Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1755 Acting alone! (2 updates)

"The ruins are open! Go in quickly!"

I don't know who it was, but it was the first person to shout, and then everyone seemed to get excited.

Whoosh whoosh!

One after another, figures soared into the sky and shot out towards the depths of the valley.

Ling Feng, Xiao Juanyun and others looked at each other, no longer restrained, and quickly rushed into the valley using their superb body skills.


As the voice rang out, everyone stopped one after another. The person at the front was a disciple of Tianchuan Jianfu, whose name seemed to be Yi Ming.

Many warriors around him suddenly became excited.

"Get in!"

Yi Ming flew directly into it without thinking.


Warriors from one force after another are vying for the first place, as if being at the front can seize the opportunity and get the inherited treasure first.

"Your name is Ling Feng, right?"

At this moment, a cold voice came from his ears. Ling Feng turned around and saw that it was Han Su from the Dragon Sword Heavenly Mansion.

Han Su used spiritual sound transmission, and only he could hear it.

"Boy, I remember you. You'd better pray that we don't meet inside again. Jie Jie Jie..."

After saying that, Han Su's figure flashed and entered the light gate of the ruins.

"Let's go in too."

Xiao Juanyun took a deep breath, and Ling Feng also set off at the same time, walking side by side with Luo Hanzhou, leading more than a dozen Dongling Domain disciples into the ruins.

The vision was dark at first, and then the light returned instantly. It was the light of the torch, the flickering light of the fire, swaying in a strange air current, the firelight flickered, and the shadow was reflected on the surrounding rock walls, constantly being stretched. , transforming into various strange shadows, like ferocious evil spirits.

Some warriors who were armed with rare treasures directly used their flying swords or magic weapons. Lights of different colors lit up in this extremely dark space, which also gave an overview of the surrounding environment.

This is a cave that looks very wide. Inside the cave, there seem to be countless branches extending in all directions.

Suddenly, bursts of exclamations came from the front.

"What's happening here?"

"Why does the sword essence in my body seem to be..."

Soon, other warriors also reacted. The warriors from the West Sword Region had their sword essence imprisoned, the warriors from the Eastern Spiritual Region had their Yuanli imprisoned, and the warriors from the Northern Cold Region had their energy and blood imprisoned. Imprisoned.

In short, as long as they enter this place, the power that the warriors rely on is strangely sealed by a special restriction.

Ling Feng also narrowed his eyes. His situation was even worse. Not only was the power of Yuanli and Qi and Blood imprisoned, but even the power of divine consciousness was equally suppressed.

I am a fellow practitioner in the three realms, but all three powers have been suppressed. Who the hell am I going to find reason for!

"My dear, what the hell is this place!"

"Damn it, why are you messing around like this? If you encounter a ferocious beast or something inside, wouldn't you be dead?"

People keep discovering that their various abilities have been imprisoned, and the only ones left are basically martial arts, swordsmanship, boxing skills, and their own body skills.

Ling Feng looked back at Xiao Juanyun and found that his expression was not very surprised. Remembering that when he held a tea party before, he asked everyone to restrain their energy. It seemed that he knew something.

"In the ruins of the Great Wilderness, various abilities are indeed imprisoned. This is not a secret. Most of the people who are surprised may not know this. However, they deliberately pretend to be panicked just to scare them. Removing some people who don’t know the truth will make them fearful, and naturally there will be less competition.”

Xiao Juanyun smiled faintly, and sure enough, Ling Feng saw many warriors hesitating, not wanting to waste the opportunity, and not daring to take risks easily.

"These drama queens!"

Ling Feng shook his head. Life is really like a drama. It all depends on acting. No wonder Ling Feng saw that many warriors had a slightly exaggerated expression.

"These people can only reach a few floors outside at best. Let's go, don't waste time."

Xiao Juanyun spread out the map in his hand and strode towards the cave directly ahead.

"Then I'll choose here on the left."

Ling Feng smiled faintly. According to the situation on the map, although the caves on the outside are very complicated, entering them all points to the core area, so there is no so-called correct route.

If you are looking for an opportunity, there is no need to form a group and act together.

"Well, since Brother Ling you have decided to act alone, then you should be careful."

Xiao Juanyun didn't say much. Sometimes it may not be a good thing to act in a group. On the contrary, if you act alone, you can avoid conflicts when you encounter any opportunities along the way.

Luo Hanzhou glanced at Ling Feng, then casually found a cave and walked away without following Ling Feng.

"Senior Brother Shi, Brother Aojue, Senior Sister Yue, everyone, let's act separately."

Ling Feng turned back to look at the people in Dongling Domain. He couldn't just follow these people like an old hen guarding her chicks on the road ahead.

That's unrealistic!

Since you have chosen the path of martial arts, you must have the awareness to face danger and death. Otherwise, you might as well go home and farm.

Ling Feng cupped his fists and saluted everyone, then turned around and walked into the cave.

The rest of the Eastern Spiritual Domain warriors looked at Ling Feng's back. Ling Feng had also distributed the road map he got from Xiao Juanyun to everyone, and everyone had one copy. Compared to those who didn't even have a road map, They are already very dominant.

After randomly choosing a direction, Ling Feng strode forward.

Divine consciousness, Yuanli, and the power of Qi and blood were all suppressed. Even the infinite vision was basically in a semi-waste state. Ling Feng could only take out a luminous pearl for lighting.

With the dim light, he could barely see about ten meters in front of him. Every time he walked out of the long and narrow cave, he would face a three-way intersection.

Fortunately, Ling Feng didn't have the so-called "difficulty in choosing", otherwise he might have been forced to die here.

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