in his heart: "Let's go there first."

After a while, Ling Feng and the others arrived at the outermost area of ​​the central venue. They saw two swordsmen carrying heavy swords standing in front of them. They were wearing the uniforms of disciples of the One Moon Palace. Judging from the aura, their strength was roughly the same as that of Long Teng. Far from it.

Solitary Moon Palace, it’s really interesting!

Ling Feng's eyes flashed, and he became even more interested in the person who invited him to Xiao Juanyun.

"Huh? Why are there still such weak people coming to the tea party? Wait, they don't seem to be geniuses from our Western Sword Region, right?"

"I bet, even the fucking Extreme Human Emperor has one. Such a weak combination is probably the scumbags from the Eastern Spiritual Territory!"

Seeing the appearance of Ling Feng and others, they immediately attracted the contempt of many geniuses from the Western Sword Region around them.

Ling Feng ignored it, took out the invitation and handed it over.

The two One Moon Heavenly Palace disciples who were guarding the front opened the invitation, looked at Ling Feng carefully, and immediately stepped aside to let Ling Feng enter.

"What, he has an invitation?"

"I think about it, this guy couldn't be the guy who instantly killed Li Tianxing of Longjian Tianfu with one sword, right?"

"I guess, right? He's obviously just the Ultimate Human Emperor, and he can instantly kill Li Tianxing, who is at the fifth level of the Destiny Realm?"

At the same time, a series of hostile glances were shot towards Ling Feng and the others.

Ling Feng looked unconcerned, shrugged and ignored it.

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