Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1752: Martial arts competition! (2 updates)

"go on."

Ling Feng glanced at Jianlu. Not to mention anything else, this guy's vision was much higher than his own.

"What you humans call the Holy Body is actually an affinity for the original power, which is more than 10%. If the affinity exceeds 50%, it will produce the so-called protective power, such as earth spirit protection, ice spirit Guardian, this is a very powerful physique. If the affinity exceeds 70%, it is simply a gift. If it does not die prematurely, it is 100% possible to be promoted to the saint level!"

"This body's affinity for the attribute of earth exceeds 70%, and it is also a rare mutated earth origin. This kind of talent is probably not matched by many so-called gods!"

The green light flashed in the eyes of the bitch, and his mouth watered, "I'm sorry, how about you separate the origin of the earth in this body, how many points do we have?"

"Hmph, you think so, your body is mine now!"

Zifeng stared at the bitch with a face full of indignation. This bitch actually had plans against him.

Ling Feng was also slightly shocked. He took a deep look at Zifeng and patted his shoulder heavily, "Zifeng, starting from today, you have one more task!"

"Ah?" Zifeng shrank his neck and looked at Ling Feng, "What's the mission?"

"Practice well, and then give me a training partner!"

"What? No!" Zifeng looked like he was in pain, "Master, I don't want to practice!"

For an elemental life form like Zifeng, just sleeping every day can improve its strength.

However, after taking over Long Xingye's body, Ling Feng naturally wouldn't just watch this guy waste Long Xingye's talent and wanted to train him into the ultimate punching bag!

A sandbag that can satisfy you for your perverted level of practical training!

"don't want?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled, "You bitch, how about we study how to extract the origin of the mutated earth spirit?"

"Hehehe, there are many ways!"

The bitch smiled evilly, "Boy, this beast has at least seventy or eighty methods, and each one is more painful than the last!"

"Just give me the most painful surgery!" Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"I...I promise you, why not!"

Zifeng's face was so frightened that he could only surrender obediently.

"This is so good!"

Ling Feng patted Zifeng's shoulder lightly and said with a smile: "Zifeng, I have collected a lot of earth-type exercises and martial arts before. Starting from today, learn and practice them carefully. After one month, if If you can't resist my attack for half an hour, I will punish you!"

With the physical talent of Long Xingye, this request is not too much.

Zifeng wants to cry but has no tears. He just wants to be a lazy pig who sleeps every day!

"Also, don't forget to take the time to study the treasure box I gave you. I'm optimistic about you!"

After completing the mission, Ling Feng left the Five Elements Heavenly Palace with satisfaction, looking like a typical unscrupulous landlord.


Zifeng, looking like he had been ravaged, started sobbing miserably.

There was no words all night, and when it was just dawn, when Ling Feng walked out of the room, he saw a figure standing in the courtyard, practicing boxing.

Luo Hanzhou started training earlier than Ling Feng. He practiced boxing in the courtyard. He punched every punch without any fancy tricks. He didn't seem to use any skills, just punching, but there was a unique charm in it.

Every time Luo Hanzhou practiced for a while, he would suddenly stop for a while, as if he was thinking, and then practice again for a while. After repeating it several times, he seemed to have improved.

Ling Feng could clearly see that Luo Hanzhou's punches clearly borrowed some of his own power techniques.

Vaguely, you can even see some shadows of the dragon-elephant divine power in it.

"This guy is really a monster!"

Ling Feng was secretly shocked. Luo Hanzhou didn't have the same Eye of Heaven as him. Simply relying on fighting him yesterday and observing his battle with Long Xingye, he was able to understand some of the techniques for exerting the dragon elephant's divine power.

There are indeed countless geniuses in this world!

Ling Feng's eyes were full of fighting spirit.

After watching for a while, Ling Feng also walked to the open space aside and began to practice some basic sword and body skills.

This is also Ling Feng's basic homework every day.

People often only see how strong a strong person is in front of everyone, but no one notices how much effort they put in after becoming strong.

Ling Feng was indeed gifted, but behind the scenes, he also put in far more effort than ordinary people.

"Now that we're here, let's spar and learn from each other!"

Seeing Ling Feng appear, Luo Hanzhou punched him. Just like the previous sparring, he still did not use the power of Qi and blood, but used pure boxing skills to fight Ling Feng.

The reason why he followed Ling Feng was to be able to compete with Ling Feng at any time and continuously improve his own strength.

"Well done!"

Ling Feng smiled casually. Both of them were fighting madmen. Once they started fighting, it would be earth-shattering.

Fortunately, both of them restrained themselves, otherwise this temporary shelter for the warriors from the Eastern Spiritual Realm would have been turned into ruins.

The two were fighting fiercely. Gradually, Ling Feng gave up his sword and used his fists, while Luo Hanzhou put away his fists and used his sword.

Only then did Ling Feng realize that Luo Hanzhou was actually an expert with swords!

However, his attainments in swordsmanship were obviously not very high, but under Ling Feng's deliberate guidance, he began to get on the right track.

At this time, more and more warriors from the Eastern Spiritual Territory gathered. Luo Hanzhou and Ling Feng seemed to be sparring, but in fact they were instructing each other. This kind of martial arts and sword practice between masters was rare, and everyone was holding their breath. He took a breath and watched carefully, for fear of disturbing Ling Feng and Luo Hanzhou, and for fear of missing such an opportunity.

In the eyes of those Eastern Spiritual Domain warriors, the simplest punches and swords seemed to come alive under the execution of Luo Hanzhou and Ling Feng. Every sword and every punch was full of unique charm. Very evocative.

This is the feeling of returning to nature, abandoning all complicated and cumbersome routines, the sword is just a sword, and the fist is just a fist.

Such a state is far beyond that of ordinary warriors. How much they can comprehend depends on their understanding.

Finally, the two of them exchanged palms and separated.


Luo Hanzhou laughed casually and stared at Ling Feng, "I have gained some understanding again. Let's fight again tomorrow!"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and said, "I'll be with you anytime!"

Time flew by and two days passed in the blink of an eye.

In the early morning, the morning sun rises, and the golden-red light shines on the earth. Everything is bathed in this light and full of vitality.

In the dilapidated courtyard, Ling Feng was discussing some swordsmanship techniques with Luo Hanzhou, when he heard a burst of laughter coming from outside.

In the residence of the warriors from the Eastern Spiritual Realm, a rare visitor came today!

Xiao Juanyun!

When the warriors from the Eastern Spiritual Realm saw the appearance of the powerful Xiao Juanyun, they felt more or less like they were facing a formidable enemy.

After all, before this, the Western Sword Region warriors had only given them the impression of being arrogant and domineering.

However, even when a strong man like Xiao Juanyun came forward in person, no one dared to stop him.

Even Shi Haoxuan doesn't have this weight.

"Brother Ling, Brother Ling!"

Xiao Juanyun's voice had already arrived before the people arrived.

"Brother Xiao?"

When Ling Feng heard Xiao Juanyun's voice, he couldn't help but look back, only to see Xiao Juanyun already striding over.

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