Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1754 The strong ones gather together! (1 update)

At noon, in the north of the city.

Following Xiao Juanyun's instructions, Ling Feng and his party arrived as scheduled.

When the warriors of the East Spiritual Domain, led by Ling Feng, arrived in the north of the city, the other major forces entrenched in this ancient city had basically gathered here.

The warriors of the West Sword Domain certainly did not look down on the warriors of the East Spiritual Domain, but with Xiao Juanyun's order and the powerful strength shown by Ling Feng, no one dared to offend them.

In the north of the ancient city, there is a valley connected. In the valley, there are all kinds of powerful beasts. Although there have been warriors entering to explore during this period of time, there seems to be a barrier in the depths of the valley, and no matter what method is used, it is impossible to go deep into it.

This is the passage to the Great Wilderness Ruins. Only after the barrier is opened can you enter the ruins.

And today is the time when that barrier is automatically opened.

"Brother Ling, Brother Luo, you are here on time!"

Xiao Juanyun has been waiting for a long time, walked in front of Ling Feng, and greeted Ling Feng.

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "The opportunity is right in front of us, so it will come naturally."

Shi Haoxuan has been practicing the "Great Sun Burning Sky Sword" in seclusion these days, and he doesn't know what happened in the outside world. He was surprised to find that Xiao Juanyun, such a strong man, was so polite to Ling Feng.

On that day, he used all his means to fight Xiao Juanyun, but he only lasted three moves!

"Brother Shi!"

Xiao Juanyun glanced at Shi Haoxuan and greeted him. As a warrior in the East Spiritual Domain, it is not easy to reach the strength of Shi Haoxuan. If Ling Feng hadn't killed him, Shi Haoxuan would have been a legendary figure in the history of the East Spiritual Domain.

Xiao Juanyun still has some admiration for Shi Haoxuan.

"Brother Xiao!"

Shi Haoxuan bowed in return and said no more. Ling Feng knew that Shi Haoxuan was once the top genius in the East Spiritual Domain. After encountering those foreign strongmen, he suffered setbacks one after another, and his self-esteem was inevitably unacceptable.

However, Ling Feng also believed that Shi Haoxuan was not someone who would be easily discouraged.

Soon, people from Piaoxu Sword Sect and Longjian Tianfu also arrived one after another. At this point, all the major forces in the ancient city had basically arrived.

The disciples of Longjian Tianfu stared at Ling Feng coldly, with extremely resentful eyes, as if they wanted to eat Ling Feng alive.

Ling Feng alone almost made the disciples of Longjian Tianfu lose face.

Ling Feng shrugged indifferently. If these people who had saved their lives that day did not know how to restrain themselves and dared to provoke him, he would not mind sending them down to accompany the Long brothers.

In the Longjian Tianfu camp, there was another person who did not glare at Ling Feng like the others, but instead had a faint smile on his face.

However, it was obvious that he was smiling with a knife hidden in his heart.

"It seems that this is the Dragon Sword Palace master that Mu Fenghua mentioned who returned from the higher area of ​​Sunset Ancient City!" Ling Feng narrowed his eyes slightly. This person's aura was indeed very powerful. Even if he just released a little momentum inadvertently, it almost gave people a feeling of being suppressed by an ancient sacred mountain. Very strong! Ling Feng secretly gave an evaluation in his heart. In a head-on battle, he might not be his opponent. But he was not fighting alone. With Zi Feng, it would be fine if the master of Dragon Sword Palace did not attack him. If he dared to attack, it was still unknown who would win. "This person is a super first-class genius of Dragon Sword Palace. Although his strength is not as good as those real top geniuses, he has already touched the threshold of that level of powerhouses!" Xiao Juanyun lowered his voice and said in Ling Feng's ear. "Such a strong man is not considered a top genius in the West Sword Domain?" Ling Feng took a deep breath. The level of the West Sword Domain was indeed not what the East Spirit Domain could imagine. Ling Feng secretly made up his mind that after he had collected all five Five Emperor Seals, it was time to leave the East Spirit Realm and head for a wider world.

As for the calamity of the East Spirit Immortal Pond mentioned by Old Turtle, with his current strength, even if he stayed, it would probably not be of any help.

After all, there were many strong people in the East Spirit Immortal Pond, and there were three semi-saints in charge. If he couldn't even solve them, it wouldn't matter whether he stayed or not.

Only when his strength reached the threshold of the Saint level, he would be qualified to solve the so-called great calamity of the East Spirit Immortal Pond.

"How is it, did you see it?"

Suddenly, Mu Feng from the Piaoxu Sword Sect came over.

Mu Fenghua's strength was at most the level of Long Tengyuan, and her strength was not strong, but she was much younger than Long Tengyuan. In another three to five years, her strength might not be inferior to Xiao Juanyun.

It can be said that such a woman with excellent talent and peerless beauty is almost irresistible to any man.

It's a pity that Ling Feng never paid attention to beauty.

"What did you see?" Ling Feng looked normal, while the other man, Xiao Juanyun, also had a flash of surprise in his eyes when he saw Mu Fenghua. This woman is really beautiful! Mu Fenghua's beautiful eyes flashed with anger, she gritted her teeth, and glared at Ling Feng angrily, "Did you see Han Su from Longjian Tianfu? I said that before the Great Wilderness Ruins are opened, you can still change your mind!" "Sorry, I, Ling Feng, will never change my mind about something I have decided."

Ling Feng shook his head. Not to mention that Han Su might not be able to kill him, even if he really had the ability, Ling Feng would not "sell" himself to Mu Fenghua.

Mu Fenghua could treat him as a commodity, but Ling Feng would not despise him so much.


Ling Feng's attitude once again made Mu Fenghua hate him. Seeing Ling Feng's impatient expression, Mu Fenghua felt indescribable anger in her heart, as if she was humiliated by Ling Feng.

Ling Feng shrugged and didn't care.

There were many people who were unhappy with him, so who was she.

Finally, in the perception of everyone, the fog shrouding the valley gradually dissipated, and in the depths of the valley, there was a rumbling sound, as if something was waking up.

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