Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1739 Long Aotian! (1 update)

Soon, disciples from the Single Moon Palace came to lead Ling Feng in person to the core area of ​​the tea party.

In the so-called core area, only geniuses who have received invitations are eligible to go, while the warriors who come with them can only watch from a distance in the peripheral area.

The strong are respected, and this has never changed. If you want to gain enough respect, you can only speak with your strength.

"You two, just wait for me here."

Ling Feng turned back and glanced at Murong Bai and Yue Huaqing. These two people had no invitations and could not enter the core area.

"That's fine." Murong Bai nodded, knowing how much he weighed, and he was satisfied to be able to watch the battles of those strong men from a distance.

"Junior Brother Ling, come on! Make our name in the Eastern Spiritual Realm known!" Yue Huaqing clenched her pink fist and made an encouraging gesture toward Ling Feng.

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled, noncommittal.

When Ling Feng arrived at the central area, he discovered that there was a rather luxurious loft standing in front of him. It was splendid and decorated with carved beams and painted beams. It was completely different from the dilapidated buildings around it.

Ling Feng couldn't help but touch the bridge of his nose. This attic was obviously not owned by the ancient city. It should be a magic weapon carried by Xiao Juanyun.

This is a bit similar to my own Five Elements Palace, but apart from its gorgeous appearance and can be used for ostentation, it doesn't have much use.


The disciple of the Du Yue Tiangong who was leading the way looked back at Ling Feng and said with a loud sound.

Ling Feng held the invitation, so he was naturally qualified to climb up to the attic. Under the slightly hostile eyes of the surrounding people, Ling Feng strode up to the attic.

When I walked up the stairs and entered the attic, there were already many geniuses from the Western Sword Region gathered inside.

The space inside is very spacious, with many tables and chairs placed around it, and an open space of about a hundred feet in the middle, which is obviously used for discussion and communication.

On top of the main seat, there sat a man in green clothes. He was thin, but his eyes were very sharp. When his eyes opened and closed, there was an aura of invincibility. Ling Feng guessed that this man should be the one who gave him Xiao Juanyun was the one who sent out the invitation.

This person is very strong!

Ling Feng secretly made an evaluation in his heart.

However, if he wants to fight, he is not afraid.

Ling Feng's arrival naturally attracted the attention of many people, including Xiao Juanyun, but some just glanced at it and when they discovered Ling Feng's cultivation level, they frowned or flashed a disdainful sneer. focus on.

"Your Excellency?"

Xiao Juanyun came over. He knew most of the powerful men in the West Sword Region, and this only new face was undoubtedly the genius from the East Spiritual Region who killed Li Tianxing.

"Ling Feng."

Ling Feng smiled slightly and said calmly.

Xiao Juanyun nodded slightly and said with a smile: "It turns out to be Brother Ling from the Eastern Spiritual Region. I've heard about his name for a long time!"

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and was secretly amused. How could he be famous? However, there was no need to tell the truth in such a situation.

"Brother Xiao's name is also like thunder." Ling Feng smiled and said a few polite words.

This Xiao Juanyun is different from most of the powerful people in the Western Sword Region that he has seen. He does not have the attitude of looking higher than his head.

"Please take a seat."

After a few words of greeting, Xiao Juanyun arranged for Ling Feng to take a seat. Most of the geniuses from the Western Sword Region around him showed disdain. Do the mere natives of the Eastern Spiritual Region deserve such courtesy?

This Xiao Juanyun took Ling Feng too seriously.

However, no one dares to talk too much. A strong person like Xiao Juanyun is free to do whatever he likes.

Ling Feng glanced around and saw that in addition to the geniuses of the Western Sword Region, there was another person who was dressed obviously different from the warriors of the Western Sword Region, and exuded extremely powerful energy and blood.

These people are probably geniuses from the Northern Cold Region.

Nowadays, geniuses from the three major domains gather in the ancient city, waiting for the opening of the ruins.

The silence lasted for about thirty breaths, and finally someone chuckled.

"Hahahaha, since no one takes the lead, let me, Long Aotian, do it."

A figure stood up. He was tall and strong, about thirty or forty years old, with a pair of tiger eyes that were radiant with hope and burning. He strode to the central open space and said, "Who is there?" Friend, are you willing to come up and give me some advice?”

"Let Li use his advice to attract others."

There was a chuckle, and then with a flash of figure, a figure appeared in front of Long Aotian. He was a man in his thirties with a graceful manner and a free and easy temperament.

"Brother Long, Brother Li, the rules of the tea party are that you can only use swordsmanship and sword intention, but you are not allowed to use sword energy. Otherwise, my little attic will be destroyed."

Xiao Juanyun reminded with a smile, then looked at the geniuses from the Northern Cold Region, and added: "Friends from the Northern Cold Region, don't use the power of Qi and blood. We are only comparing moves, and we will stop as soon as we click. good."

"It's natural. It's just a discussion. I won't take it seriously."

Long Aotian laughed loudly, swung his sword in his hand, and made an offensive gesture.


Ling Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, Long Aotian's swordsmanship actually looked a bit familiar.

"Long Aotian, is your surname Long?"

Ling Feng pursed his lips. Obviously, this Long Aotian should be from Longjian Tianfu, and he should be from the same family as Long Tengyuan.

The two people's eyes met, and in an instant, a sharp aura suddenly spread out from the two of them. The swords were not moved, but the aura was already clashing.

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