Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1741 Evenly matched! (1 update)

The atmosphere in the whole place suddenly seemed to be frozen, and everyone stared at Luo Hanzhou standing proudly in the center.

The strong men from the Northern Cold Region are truly extraordinary!

Although the use of sword yuan is prohibited in this competition, the strong men in the Northern Cold Region are not allowed to use the power of qi and blood.

Just now, Long Aotian was completely defeated by Luo Hanzhou's boxing skills, and there was no excuse or reason at all.

Long Aotian stared intently at Luo Hanzhou. This man in silver fox fur gave him the feeling of being suppressed by an ancient sacred mountain.

This is an insurmountable mountain!

This Luohan State is so powerful, can't it be called a top genius in the Northern Cold Region?

It seems that the overall strength of the Northern Cold Territory has improved a lot!

The geniuses of the Western Sword Region should have some sense of crisis.

"So fast!"

"I can't see clearly how he moves. How can he reach such a terrifying speed just by cultivating his physical body?"

"Could it be that the body refining master has natural restraint in the way of swordsmanship?"

The geniuses from the Western Sword Region who were present started talking in low voices, but no one dared to ask for advice. Some even thought that body refining was simply the way to defeat the sword. Otherwise, under the same realm, why would the geniuses from the Western Sword Region It would fail so miserably.

Xiao Juanyun frowned when he heard this. Weak people always have countless excuses.

But once they choose to use various excuses to deceive themselves and others, their fate will only fall behind and be beaten.

"It looks like I'm the only one taking action."

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Juanyun slowly stood up from his seat and said word by word: "There has never been a so-called restraint relationship between body refining and swordsmanship. There are only useless warriors in the three thousand avenues, but there is no useless martial arts. ! The same is true for body training, and the same is true for swordsmanship!"

While he was talking, Xiao Juanyun had already walked in front of Luo Hanzhou, raised his fist and saluted him, and said loudly: "Brother Luo!"

One sentence seemed to be an enlightenment, and the geniuses of the Western Sword Region around them all had a ray of light flashing in their eyes.

If, as a swordsman, you have doubts about the swordsmanship you practice, how many achievements can you make in this life?

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Xiao Juanyun.

At this moment, this place, Xiao Juanyun, is their last hope in the West Sword Region!

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and took a high look at Xiao Juanyun.

This man has a good character, but it's hard to say whether he will win or lose in a battle with Luo Hanzhou.

Looking at Xiao Juanyun across from him, Luo Hanzhou's eyes seemed to light up, like an eagle that had found its prey. Fierce fighting spirit spewed out from his eyes and shot straight towards Xiao Juanyun.

"Brother Luo has superb boxing skills, and Xiao wants to learn a thing or two from him with the sword in his hand!"

Xiao Juanyun held the sword and slowly pulled it out. As the blade was unsheathed, his aura continued to gather and rise!

"Come on, if the West Sword Region only has that kind of stuff, it would be too boring!"

Luo Hanzhou raised his right fist slightly, showing a solemn expression for the first time.

His intuition told him that Xiao Juanyun was an opponent he could fight with.

"Be careful!"

With a slight shout, Xiao Juanyun struck out with his sword, as powerful as thunder.


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. Judging from the simple sword moves, Xiao Juanyun's every move and style were almost impeccable, and his sword speed actually surpassed Luo Hanzhou's punch speed.

These two people are truly strong opponents!

Luo Hanzhou changed his tactics again and neutralized Xiao Juanyun's sword edge.

The two sides fought to the same point, and within a dozen moves, they were evenly matched.

Everyone's attention was drawn to it, their eyes widened, and they watched without blinking, watching the exciting showdown between the two powerful men.

Even without using the power of sword energy and qi and blood, this battle was absolutely wonderful.

Ling Feng quietly opened the Eye of the Emperor. Whether it was Xiao Juanyun's swordsmanship or Luo Hanzhou's boxing skills, they were both the essence and were of great benefit to him.

Bang bang bang!

Terrifying vibrations continued to erupt in the air.

Luo Hanzhou and Xiao Juanyun kept moving and attacking, punching and sword, colliding wildly, sparks flying away, densely packed like fireworks exploding, very dazzling.

The two sides continued to attack, and even the defense used offense to defend and combined with footwork to dodge. In the 100-foot-square open space in the center of the attic, two figures were constantly moving and intersecting, and they were blurry phantoms because they were too fast.

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