Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1746 Here to kill! (2 updates)

Of course, Long Aotian knew that Ling Feng was powerful, so he would not foolishly take action himself. Instead, he sent out a big killer under the Long family - Long Xingye!

Long Xingye's superficial strength is not considered strong among Longjian Tianfu.

However, once Long Xingye falls into madness, his strength will continue to skyrocket, and he will become stronger as he fights, turning into a monster that feels no pain and is not afraid of death.

Because of this, Long Xingye has always been raised as a beast by the Long family, but he has never been treated as a real human being.

At this time, on a dilapidated school grounds, there were two figures, tightly tied to two stone pillars, with circles of heavy iron chains wrapped around their bodies, unable to move at all.

These two people were the unlucky Yue Huaqing and Murong Bai.

How could they have imagined that just outside the attic, watching the battle from a distance, they could suffer such a sudden disaster.

Now, the only hope is to wait for Ling Feng to come to the rescue.

Around the school grounds, there are many warriors who come to watch the excitement, about a hundred people, and there is a tendency for more and more people to gather.

Long Aotian didn't seem to have any intention of expelling these people. He just wanted Ling Feng to die in front of everyone!



At this time, there was a sound of shaking chains, and a burly man with his hands and feet bound by iron chains, two meters away, slowly walked out under the leadership of several Dragon Sword Tianfu disciples, and the leader , it is the instigator, the dragon soars far away.

Long Tengyuan was still holding a few pieces of barbecued meat from unknown animals in his hand. He walked forward and said to the man who was covered in chains: "Xingye, do you want to eat meat?"

"Meat! Meat!"

The burly man's eyes were fixed on the barbecue in Long Tengyuan's hand, and he let out a low roar like a beast.

Long Tengyuan threw the barbecue into the hands of the burly man and said with a smile: "As long as you help me tear a person to pieces in a while, I will give you a lot of barbecue, okay?"

"Meat! Meat!"

The burly man chewed the barbecue and nodded repeatedly, "Tear it into pieces! Tear it into pieces!"

This person is Long Xingye of the Long family. Strictly speaking, he has almost no humanity left and is basically not a human being anymore.

"That's Long Xingye over there! That monster!"

Most of the warriors onlookers came from the Western Sword Region, so they also knew a lot about Long Xingye.

Long Xingye, that was a terrifying existence whose strength was infinitely close to those of the top geniuses in the Western Sword Region.

Although he has no brains, it is the ferocity and cruelty that is almost like a ferocious beast that makes people fear him.

"What a terrifying monster. This time, the guy named Ling Feng is probably dead!"

"That Ling Feng may not come. Although they are all warriors from the Eastern Spiritual Realm, how many people are loyal these days? Their own lives are more important."

"The market is open, the market is open! If Ling Feng can survive in the hands of Long Xingye, you will lose fifty to one! If Ling Feng can survive for half an hour, you will lose one hundred! If Ling Feng can defeat Long Xingye, you will lose one thousand!..."

Some profiteers who took advantage of the chaos and wanted to make a fortune even set up a gambling game, but no one was optimistic about Ling Feng.

After all, great swordsmanship does not mean great strength.

In the final analysis, Ling Feng is just an extreme human emperor. No matter how powerful he is, he can never be the opponent of that monster Long Xingye.

Time passed little by little, and people arrived one after another, but Ling Feng was nowhere to be seen.

"Why haven't you come yet? Isn't it because you are afraid and don't dare to come?"

"Haha, I think it's possible."

"It seems like we can't win, but if we think about it, if Ling Feng was a smart man, he wouldn't have jumped into this obvious trap. With Senior Brother Xiao Juanyun and Xiao protecting him, he could sit back and relax, why bother to rush into this Hongmen Banquet. "

In the center of the school ground, Yue Huaqing and Murong Bai, who were chained, let out a long sigh, "This life is over!" ! !

The sun in the sky moved slowly and sank to the west. It was already sunset. Finally, three figures stepped on the setting sun and strode towards them.

These three people were not Ling Feng, Xiao Juanyun and Luo Hanzhou.

As for the two Longjian Tianfu disciples who were leading the way, when they saw the school grounds from a distance, they were severely punished by Ling Feng and then thrown to the roadside as if they were garbage.

The Long family provoked him again and again. Ling Feng had lost the last of his patience with this rubbish sect and family.

Today, he is here to kill people!

"It's Junior Brother Ling!"

Yue Huaqing and Murong Bai were both overjoyed. The moment they saw Ling Feng's primary selection, their hearts settled.

In their hearts, Ling Feng has become the incarnation of invincibility, a man who continues to create miracles!

"Xiao Juanyun?"

Seeing Xiao Juanyun also appearing, Long Aotian's eyelids twitched, and then he squeezed out a smile and said calmly: "Senior Brother Xiao is busy with things, so I didn't expect that he would come to participate in the martial arts competition held by my Dragon Sword Tianfu in person. It’s such an honor for Long!”


Xiao Juanyun's eyes turned cold, and he stared coldly at Long Aotian, pointing at Yue Huaqing and Murong Bai who were tied down below, "Is this how you invite others?"

"Haha, Senior Brother Xiao didn't know something. These two people were so audacious. I invited them to be my guests with good intentions, but they actually fought against my disciples of Longjian Tianfu. I had no choice but to capture them. However, I, Longjian, Aotian has always been magnanimous, as long as Brother Ling can defeat one of my disciples from the Long family, all the old scores will be wiped out, and I won't care about the fact that these two warriors from the Eastern Spiritual Region injured my fellow disciples."

What a shameless face!

Ling Feng even had a vague feeling of nausea.

"Brother Ling, let me settle it!"

Luo Hanzhou's eyes turned cold, and he obviously couldn't understand Long Aotian's behavior.

"I'll do it."

Xiao Juanyun frowned deeply and said slowly: "This matter is also my fault. It took up a lot of brother Ling's time."

"No need, this is a personal grudge, let me resolve it."

Ling Feng took a step forward and jumped onto the school arena in front of countless people's eyes.

"Long Aotian, how do you want to fight? Single fight or group fight, I, Ling Feng, will accompany you to the end!"

The warriors watching around him became excited.

"That guy, really dare to come?"

"You actually want to settle the matter on your own. Even Senior Brother Xiao Juanyun may not dare to say that he can defeat that monster Long Xingye, right?"

"But no matter what, this guy is so generous!"

In the Long family camp, Long Tengyuan snorted coldly and stared at Ling Feng with eyes that were about to burst.

"Who does he think he is? Now he dares to show off? After a while, he doesn't even know how he died!"

As he said that, he threw another piece of barbecue to Long Xingye and said viciously: "Xingye, that kid, kill him. I will give you as much barbecue as you want!"

"Kill! Kill!..."

Long Xingye's eyes flashed with bloodthirsty light, and he kept repeating Long Tengyuan's words in his mouth, his voice was hoarse, just like an evil ghost emerging from the Nine Netherworld.

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