Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1743 You Win! (1 more)

"What, Luo Hanzhou actually wants to fight him?"

The swordsmen of the Western Sword Region were staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes. With Luo Hanzhou's strength, what qualifications did Ling Feng have to be his opponent?

"Humph, so what if I agreed? This kid is simply asking for humiliation."

"That's right, a mere human emperor doesn't overestimate his own abilities. I think he's just trying to catch people's attention. He knows that it's just a sparring match and there's no risk to his life, so he just goes up to show off."

"Hahaha, you're right. People like this are not uncommon wherever they go!"

"Go up there and embarrass yourself!"

Long Aotian smiled ferociously. He himself was defeated by Luo Hanzhou with one punch, and he also felt that Ling Feng should be defeated by Luo Hanzhou with one punch.

That Long Tengyuan was his brother. For some reasons, he didn't come immediately to trouble Ling Feng.

However, it’s not too late!

This time, Long Aotian has decided that after the tea party is over, Ling Feng will die.

This kid will die today!

Ling Feng was completely unmoved by the sneers of these young men. He just narrowed his eyes, looked at Luo Hanzhou opposite, and said lightly: "I have seen the battle you just fought. If you don't use your full strength from the beginning, , you will probably regret it.”


As soon as he said this, others immediately laughed.

Even Xiao Juanyun was defeated at the hands of Luo Hanzhou, but Ling Feng actually dared to speak so brazenly and speak arrogantly!

This kid is probably a fool!

Long Aotian couldn't help but sneered: "I thought that this kid could defeat Li Tianxing and be considered a number one figure. Unexpectedly, he turned out to be an idiot!"

Unexpectedly, Luo Hanzhou was staring at Ling Feng solemnly, his aura rising steadily, becoming more and more powerful.

His attitude made people confused.

Even when facing Xiao Juanyun, Luo Hanzhou had never been so serious, right?

What a powerful momentum!

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, even though this Luo Hanzhou did not use the power of Qi and blood, judging from this momentum alone, it can definitely be called a humanoid ferocious beast.

Ling Feng was a little curious in his heart, how the warriors from the Northern Cold Region cultivated to have such a domineering and powerful physique.

But fortunately, although Luo Hanzhou's momentum is strong, Ling Feng also possesses the power of dragon and elephant, and in terms of momentum, he is not inferior to Luo Hanzhou.


The void trembled. In fact, the two of them were evenly matched during the confrontation, and no one fell behind.

A violent wind suddenly swept through one or two people, and the whole attic shook a little. The strong men from the Western Sword Region who had originally laughed at Ling Feng all showed extremely shocked expressions.

This warrior from the Eastern Spiritual Territory seems to be more powerful than they imagined!

"Huh, bluff!"

Long Aotian clenched his fists. After all, strong momentum does not mean strong strength!

"Interesting, take a punch from me!"

Luo Hanzhou shouted, and his figure suddenly shot out like lightning, a punch exploded, and the fist roared out.

What a fast punch!

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, and then showed a hint of excitement.

This Luo Hanzhou is indeed an opponent worth fighting.

If he had not seen the battle between Luo Hanzhou and Xiao Juanyun before, even he might have suffered a loss if they met face to face.

However, relying on the ability of the Eye of the Emperor, Ling Feng had already completely seen through the advantages and flaws in Luo Hanzhou's boxing skills!

In a pure battle of martial arts, Ling Feng was already invincible.

"what happened?"

Several warriors who also came from the Northern Cold Territory were dumbfounded because they discovered that Luo Hanzhou actually used all his strength!

Is it worth Luo Hanzhou's full strength to deal with a small Extreme Human Emperor?

Those swordsmen in the Western Sword Region looked like they had eaten cockroaches.

No matter what, they don't want to admit that a stronger person than them has actually appeared in the Dongling Domain, which has always been at the bottom of the five major domains!

And, it’s really strong!

However, Ling Feng's performance was even more shocking!

Ling Feng seemed to be stunned by Luo Hanzhou's terrifying power. He stood there blankly and allowed a dozen fists to lock onto him, completely motionless.

Even if the power of Qi and blood is not activated, if he is hit by these dozen fist lights at the same time, he will probably lose half his life even if he is not dead.

Xiao Juanyun frowned, secretly feeling strange in his heart.

What the hell is this Ling Feng doing?

Are you making such a high-profile appearance just to get a fight?


Just when Luo Hanzhou was about to attack Ling Feng, Ling Feng moved!

The figures passed each other, Luo Hanzhou's face looked extremely solemn, he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "You won!"

Everyone was shocked, but when they took a closer look, they discovered that a bright red line of blood suddenly appeared on Luo Hanzhou's neck!

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