Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1753: Great Wilderness Ruins! (3 more)

"Hahaha, good news!"

Xiao Juanyun walked up to Ling Feng in three steps and patted Ling Feng's shoulders excitedly with his big hands.

The warriors of the Eastern Spiritual Realm were shocked. In their eyes, a powerful man like Xiao Juanyun, who was above the rest, was actually so intimate with Ling Feng?

"What good news?"

Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, then quickly realized, "Are the ruins of the Great Wilderness about to be opened?"

"Well, the ruins of the Great Wilderness are finally about to be opened!"

Xiao Juanyun nodded heavily, "Fortunately, Sunset Ancient City will be closed in about ten days. I was still worried about whether the Great Wilderness ruins could be opened smoothly, but at last I didn't wait these few days in vain!"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. So many talented and powerful people from all major domains gathered here just for the ruins of the wilderness.

Now that the ruins of the Great Wilderness are finally about to be opened, it’s no wonder Xiao Juanyun is so excited.

However, Xiao Juanyun's purpose is probably mainly to regain the sword that belongs to the Xiao family.

"Brother Ling, Brother Luo, this is the portrait of the sword lost by my ancestor of the Xiao family." Xiao Juanyun took out a scroll and said with a smile: "There are two golden inscriptions engraved on the blade of this sword. The small character, Ling Xiao, is a treasure inherited from the family head and is very important to my Xiao family. "

"I will pay attention." Luo Hanzhou still cherished his words like gold.

Ling Feng also nodded and said: "If you find this sword, you will definitely return it to the original."

"Then I'll thank you both first." Xiao Juanyun cupped his fists and saluted Ling Feng and Luo Hanzhou, and continued: "It will start at about noon. Let's gather under a hill in the north of the city. I will be your guarantee. , the other forces in the Western Sword Region should give me a little less respect, and they should not dare to make things difficult for the warriors in the Eastern Spiritual Region."

"In this case, I would like to thank Brother Xiao on behalf of all the brothers."

Ling Feng bowed his hand to Xiao Juanyun. The overall strength of the warriors in the Eastern Spiritual Region was indeed too weak compared to that in the Western Sword Region. If they entered the ruins, they would probably become the target of suppression.

However, with the disciples of Du Yue Tian Palace taking care of me, I can't say how much opportunity I will get. At least my life safety will be a little more guaranteed.

"The ruins of the great wasteland..."

Among the disciples of Longjian Tianfu, there was now another strong man who came back from the twelfth floor area of ​​Sunset Ancient City.

Long Aotian died, and the disciples of Longjian Tianfu were left without a leader.

Originally, the disciples of Longjian Tianfu were worried about Ling Feng's revenge, and even wanted to give up their plan to enter the Great Wilderness ruins this time. After all, the Long Aotian brothers had offended Ling Feng too deeply. If they met Ling Feng in the ruins, they might incur revenge.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, another senior brother who had returned from the twelfth floor appeared, like a timely rain.

"Yes, Senior Brother Han, the ruins of the Great Wilderness will be opened soon. This ruins is no worse than the secret realms on the twelfth floor!"

A disciple of Longjian Tianfu said with a smile on his face.

"Hmph, no wonder Long Aotian didn't go to the eleventh floor. Instead, he stayed on the tenth floor. It turned out that he wanted to attack the ruins of the wilderness."

Han Su smiled coldly. In fact, he was frightened by a strong man from the Zhongyuan Domain, so he came down to the tenth floor area as a last resort. Unexpectedly, he encountered a fate.

Being able to enter the twelfth level area, Han Su's strength is naturally quite strong, far superior to Long Aotian.

Soon, those Longjian Tianfu disciples briefly told Han Su what had happened before.

Han Su had a sinister smile on his face, "Long Aotian actually died in the hands of Long Xingye, haha, that's quite interesting."


The disciple of Longjian Tianfu had a troubled look on his face. Naturally, he, a disciple of the Long family, did not dare to join in and laugh at Long Aotian.

"But, I'm quite interested in that boy from the Eastern Spiritual Realm named Ling Feng!"

Han Su narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "Although I have always looked down on Long Aotian, no matter what, he also represents the face of our Longjian Tianfu. This person has repeatedly fallen short of the majesty of our Longjian Tianfu." , if we let him jump around, others will probably think that we, Longjian Tianfu, are easy to mess with! By then, not to mention Duyue Tianguo, even Tianchuan Jianfu and several other sword houses will look down on us, Longjian. It’s heaven.”

"Yes, yes, senior brother said yes."

"Okay, that being the case, the boy named Ling Feng doesn't have to live anymore. Humph, you still want to enter the ruins of the wilderness to get a chance?"

In Han Su's eyes, a cold light flashed, and a wisp of murderous intent passed away in an instant.

"Since you want to go in, then the ruins of the Great Wilderness will be the place where you die!"

At this moment, Ling Feng didn't know that he had been stared at by the powerful men of Longjian Tianfu.

However, now he is facing a choice.

In front of Ling Feng, stood a beauty who could be said to be the most beautiful in the country, biting her red lips, staring at Ling Feng with her beautiful eyes, her eyes were flowing, like the mist in the distant mountains, hazy like water, and full of affection.


Ling Feng felt terrified when he saw the woman in front of him. Half an hour ago, this woman named Mu Fenghua came to the door, and then she just said that she was from the Piaoxu Sword Sect, and that most of the Sword Sects were The female disciple then looked at herself without blinking.

I watched it for half an hour.

"How is it? Mr. Ling, how are you thinking about it?"

Mu Fenghua, her red lips opened slightly, and she spoke softly.

"What to consider?"

Ling Feng looked confused, "If nothing happens, girl, please don't waste my time."

The corners of Mu Fenghua's mouth twitched slightly. Is this guy a blockhead?

He even hinted at it, no, it was almost made explicit!

Biting her red lips, Mu Fenghua continued: "What the Nu family means is that Mr. Ling has superb swordsmanship, so why should he commit himself to the Eastern Spiritual Realm? If Mr. Ling is interested, he can join our Piaoxu Sword Sect. The Nu family dares to say that this pair of young masters will It’s definitely an opportunity to soar into the sky!”


Ling Feng chuckled, a hint of amusement flashing in his eyes.

This woman is really interesting. Even Xiao Juanyun, although he also wants to win over her, is not as straightforward as this woman.


Na Mu Fenghua puffed up her proud chest and gritted her teeth and said: "You probably don't know yet, but I am the granddaughter of the master of the Piaoxu Sword Sect. If you are willing to join the Piaoxu Sword Sect, I can marry you! Think about it. , as long as you become my husband, you will receive a sect's resources. Is this an opportunity for you to soar into the sky? "


Ling Feng almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. In the eyes of this woman, was he just a price tag?

However, what she wants to think is her freedom and has nothing to do with herself.

"Sorry, I, Ling Feng, am not in the habit of eating soft food. Besides, you are not my type."

Ling Feng shook his head. He had no good impression of this kind of woman at all.

"You..." Mu Fenghua gritted her silver teeth, glanced at Ling Feng angrily, then fluttered her sleeves and turned to leave.

"Ling Feng, let me tell you, there is another strong man coming to Longjian Tianfu. He is definitely not a master you can deal with! With my intervention, I can still save your life. Before the ruins of the Great Wilderness are opened, there are still a few more If you change your mind during this period, you can come to me!"

Mu Fenghua glared at Ling Feng, but walked away without further entanglement.

"Hmph, do you want to come again?"

Ling Feng shrugged and said with a stoic look on his face: "Then come on!"

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