Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1750 Leave no one behind! (2 updates)

Above the school arena, the terrifying battle continued.

In the blink of an eye, half an hour passed, and even Ling Feng began to feel tired.

To perform a swordsmanship as powerful as the Eight Swords in One, and with all the Qi-forging Hunyuan Locks activated, it was also a big load for Ling Feng.

"This monster doesn't know how to be tired at all?"

Ling Feng frowned. It seemed that he was still going to expose some of his secret soul skills.

Suddenly, Ling Feng suddenly thought of something, and the corner of his mouth curled up.

"Zifeng, I have something to trouble you about!"

Ling Feng communicated with Zifeng in his body through his spiritual thoughts.

"Master, what's going on?"

Zifeng is still struggling. He was fooled by Ling Feng and has been trying to crack the Shenhuang Treasure Box. Unfortunately, the progress does not seem to be ideal.

"The last time you were on the hunting battlefield, didn't you control a ferocious beast using parasitism? (PS: See "Chapter 1504 Zifeng's New Ability" for details)"

While Ling Feng was fighting with Long Xingye, he was distracted and communicated with Zifeng: "If it is a human being, can it also be parasitic?"

"I'm afraid humans can't. How can the intelligence of humans be comparable to that of ferocious beasts? It's very difficult to control humans." Zifeng shook his head and said slowly.

"What if that human being is born with no intelligence?"

Ling Feng smiled mysteriously. Long Xingye was like a natural treasure house. To be honest, Ling Feng didn't want to kill Long Xingye because he would be a good opponent and could give him a lot of inspiration.

If he could control Long Xingye, it would be equivalent to plundering the treasure house in his body. Why not?

Anyway, in the eyes of the Long family, Long Xingye is just a tool, a beast.

He himself doesn't even have his own independent personality.

Zifeng paused, pondered for a moment, and then continued: "You can try it, but I can't guarantee that it will succeed."

"Then try it!"

Ling Feng nodded, even if there was a glimmer of hope, it would be good.

Conquer Long Xingye, and then use Long Xingye’s hands to kill the Long family!

This is a good idea!

After making up his mind, Ling Feng stopped entangled with Long Xingye. The two of them exchanged swords and retreated.

The next moment, a purple light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes.

Nightmare Heart Art, activate!

The inscription of Dream Rules was typed, followed closely by the words of Qiankun Niluan.

After all, Long Xingye was only fighting Ling Feng based on his fighting instinct, and his soul was relatively weak.

For an instant, Long Xingye fell into the chaotic force field, unable to extricate himself, and then fell into an illusion again.

And Zifeng also quietly took action in an instant and entered the spiritual sea of ​​Long Xingye.

Long Xingye's own soul was very weak. As soon as Zifeng launched the parasitic method, there was almost no resistance and he quickly took control of Long Xingye's spiritual sea.

"Master, haha, I succeeded!"

Zifeng delivered a piece of good news that excited Ling Feng.

"very good!"

A cold light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and he said coldly: "Zifeng, control Long Xingye and kill Longjian Tianfu's camp!"


Unlike the cheap donkey, Zifeng has always carried out Ling Feng's orders unconditionally.

The next moment, the "Long Xingye" who was originally suspended in mid-air suddenly turned around, hoisted the gun head, and looked at the Longjian Tianfu camp.

"What...what's going on?"

The onlookers were suddenly confused.

This Long Xingye looks a little bit abnormal!


Long Xingye let out a low roar, and then, like a bloody lightning, rushed into Longjian Tianfu's camp.

In a confrontation, two unlucky Longjian Tianfu disciples died suddenly on the spot.

"Damn it, Hoshino, what are you doing!"

Long Tengyuan cursed loudly, pointed in the direction of Ling Feng and roared: "He is the one you want to kill!"

As he said that, he took out a long whip and whipped it hard towards Long Xingye.

On weekdays, one of the people who likes to abuse Long Xingye the most is Long Tengyuan.

Zifeng controls Long Xingye's spiritual sea and can clearly feel the hatred of Long Xingye's own soul towards Long Tengyuan.

And Ling Feng and Zifeng were connected soul to soul, and that hatred was also transmitted from the spiritual bond between them.

"What a disgusting and ugly family that shouldn't exist in this world!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, stood with his hands behind his back, and delivered the final order to Zifeng: Kill, leave no one behind!

The next moment, Zifeng controlled Long Xingye and struck out with a sword.

Before Long Tengyuan's whip could be drawn, Long Xingye's sword had already separated Long Tengyuan's body.

"how dare you……"

Long Tengyuan never expected that Long Xingye would dare to fight back against him.

A head rolled to the ground, the dragon soared away, it was already dead and could no longer die.

"Third brother!"

Long Aotian's eyes were cracked, and he stared at Long Xingye in fear, his whole body trembling, "No, Long Xingye lost control, martial life lock, martial life lock!"

Long Aotian quickly squeezed his hand skills, and thick chains suddenly grew again around Long Xingye, trying to suppress the power in his body.

However, before he could finish reciting, "Long Xingye" had already been slashed out with a sword. Long Aotian screamed and one of his arms was chopped off.


Long Aotian let out a scream like a slaughtering pig, and everyone felt their hair stand on end.

All this happened too suddenly.

However, there are also people who gloat over others' misfortune and let them enslave Long Xingye, which is what they deserve!

However, all the warriors subconsciously stepped back by more than a hundred feet, lest they themselves would be affected and suffer undue disaster.

"Hoshino, I am your brother, don't kill me!"

Long Aotian was so frightened that his legs became weak, and the shadow of death approached infinitely.

However, the cold sword still penetrated through his chest, and his life flowed away bit by bit.

At the last moment of his life, Long Aotian suddenly began to regret: Is this retribution?

The brutal killings continue.

Soon, more than ten Longjian Tianfu disciples died and fled. After the bloody killing, "Long Xingye" walked away directly and disappeared from everyone's sight.

This is also something Ling Feng explained to Zifeng in advance.

In this way, he was completely eliminated. The Long family and the disciples of Longjian Tianfu all died in the hands of "Long Xingye". They had nothing to do with him, Ling Feng.

As Long Xingye left, the remaining warriors also breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Long Xingye did not kill Hongyan completely and killed everyone on sight. Otherwise, they might also suffer.

"Unexpectedly, all the disciples of Dragon Sword Tianfu will eventually be killed by Long Xingye Sword. This may be their karma."

Xiao Juanyun shook his head. Such a result was completely unexpected.

However, no matter what, the result is pretty good. Ling Feng is fine. As for the people of Longjian Tianfu, they will die.

Although it was somewhat strange that Long Xingye suddenly turned his gun to attack the people of Longjian Tianfu, he had never had a good impression of Longjian Tianfu, so naturally he would not question Ling Feng because of this.

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