Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1751 The Origin of Mutated Earth! (1 update)

Long Aotian and Long Tengyuan died one after another. The disciples of Longjian Tianfu suffered heavy casualties. Some of the remaining disciples were already in decline and all dispersed like birds and beasts.

A farce ended here.

Ling Feng rescued Yue Huaqing and Murong Bai. Although the two were still a little shaken, fortunately they were not hurt.

"Junior Brother Ling, you saved me once."

Yue Huaqing bit her silver teeth and looked at Ling Feng with a pair of beautiful eyes, feeling a little crazy.

Ling Feng shook his head, smiled, and said lightly: "It's okay."

Murong Bai sighed softly, gritted his teeth and said, "I'm sorry, Junior Brother Ling, I'm troubling you again."

"Brothers from the same sect, why are you so open-minded?"

Ling Feng patted Murong Bai on the shoulder and smiled lightly at him.

After the matter was settled, Ling Feng bid farewell to Xiao Juanyun and then returned to the Eastern Spiritual Territory Warrior Station with Yue Huaqing and the others.

As for Luo Hanzhou, he naturally followed.

Although Yue Huaqing and Murong Bai failed to enter the attic, they had seen Luo Hanzhou's strength from a distance, so they were quite in awe of Luo Hanzhou.

Coupled with Luo Hanzhou's reticence, the atmosphere along the way seemed a bit confusing and silent.

After a while, the group returned to the station.

"Senior Brother Ling, you are back!"

The warriors from the Eastern Spiritual Domain were overjoyed. In their opinion, those warriors from the Western Sword Domain were all tigers and wolves. It was really great that Ling Feng could come back safe and sound.

"Brother Ling!"

Ao Jue also ran out of the hall quickly, said hello to Ling Feng, and finally his eyes fell on Luo Hanzhou.

Ao Jue was good at body refining, so he was extremely sensitive to the power of qi and blood. When he sensed the terrifying power of qi and blood on Luo Hanzhou's body, his face suddenly turned pale.

In front of Luo Hanzhou, he even felt as if he was just a toddler.

"Brother Ling, this is..." Ao Jue swallowed hard and stared at Luo Hanzhou with fear.

"Brother Ao Jue, this is a genius from the Northern Cold Region. His name is Luo Hanzhou. He will probably live here temporarily." Ling Feng smiled faintly and introduced to Luo Hanzhou: "This is brother Ao Jue. He is also a strong body refiner.”


Luo Hanzhou glanced at Ao Jue and said lightly: "It's still a little bit good."

The atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward. Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. With Luo Hanzhou's physical training power, he naturally looked down on Ao Jue's achievements. But to put it so bluntly would be a bit disrespectful.

As everyone knows, Luo Hanzhou still reluctantly gave Li Aojue an evaluation because of Lingfeng's face. Otherwise, if it was normal, he would not even look at Aojue.


Ao Jue smiled awkwardly. In this Sunset Ancient City, he had really seen the power of strong men from other domains. He had suffered many blows along the way, and his mental endurance had become much stronger.

"By the way, what kind of tea party did Xiao Juanyun invite you to? What's the specific situation?"

Ao Jue changed the topic.

"It's nothing more than a competition."

Ling Feng smiled lightly and said without saying much, "Brother Aojue, I'm a little tired, so I'll go and rest first."

Ao Jue observed his words and nodded, "Okay, haha, it'll be good if I can come back safely."

Ling Feng looked back at Luo Hanzhou and said calmly: "Brother Ao Jue, you can arrange a place for Brother Luo to live."

"No need, I'll live in the house next to yours."

Luo Hanzhou glanced at Ling Feng, with an expression that said nothing, and said calmly: "Is it still vacant?"

"Uh..." Aojue looked confused, "Well, it seems like there is someone..."

"Then let him move out."

Luo Hanzhou casually threw out a pebble-sized crystal and said calmly: "This is compensation."

"This... this is..." Aojue's eyelids twitched, "Dragon Soul Blood Crystal! This is the best body-tempering treasure!"

Even Ling Feng was slightly shocked. This Luo Hanzhou was really wealthy.

Raising his hand to touch the bridge of his nose, Ling Feng thought to himself: If Luo Hanzhou lived next to him, with his cultivation level, he would probably notice Zifeng's return.

However, there was no need for Luo Hanzhou to help Longjian Tianfu. Even if he knew about it, it wouldn't be a big deal.

The night is getting darker.

After dark, a gray figure quietly sneaked into the station of the Eastern Spirit Realm warriors, like a shadow, silently.

Soon, the gray shadow fell in front of Ling Feng's door and disappeared in a flash.

This figure is naturally Zifeng.

Oh no, it should be said, "Long Xingye".

Long Xingye, controlled by Zifeng, strode into Ling Feng's room, and was immediately taken into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace by Ling Feng.

The whole process only takes a moment.

In the next room, Luo Hanzhou was sitting cross-legged meditating when he suddenly sensed a familiar aura and couldn't help but slowly opened his eyes.


Luo Hanzhou's sword eyebrows wrinkled slightly and then relaxed.

"Sure enough, no wonder Long Xingye suddenly went crazy and only killed the disciples of Longjian Tianfu."

Luo Hanzhou smiled faintly and slowly closed his eyes.

It has nothing to do with him at this time and there is no need to pay attention to it.

However, in his opinion, Ling Feng's body has added a bit of mystery.

Within the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.


"Long Xingye" was very active jumping up and down in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, as if he was still getting used to his body.

Because Zifeng has entered Long Xingye's spiritual sea, this body is basically controlled by Zifeng.

Ling Feng looked up and down at the "Long Xingye" in front of him, pursed his lips, and said lightly: "Zifeng, why do you feel that your control of Long Xingye is different from the last time you controlled the beast?"

"There are definitely some differences."

Zi Feng's eyebrows danced with joy: "Master, I found a treasure this time. It turns out that this guy's body actually contains the origin of earth with a purity of more than 70%, and it is also a mutated origin of earth! I tried to use the help of These earth origins shed their shells and evolved, and then, I actually evolved successfully!"

"That is to say, starting from today, I can also exist in human form, hahahaha!"


Ling Feng nodded. It would be a good thing for Zifeng to improve his strength.

Although it occupied Long Xingye's body, judging from the aura, it has changed a lot. Long Xingye gave people the feeling of a wild beast, while Zifeng gave people a rather friendly feeling, and even had a kind of aura. A little cute.

"By the way, what do you mean by 70% purity of essence?" Ling Feng asked lightly.

"The power of the origin is the natural power of creation. It should not be controllable originally. However, some people are born with special physiques and can integrate the power of the origin. This forms a variety of special physiques."

At this moment, it was that cheap donkey, a lazy donkey rolling around and jumping up from the ground.

This guy finally couldn't bear the loneliness anymore.

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