Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1756 Gatekeeper! (3 updates)

Along the way, the road map given by Xiao Juanyun was basically meaningless for a road addict like Ling Feng.

Because he no longer knows where he is, his only thought is to move forward!

At this moment, Ling Feng discovered a blurry shadow at the entrance of a passage, exuding astonishing sword energy.

"Intruder, defeat me before you can move on!"

Shadow's eyes quickly locked on Ling Feng, a long sword condensed in his hand, and without any explanation, he came to kill Ling Feng.


Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, smiled faintly, and the Shifang Destruction suddenly unsheathed.

The next moment, the shadow disappeared, and Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back. A gatekeeper of this level could not stop Ling Feng's steps.

Although he was unable to mobilize any energy at the moment, Ling Feng had never been afraid of anyone in terms of pure swordsmanship.

At the same time, in various caves, other warriors who entered the ruins also encountered similar situations.

Although most people were able to defeat their opponents, some were unable to adapt to the impact of losing their elemental power and were defeated by the swords of those phantoms.

However, after being defeated by those white shadows, they will be directly teleported out of the ruins and lose the qualification to continue the treasure hunt.

Relatively speaking, the elimination mechanism of this wilderness ruins is quite gentle.

After defeating the first gatekeeper, Ling Feng would encounter new gatekeepers every time he went deeper.

And with each level advanced, the power of the next gatekeeper will become more powerful.

After breaking through four levels in a row, Ling Feng clearly felt that the gatekeeper's ability had been greatly improved.

At this moment, there was an exclamation from behind. It was a woman's voice. It sounded like she was running away in a hurry.

By coincidence, he escaped to Ling Feng.

"Why does this voice still seem so familiar?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and he suddenly remembered that this was Yue Huaqing's voice!

Looking back, I saw Yue Huaqing running away in a hurry, being chased by a figure from behind.

With Yue Huaqing's strength, passing the second level test is just the limit.

At this moment, Yue Huaqing looked very embarrassed. It was obvious that she had suffered a lot from the previous two tests.

"Junior Brother Ling!"

When Yue Huaqing saw Ling Feng appearing in front of him, he was overjoyed and ran towards Ling Feng.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. Now that he had encountered it, he couldn't just sit back and watch.

As soon as her figure flashed, Ling Feng rushed towards Yue Huaqing. With her strength, even if she was swept away by the sword energy of the third-level defender, she would probably be wiped out. (PS: Ling Feng didn’t know that he failed and was just teleported out.)

At the same time, the guard who was blocking Ling Feng had already locked onto Ling Feng's Qi. When he saw Ling Feng retreating, he thought Ling Feng was about to run away, so he immediately waved his long sword and chased after him quickly.

In this way, one after another, the two gatekeepers forced Ling Feng and Yue Huaqing to one place, and then, in unison, they slashed out their swords at the same time.


With a cry of surprise, Yue Huaqing was only a few meters away from Ling Feng when she felt a terrifying sword pressure and almost collapsed to the ground in fright.

At the critical moment, Ling Feng jumped up, grabbed Yuehua Qingliu's waist with his left hand, drew his sword with his right hand, and directly separated the blades of the two gatekeepers with one sword. At the same time, he turned around, and the sword light was like a cold star. Two gatekeepers throat.



With two crisp sounds, the two gatekeepers disappeared directly. The road behind seemed to be completely blocked, but a three-way intersection still appeared in front.

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