Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1742 Masters from the Eastern Spiritual Region! (2 more)


"too strong!"

"Sure enough, Senior Brother Xiao is right, the way of swordsmanship is not inferior to the way of body refining."

"Why do I feel that they are learning from each other? The way Senior Brother Xiao uses his sword seems a bit like the way Luo Hanzhou punches!"

"Yes, Luo Hanzhou's footwork is a bit like Senior Brother Xiao's!"

"Thousands of ways and methods lead to the same destination through different paths. It's a pity that if you don't reach their realm, you can't understand them at all."

Everyone on the field sighed with regret. Only strong players like Xiao Juanyun and Luo Hanzhou who met their opponents could learn from their opponents' strengths.

Little did they know that there was another person on the field who had already "stolen" every last bit of the two's strengths.

No, strictly speaking, it doesn't count as stealing. After all, he was doing it openly!

"However, watching the battle between them, I have some vague feelings. When I return to the sect this time and stay in seclusion for a while, I feel that my swordsmanship will be improved again!"

"Yes, me too!"

Although many strong men in the Western Sword Region cannot improve directly like Xiao Juanyun, they have also benefited a lot from watching and imitating.

"Just don't know who can win?"

"I hope it's Senior Brother Xiao. If even Senior Brother Xiao is defeated, then everyone who is also a swordsman from the West Sword Region will be disgraced."

Everyone was talking in low voices and sighing with emotion. At this moment, after Luo Hanzhou punched out, he quickly distanced himself from Xiao Juanyun. Looking at his expression, he seemed to be a little excited.

It was a kind of joy when meeting a powerful enemy. This kind of joy made his blood boil. He felt that every nerve in his body became extremely sharp.

Speed, strength, and reaction are all improved to the extreme.

The same is true for Xiao Juanyun. The long sword in his hand kept moving, and he took a step forward at a very fast speed. His body brought up phantoms, and his sword was as fast as thunder, as if breaking through the stars. With a domineering and uncompromising attitude, he slashed towards Luo Hanzhou.

"Star Lock Zhanyue!"

Even if the sword energy is not activated, the power of this move cannot be ignored.

The howling wind suddenly started, and the strong wind formed a terrible sword pressure under the sword, blowing Luo Hanzhou's long hair back, as if it was about to be uprooted, revealing his entire face, and his eyes burst out with extremely sharp light.

"Well done!"

Luo Hanzhou laughed, clenched his right fist, and attacked Xiao Juanyun's sword edge.

Suddenly, fist shadows all over the sky erupted, as if the world was shattering, and the light was extremely bright, crushing Xiao Juanyun's powerful sword in an instant.

A punch and a sword finally collided with each other amidst violent explosions.

Everyone felt that the entire attic shook violently. You must know that this was still a situation where both parties only used tricks and did not use their Yuan Power, and they still had such destructive power.

If it were to explode with all its strength, it would probably turn an area of ​​several thousand feet into ruins.

"One inch long, one inch strong. Brother Luo, you are defeated!"

Xiao Juanyun pointed his sword at Luo Hanzhou's neck. The two of them stood in the middle of the open space, both looking a little embarrassed.

Seeing this scene, the swordsmen in the Western Sword Region were all overjoyed.

Xiao Juanyun finally won.

However, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Luo Hanzhou's mouth, "Oh, really?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the long sword in Xiao Juanyun's hand broke into seven or eight pieces with a click, and the fragments were scattered on the ground.

The next moment, Luo Hanzhou raised his hand slightly, spread his palm gently, and saw a broken step lying gently in his palm.

Xiao Juanyun looked down and saw that a piece of his robe had been torn off from his left chest, right next to his heart.

For a moment, Xiao Juanyun felt a chill running down his spine. If this battle was a battle of life and death, what was torn out might be his heart.

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Juanyun looked deeply at Luo Hanzhou, gritted his teeth and said, "I lost this battle!"

