Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1745 Xiao Juanyun’s request! (1 update)

Since the battle between Ling Feng and Luo Hanzhou, the strength of the warriors who came to the stage to compete was naturally far inferior to Ling Feng's level. Shortly after Long Aotian left, Xiao Juanyun announced that the tea party was over, and the warriors from all major forces , you can leave separately.

Of course, Ling Feng was left behind.

As for Luo Hanzhou, he made it clear that he wanted to follow Ling Feng, so he did not return to the camp in the Northern Cold Region, but stayed with Ling Feng.

With the strength shown by Luo Hanzhou, he is naturally fully qualified to cooperate with Xiao Juanyun.

After everyone else left, Xiao Juanyun took out a map and said in a deep voice: "Brother Ling, Brother Luo, this is the topographic map of the Great Wilderness ruins. Some of the mechanism formations inside are also detailed on the map. Labeling can reduce a lot of risks.”


Ling Feng took the map, glanced at it, and said with a faint smile: "Brother Xiao, this gift is really not light."

There is no doubt that this map was drawn by many senior experts from the Single Moon Palace, who paid a lot of money for it.

Maybe I don't necessarily care about those hidden formations, but it can reduce some troubles, so why not do it. What's more, for other warriors in the Eastern Spiritual Realm, this map is of great significance.

After all, I can't be with them anytime and anywhere.

"Other forces in the West Sword Region may have similar topographic maps, but Xiao can guarantee that this topographic map is definitely the most comprehensive and in-depth one!"

Xiao Juanyun looked at Ling Feng and vowed.

"No reward for no merit, Brother Xiao, let's talk about how to cooperate?" Ling Feng said lightly.

Luo Hanzhou also collected a topographic map and said calmly: "When we arrived at the ruins of the Great Wilderness, Luo tried his best not to conflict with the disciples of the One Moon Palace."

"Haha, it's all a matter of chance, it all depends on ability. If Brother Luo can be merciful to my disciples of Du Yue Tiangong, it would be great."

Xiao Juanyun smiled faintly, and then continued: "However, Xiao did not mean that. Xiao just hopes that you two can do a favor."

"What's the deal?"

Ling Feng and Luo Hanzhou said in unison.

"Seize the sword!"

Xiao Juanyun smiled bitterly and said slowly: "A certain senior of my Xiao family died in the ruins of the wilderness due to some accidents, and his sword was accidentally left behind. Therefore, if the two brothers can enter In the deepest part of the ruins, I was lucky enough to pick up this sword. Please return this sword. Xiao will be grateful. I, the Xiao family, think that I still have some strength in the West Sword Domain. If anyone can help me, Xiao When my family picks up this sword, Xiao can also agree to an additional condition on behalf of the Xiao family!"

"Okay, I'll keep an eye out."

Luo Hanzhou nodded slightly, this matter was just a piece of cake.

"Since it belongs to the Xiao family, if I find it, I will naturally return it to the original."

Ling Feng pursed his lips. This Xiao Juanyun didn't even care about the opportunities in the ruins of the wilderness, but he was eager to get this sword back. This shows how precious this sword is to the Xiao family.

Perhaps, there is a Xiao family inheritance contained in it.

If you are destined to get it, you will naturally want it to return to its original owner, but that doesn’t mean you can’t look into the details!

After discussing the cooperation, Ling Feng exchanged pleasantries with Xiao Juanyun before leaving the attic and preparing to return to his station in the Eastern Spiritual Territory.

What makes Ling Feng a little depressed is that Luo Hanzhou's guy is like a tail, following him life and death, and he can't even drive him away.

Ling Feng had no choice but to let this guy follow.

It seems that the only way to get rid of this guy is to wait until the secret realm of Sunset Ancient City is closed and everyone returns to their original places.

After all, after leaving Sunset Ancient City, the sky is vast and the earth is vast. Even if Luo Hanzhou knew that he was in the Eastern Spiritual Territory, it would already be the Year of the Monkey and the Moon by the time he found him.

After leaving the attic, I suddenly saw two figures walking quickly.

Ling Feng took a closer look and saw two swordsmen wearing the costumes of Dragon Sword Tianfu disciples, glaring at him with a hint of fear and arrogance.

The person on the left grinned and said: "Ling Feng, I have been waiting for you for a long time. You are really busy. What, did you forget the companion who came with you?"


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and he suddenly remembered that Yue Huaqing and Murong Bai had been waiting outside the attic because they had no invitations.

Could it be that……

A bad thought welled up in his heart, Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, and murderous intent suddenly blazed in his eyes.

What a Longjian Tianfu, what a Long Family!

I really treat myself like a soft persimmon!

Feeling the endless murderous intent on Ling Feng's body, the two Dragon Sword Tianfu disciples suddenly trembled. The disciple who sent the message trembled: "Little... boy, don't mess around. If you don't want your friends to die, just follow them." Let’s take a trip!”

At this time, a figure flew out from the attic, and a sword light descended from the sky.

Hearing the clang of a sword, a long sword was thrust straight into the feet of the messenger disciple, and the ground several feet around him instantly cracked open inch by inch.

The power of this sword is beyond terrifying.

The person who took action was surprisingly Xiao Juanyun.

In the attic, Xi Sword Domain only used sword skills to fight against the enemy, but at this moment, the sword energy exploded, and its power was naturally more powerful.

"That guy Long Aotian, it seems he doesn't take Xiao Juanyun seriously at all!"

Xiao Juanyun's eyes were filled with anger. He had personally warned Long Aotian, but he didn't expect that this person would dare to capture Ling Feng's companions.

"Xiao...Senior Brother Xiao, you misunderstood."

The disciple who was locked by the sword energy, his little legs trembled, and he shouted loudly: "Long...Senior Brother Long just wants to...invite...invite...Ling...Ling Feng young hero to...participate in his martial arts competition." It’s just a meeting. Senior Brother Long said, Senior Brother Xiao, your tea party was restrained... the beating... was not pleasant..."

Xiao Juanyun snorted coldly and wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Ling Feng.

"Brother Xiao's kindness, Ling Feng appreciates it. However, since Long Aotian wants to fight me, just invite me generously. If he wants to die, will I not help him?"

Ling Feng's eyes turned cold as he stared at the two Dragon Sword Tianfu disciples and said calmly: "Lead the way!"

The Dragon Sword Tianfu disciple raised his head and glanced at Xiao Juanyun. Xiao Juanyun stretched out his hand to grab his sword and took back his sword. He looked at Ling Feng and said lightly: "Okay, in that case, Xiao will accompany Ling Feng." Brother, let’s go for a while. I also want to see Brother Ling’s true strength!”

the other side.

But it was said that after Long Aotian left Xiao Juanyun's tea party angrily, he met Yue Huaqing and Murong Bai by chance.

When he saw these two warriors from the Eastern Spiritual Realm, Long Aotian was naturally furious.

After thinking for a moment, Long Aotian came up with a poisonous plan.

Xiao Juanyun only protected Ling Feng, but did not restrict himself from taking action against other people in the Eastern Spiritual Realm.

If he catches Ling Feng's companions, he can force Ling Feng to take action.

And as long as he kills Ling Feng in the name of martial arts competition, he can kill Ling Feng openly and justly.

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