Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1749 Two monsters! (1 update)

In the Long family camp, Long Aotian and Long Tengyuan were also staring at each other.

How can this be?

Long Xingye's strength will continue to increase during the fighting, so he can either defeat him with crushing power, or be evenly matched with him at the beginning, only to be completely suppressed by Long Xingye in the end.

And Ling Feng, in this half hour, is it possible that his strength has been continuously improving?

That guy, where is the limit?

As everyone knows, Ling Feng was very conflicted when he met such a monster.

He also wanted to find out where the limit of Long Xingye was. Perhaps from a swordsmanship point of view, Long Xingye's moves were a little clumsy, but his sword speed and the cooperation with the rules of earth made it perfect. the point.

Ling Feng benefited a lot from Long Xingye.

This is simply a piece of pure natural jade, waiting to be carved.

The Long family actually raised such a rough jade into a wild beast?

Stupid, just too stupid!


After being unable to attack for a long time, Long Xingye's anger became even higher.

"This is Hoshino's Absolute Abyss Sword Power. Falling under the pressure of the sword power is like falling into the abyss of despair. Haha, that kid is dead!"

The Long family brothers, who were very familiar with Long Xingye, burst out laughing, their pupils shining with a faint light like wild beasts.

No matter how evil Ling Feng is, he will definitely die this time!

In Ling Feng's perception, the air became heavy. Ling Feng could clearly feel that every particle of dust in the air was like a huge boulder weighing on his body, making his body feel heavy and the soles of his feet began to sink. , as if falling into the yellow sand.

"Can the attribute rules be integrated into one's own sword power?"

Ling Feng suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment, as if a door to a new world had opened, and all his previous doubts were suddenly revealed.

This Long Xingye seems to contain an infinite treasure house, waiting to be developed.


Long Xingye shouted loudly, the sound was like a mountain, which caused the weight of the dust in the air to increase by several percent. He raised the heavy sword, the air roared and swirled, and the dust in the air gathered one after another, embracing all rivers.

Only yellow-brown particles were seen attached to the epee one after another. The earth sword energy in Long Xingye's body flowed out and filled the epee. Together with the heavy dust particles, the weight of the epee was reduced. It increased by millions of kilograms and was extremely heavy.

Long Xingye's face was ferocious, with bulging veins on his forehead. He held a sword in both hands, and his arms were bulging. Strong power flowed through them, and the terrifying explosive force was like volcanic lava, almost erupting out.

It seemed to be a long time, but in fact, in an instant, Long Xingye's heavy sword was raised and then lowered, slashing with one sword, splitting the mountain into pieces.

"The sky is falling apart!"

Long Xingye roared and used his killing move.

"go to hell!"

The disciples of Longjian Tianfu clenched their fists one after another, with countless excitement in their eyes.

Xiao Juanyun clenched his fist and wanted to take action, but it was too late.

"That guy won't die like this, right?"

Luo Hanzhou took a deep breath. In his opinion, Ling Feng should not just reach this level.

"Junior Brother Ling!"

Yue Huaqing and Murong Bai exclaimed at the same time. Among everyone, these two were undoubtedly the most nervous and worried.

"it's over!"

"Sure enough, there is still no suspense."

"Long Xingye is a monster. That Ling Feng should not have fought against Long Xingye."

"It's a pity, then Ling Feng is considered the number one person!"

Just when many people thought that Ling Feng was bound to die, Ling Feng finally drew his sword.

Eight swords in one!

The speed at which he drew his sword was such that even masters such as Du Xiaojuan Yun and Luo Hanzhou could not see clearly. They could only see a vague sword light. Eight sword lights of different colors merged in an instant and flew out through the air.

In an instant, everyone felt that all the light around them disappeared and was swallowed up by darkness. Only the eight-colored sword energy emitted a dazzling light, rising slowly and tearing apart the darkness.

"This... what kind of swordsmanship is this?"

"Oh my God, how do I feel? That sword is like the power of heaven and earth, suppressing it. Just looking at it is almost unsettling."

"This guy actually has a trump card!"

As soon as this move was launched, some experts realized that Long Xingye's sword could not kill Ling Feng.

With a "boom", the eight-color sword light and the earth-yellow sword light slashed by Long Xingye collided violently.

The ground shook, and the dilapidated arena beneath the two men's feet began to crack and flatten, turning into a deep pit several feet deep into the ground!



The two figures flew out upside down, and then quickly collided with each other.

After the earth-shattering confrontation, the two actually started a new round of fierce battle as if they were unscathed.

"That's all Long Xingye, that Ling Feng, is he still human?"

"Two monsters!"

Everyone's eyelids jumped wildly, their understanding of Ling Feng's level of evil was refreshed.

"How can it be!"

Long Aotian's face was ashen, but at the same time he was secretly glad that he had arranged for Long Xingye to take action. If it had been him, he would have died under Ling Feng's sword.

"Hmph, I saw it right, his true strength is not inferior to mine!"

Luo Hanzhou's eyes flashed with an extremely burning color. This time, he seemed to have found a good target.

Speaking of which, Luo Hanzhou's growth path is that once he encounters an opponent who is stronger than himself, he will always follow the opponent's side and do whatever he wants. The only requirement is that he must agree to continue to compete with him.

He will not leave until he surpasses the opponent and continues to look for new goals.

Ling Feng is his next goal. He believes that the day when he can surpass Ling Feng will not be too far away.

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