Xiao Juanyun slowly turned around and returned to his seat, feeling shocked and frustrated at the same time.

If he had won, his words just now would indeed have been sonorous and powerful, but now, he has lost.

The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. Kang Kan's passionate words before the battle are full of irony.

For a moment, the swordsmen in the Western Sword Region all became dejected.

Defeated, even Xiao Juanyun was defeated!

"It seems that I, the Northern Cold Region, are better after all. Brother Luo, you win beautifully!"

Several warriors who also came from the Northern Cold Territory were all very proud. Although there were few people in the Northern Cold Territory, they almost crushed everyone in the Western Sword Territory. This is called a strong person, and this is called a genius!

Luo Hanzhou did not speak, but his eyes showed a bit of disappointment.

Although Xiao Juanyun was strong, he had not yet been pushed to his limit.

"Is that all? It looks like I can leave. I thought I could meet a few real strong men from the outside world."

Luo Hanzhou shook his head slightly. Even the strongest Xiao Juanyun was defeated by him, and there was no need to stay here anymore.

"Let's go, let's go, West Sword Territory, nothing more than that!"

"Haha, body training is the kingly way! Sword way is just a small way."

The warriors from the Northern Cold Region smiled disdainfully, the contempt in their eyes undisguised.

The swordsmen in the Western Sword Region felt a burning pain on their faces, but they did not dare to step forward to compete with Luo Hanzhou.

The strength shown by Luo Hanzhou was really strong.

Perhaps, if both sides use their Yuan Power, Xiao Juanyun may not lose to Luo Hanzhou in an all-out battle. However, before the competition, it was Xiao Juanyun who stipulated that only moves should be used and no Yuan Power should be used.

If you lose, you just lose. There is no reason to say.

Xiao Juanyun took a deep breath. He originally intended to establish his power more or less, but he didn't expect that Luo Hanzhou would appear in the middle.

"Wait a minute, you said you want to find a strong person from the outside world, right?"

At this moment, suddenly, a voice came from a certain corner. Everyone looked together and found a young man in white standing up.

This person is surprisingly Ling Feng from the Eastern Spiritual Territory!

Xiao Juanyun's eyelids twitched slightly. Originally, he held this tea party mainly to test Ling Feng's strength, but Luo Hanzhou's strong appearance made him forget about Ling Feng.

However, in his heart, he never felt that Ling Feng was qualified to be compared with him. Not to mention Luo Hanzhou who defeated him.

Ling Feng's challenge to Luo Hanzhou was an act of overestimation.

However, Ling Feng did not seem to have such an awareness. Instead, he walked step by step in front of Luo Hanzhou and said calmly: "You have returned to the warriors of the West Sword Region. The masters of the East Spiritual Region are still here." There is one.”

"Fuck, that's so shameless! You're actually saying that you're a master with such a big face?"

"Don't you fucking think about how much you weigh? Dongling Territory? What kind of fucking masters can there be in Dongling Territory!"

"I don't know how high the sky is, but is he qualified to compete with Luo Hanzhou? His qualifications to enter here were all donated by Senior Brother Xiao!"

The swordsmen from the Western Sword Region present were all indignant and began to curse.

Even Xiao Juanyun, the genius of their Western Sword Region, was defeated. This boy from the Eastern Spiritual Region was just carrying a dead rat in his waist, pretending to be a hunter!

Ling Feng completely turned a blind eye to the cynicism of these people. He just looked at Luo Hanzhou with a calm face and said calmly: "How do you dare to fight with me?"

Luo Hanzhou stared at Ling Feng. Suddenly, his eyelids twitched, and he felt a breath of horror emanating from Ling Feng. At the moment when he was full of alertness, he suddenly felt that the thrilling feeling disappeared, like an illusion. .

Luo Hanzhou's expression suddenly became serious. He looked at Ling Feng and said calmly: "Why don't I dare?"

"Then please."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, and slowly pulled out all the ten directions in his hand.

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